Cancel Adidas!

And I won't. It's absolutely stupid for a company to take such an unpopular political stance at the expense of it's shareholders and employees. If you were a female athlete, would you purchase Adidas products when they are advocating men competing against them? Adidas is alienating a huge portion of their market. That's what is so stupid. They will lose business. Shareholders will be impacted and employees will lose their jobs. Totally irresponsible.
I wear silk shirts custom made from Egypt.
You can almost pick out the people , without reading any posts , that call a tie in a sport a win because “it’s about playing the game and not the final score that matters “
It’s an aggregate scoring system. It’s not hard to understand. Just think of it like the stat qualifiers in the NFL or MLB if, at the end of the season, two teams have identical records ( a statistical tie).
It’s an aggregate scoring system. It’s not hard to understand. Just think of it like the stat qualifiers in the NFL or MLB if, at the end of the season, two teams have identical records ( a statistical tie).

Doesn’t work for me . I’m like hog , if there is no winner or losers it’s just for a participation trophy . For me that’s in any game , sport or life adventure.
Liberals invented cancel culture. Nice try though.
I’m not so sure.
The first real cancel I remember was the Dixi Chix saying they were embarrassed that GW was from Texas and it ended their career
Edit: Arsenio Hall late night TV would not stop campaigning for Bill Clinton and it cost him his show. To be fair I quit watching because of it and I liked Bill Clinton

I don’t think cancel culture is one sided.
Ah, so we praise men in pads just because they get hurt.

Do you know how low brow and stupid that sounds?
I think men’s soccer would benefit greatly if they stopped all of the over exaggerating flops and injuries. One minute they haul dude off the field on a stretcher and two minutes later he’s back in the game.
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I’m not so sure.
The first real cancel I remember was the Dixi Chix saying they were embarrassed that GW was from Texas and it ended their career
Edit: Arsenio Hall late night TV would not stop campaigning for Bill Clinton and it cost him his show. To be fair I quit watching because of it and I liked Bill Clinton

I don’t think cancel culture is one sided.
It’s not, but I do think the left is more emotional in their implementation of it.
Adidas ads advocate biological men competing against women. As the grandfather of two female athletes, I'm appalled. I have bought Adidas shoes(golf and running exclusively) and clothing for years. Never again! Join me in cancelling Adidas! It's time for conservatives to fight back with the same tactics as the woke crowd and stop this nonsense. Force corporations out of politics!
It’s an amazing sport. Never understood why it gets a feminine connotation other than as Americans we are ridiculously good at it, which is nothing to be ashamed about?
It’s boring, the players are whiny dramatic and other countries would rather riot over soccer than eat
Right, I'm saying that's rare. You get a few bad acting jobs per game, and those don't usually take up much time.

Football literally stops play for 30 seconds after every play. Dudes in baseball are barely moving. Basketball has timeouts and free throws. Soccer is the sport with the least amount of time spent with the action stopped.
But there is no real action to begin with
me reading this thread while eating hate chicken and wearing a Nike polo.
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Thanks, maybe I'll try some.
I've never understood the fascination some people have with telling other people what they should prefer to drink.

Never once has it crossed my mind that I need to ask someone for their approval before I enjoy an adult beverage. The closest I've come is that I will occasionally preferentially go for a Lagavulin or Laphroaig because my wife loves the way they smell.
I've never understood the fascination some people have with telling other people what they should prefer to drink.

Never once has it crossed my mind that I need to ask someone for their approval before I enjoy an adult beverage. The closest I've come is that I will occasionally preferentially go for a Lagavulin or Laphroaig because my wife loves the way they smell.

Same here. I don't care what you drink or if you even drink. Beer, whiskey, wine snobs are a mystery to me.

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