CBS to Announcers: "Stick To Sports"

Like some of your colleagues (Ashevolle), you want to know, look it up for yourself and get back to us, aight?
I couldn't actually find the letter from the link. It's Fox so I didn't expect you to get past the headline.
Hell, you guys have been promising all this Russian dirt for 4 years now. If ya had it why didn't you give it to the Muell?

Annnnd I'm just as qualified as you "pilot".[/QUOTE
I'm sure you believe that, regardless of how delusional it might be....
Yeah we all seen your idiotic point Nancy. And now you’re all pissed because I rubbed your face all in your illogical bull*** posts. Loosen your pu*** hat girl, maybe you’ll be able to actually use what little bit of a brain you have.
Don't get angry at me because you can't comprehend a paragraph. I'm not pissed. I was stating a fact that was contrary to an ignorant point one of your ideological brethren was making. That you have any real clue would be a miracle
Don't get angry at me because you can't comprehend a paragraph. I'm not pissed. I was stating a fact that was contrary to an ignorant point one of your ideological brethren was making. That you have any real clue would be a miracle

Yep, your 3 friends on the couch story was really eye opening. Thanks for sharing ma’am!
Your anger is misguided - but that's what Trumpism does, it leads you further and further down the rabbit hole of misinformation.
My anger is at you who burn down businesses, beat old people in the street, block roads so people can’t get around, shoot cops while they sit in their car, shut businesses down over an overblown virus, etc...
I'm certain I'm not voting for Trump. Biden has never been a radical leftist his entire political life. Most of the things you say are false and exactly the opposite of the truth.

You support a traitor and a lifelong conman who can't tell the truth about anything. Don't worry. I will still have your back when this country needs defending.

I want someone who doesn't put himself above the country. That's not Trump. I want someone who is a true patriot. That's not Trump. I want someone who won't put loyalty above righteousness. That's not Trump
I want someone who doesn't constantly lie and make false claims. That's not Trump. I want someone who doesn't kowtow to dictators. That's not Trump. I want someone who actually understands how to negotiate international trade deals. That's not Trump. I want someone who isn't racist, xenophobic and misogynist. That isn't Trump
Then you better not vote for Biden and Harris, they were disqualified on every one of Your checklist
I want someone who doesn't put himself above the country. That's not Trump. I want someone who is a true patriot. That's not Trump. I want someone who won't put loyalty above righteousness. That's not Trump
I want someone who doesn't constantly lie and make false claims. That's not Trump. I want someone who doesn't kowtow to dictators. That's not Trump. I want someone who actually understands how to negotiate international trade deals. That's not Trump. I want someone who isn't racist, xenophobic and misogynist. That isn't Trump
Someone has been watching too much CNN
Yep, your 3 friends on the couch story was really eye opening. Thanks for sharing ma’am!
Wasn't a story, just a factual rebuttal of the uninformed opinion that only the ones watching the NFL are America hating democrats. And you're welcome!
I started watching the Steelers in 1971, and have been fan for 49 years. Even took the bus up to Baltimore in 76 to watch the Steelers vs the colts in a playoff game. But not tonite, I’m done with all these “opressed ” millionaire crybabies.
Was that the game when the plane crashed into the upper deck shortly after it was over?
I want someone who doesn't put himself above the country. That's not Trump. I want someone who is a true patriot. That's not Trump. I want someone who won't put loyalty above righteousness. That's not Trump
I want someone who doesn't constantly lie and make false claims. That's not Trump. I want someone who doesn't kowtow to dictators. That's not Trump. I want someone who actually understands how to negotiate international trade deals. That's not Trump. I want someone who isn't racist, xenophobic and misogynist. That isn't Trump
I can respect your criteria. With all that being stated how do you justify a vote for Biden?

Biden has put his family above country any number of times. How many international boards have his sons worked on? How about him bribing the Ukranians to look the other way?

Biden is patriotic, Biden is a draft dodger too. Not sure what else you want there. Asthma I think was his excuse.

Righteousness over loyalty. If you dont vote for me you ain't black. Clearly putting loyalty over race or individual. he also told someone to go vote for the other guy because he asked a simple question. Go back to the questionnaire they gave the audience in Kenosha, clearly loyalty over righteousness there.

Lying: 40 years as a politician. He hasnt stopped lying either. How many times has he accused Trump of something Obama did? Seems like that would be a key distinction the VP should know. Russia interference and race riots come to mind. Again just specifying lies tied to his critique of Trump in relation. Plenty of others. Every politician lies and you are lying to yourself to say that Trump is THAT much worse than any other.

Bowing to dictators. Beijing wants Joe Biden? How did that happen? How about saudi Arabia, literally every president knows to them. Iran, Cuba. Probably not as negative to Maduaro as Trump has been. Going back to VP days Obama let Putin take lands in other countries. Hard to say Bidens got a stiff background there.

International trade deals, Biden doesnt even know when to stop reading the teleprompter. Cant see him making any international deals. And have you forgotten the redone canada and mexico trade deals? Trump isnt perfect but I doubt anyone has been.

Racist: you ain't black, all poor kids, racial jungle, 1994 crime bill

Xenophobic. The only reason this isnt a talking point is because biden has been in power long enough to "evolve" his views to where he is defended now. But it was again under Obama that they started locking people up in cages for crossing the border.

Misyognistic. Biden has been accused and video taped touching women inappropriately where literally the only way he is defended is to say "but Trump". Then you have all the creepy kid stuff, he likes it when they run his leg hairs in the pool, etc.

It amazes me that the "anyone but Trump" party went out of their way to pick the candidate most like Trump out of all of those in the primary. What's even more ironic is that they choose Biden because he was the one moderate enough to get votes. So somehow being more like Trump than the other candidates lead them to picking Biden.

I get not voting for Trump. I get it all day long. But I dont see how people can look at the facts of Biden and actually vote for him when his biggest selling point is that he is "almost Trump".
Was that the game when the plane crashed into the upper deck shortly after it was over?
Damn. I thought I was the only person to remember that. You’ve got a good memory CP. It was a little Cessna 2 man plane. I believe the pilot was going to do a stunt and try to land on the field but realize too late that he didn’t have enough runway.

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