CBS to Announcers: "Stick To Sports"

Why does the media keep pointing the camera at the players during the Anthem? o_OJust keep the camera off them. They will eventually stop due to lack of attention.

I watch sports to help get away from the real world. However, if I want to check on politics, I'll tune into the the nightly national news, but I really have not done that in quite awhile :cool:
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Why does the media keep pointing the camera at the players during the Anthem? o_OJust keep the camera off them. They will eventually stop due to lack of attention.

I watch sports to help get away from the real world. However, if I want to check on politics, I'll tune into the the nightly national news, but I really have not done that in quite awhile :cool:

Why in the world would the media not jump at the chance to continue to divide our country....of course they're going to show it!
You do understand if O’Biden is elected the dems will throw him under the bus probably right after the midterms so Harris can take over. You good with President Kamala Harris?
No, I'm not necessarily "good' with Kamala Harris. I am though, better with her than that lying, unfit clown we have now. Of course, the scenario you're describing is an unlikely event
Trump puts his country above all other countries. I'd think you'd want that. If he doesn't know how to negotiate trade deals then why does Congress approve of them in a bipartisan nature? As for lying, Dr Fauci himself says that the president did not distort C19 when speaking to the American people. He said that he was reflecting what Dr Birx and he (Fauci) told him in the Oval Office:

I think you have an issue not with Trump but with the facts

LOL.....Facts prove that he lies ALL the time. Another poster boy for the dumbing down of America
I don't disagree with that part, i disagree that supporting the police and firefighters and 1st responders is a "political statement"
Overt shows of support for police in the midst of a protest movement that is critical of police is a political statement, just like the BLM protests themselves are political statements. It's kind of like waving the flag and saying "support the troops" in the middle of a debate about whether or not to go to war, or during a war. Whether you agree or disagree with it, it is a political statement. Those kids shouldn't have been suspended for it though, just like they shouldn't have been suspended if they wanted to wave a BLM flag.

I don't think a show of support for firefighters or paramedics would/could ever really be a political statement, though.
LOL.....Facts prove that he lies ALL the time. Another poster boy for the dumbing down of America

If you want to deal in facts, discuss what I've posted here on Fauci. You can see with your own eyes and ears that he said the President did not distort what he was told on the coronavirus. Fauci out to know better than anyone if he lied on this
If you want to deal in facts, discuss what I've posted here on Fauci. You can see with your own eyes and ears that he said the President did not distort what he was told on the coronavirus. Fauci out to know better than anyone if he lied on this
I'm not saying he necessarily lied about that......for all other matters he lies all the time. Of course, we know for a fact Trump played it down like an idiot so at best he misled the public, or at least his science denying sheep
Overt shows of support for police in the midst of a protest movement that is critical of police is a political statement, just like the BLM protests themselves are political statements. It's kind of like waving the flag and saying "support the troops" in the middle of a debate about whether or not to go to war, or during a war. Whether you agree or disagree with it, it is a political statement. Those kids shouldn't have been suspended for it though, just like they shouldn't have been suspended if they wanted to wave a BLM flag.

I don't think a show of support for firefighters or paramedics would/could ever really be a political statement, though.
The problem is that you try to separate one group of 1st responders from others. and the school said that the firefighter flag was also considered a political statement.

I believe it's shallow to say "i support police" or "i support our troops" and it's a political statement. I can be against ACTUAL police brutality and against a war and still make those statements and not be political. When schools or businesses do this type of thing, they are being P.C. to avoid being called out by "activists" on Facebook or worried about what the media will say

Look at this moron from the story:

Megan Adkins says her Black son, a third-grader who looks up to the football players, deserves to feel safe in Little Miami Schools and that the flag represents a “rebuttal of the black lives matter movement” and alienates Black students. “Clearly this is a political statement because of people contacting (President) Donald Trump and becoming overly aggravated,” Adkins said. “If you look at the support pages, it is almost all white folks. And I get it. People want to support what they believe in. But not at the cost of my son and his worries of what police could do to him just simply for the color of his skin.”

So she is pre-conditioning her son (in 3rd grade) that police officers could kill him just because he's black. So when he grows up (no mention of father of course) and encounters police, guess what he will do? Run or fight, which will end up getting him hurt. These idiots have no clue of self-fulfilling prophecy
No, I'm not necessarily "good' with Kamala Harris. I am though, better with her than that lying, unfit clown we have now. Of course, the scenario you're describing is an unlikely event
Putting you in the Kamala for President grouping. We all knew you were a far left radical

It's beyond amazing and sad they EVER was at all!!

Look at this moron from the story:

Megan Adkins says her Black son, a third-grader who looks up to the football players, deserves to feel safe in Little Miami Schools and that the flag represents a “rebuttal of the black lives matter movement” and alienates Black students. “Clearly this is a political statement because of people contacting (President) Donald Trump and becoming overly aggravated,” Adkins said. “If you look at the support pages, it is almost all white folks. And I get it. People want to support what they believe in. But not at the cost of my son and his worries of what police could do to him just simply for the color of his skin.”

So she is pre-conditioning her son (in 3rd grade) that police officers could kill him just because he's black. So when he grows up (no mention of father of course) and encounters police, guess what he will do? Run or fight, which will end up getting him hurt. These idiots have no clue of self-fulfilling prophecy

I don't even know what to say about this whole pile of $#$^#$%#&%^$ Parenting done right there by Golly! :mad::rolleyes:
The problem is that you try to separate one group of 1st responders from others. and the school said that the firefighter flag was also considered a political statement.

I believe it's shallow to say "i support police" or "i support our troops" and it's a political statement. I can be against ACTUAL police brutality and against a war and still make those statements and not be political. When schools or businesses do this type of thing, they are being P.C. to avoid being called out by "activists" on Facebook or worried about what the media will say
Your last sentence says it all. The students wanted to run out with, for lack of a better term, the "Blue Lives Matter" flag. That was created/popularized as a counter-protest gesture to BLM. It was political, and they're petrified they'd be called out on social media as racist or, at best, indifferent to BLM.

The real beef to be had with this instance is that if they wanted to run out with some flag/banner supportive or sympathetic to BLM, it probably would have been allowed.

BLM is a political movement, so any counter-movement against it is also political.
Your last sentence says it all. The students wanted to run out with, for lack of a better term, the "Blue Lives Matter" flag. That was created/popularized as a counter-protest gesture to BLM. It was political, and they're petrified they'd be called out on social media as racist or, at best, indifferent to BLM.

The real beef to be had with this instance is that if they wanted to run out with some flag/banner supportive or sympathetic to BLM, it probably would have been allowed.

BLM is a political movement, so any counter-movement against it is also political.

Potential beef is a patty of calories you may never eat.

We don't need to be promoting thought crime and judging people based on our perceptions of what they "would've" done. We should be better than that as a nation.
You really think the school would've stopped a pro-BLM display?
I'm not the moderator of "things that are conceivable but not actual". What does it matter what I think?

And why would I posit an opinion about what people I don't know may or may not have done? For all I know, the school board got together and said, "We're not being sucked into any of this political stupidity. It's all off limits!" Maybe they are extremely anti-BLM and knew that if they allowed the blue line flags, they'd have to allow the "I can't breathe" jerseys, and that was why they said "no". Unless you have more insight than I suspect you have, you're just peeing into the wind.
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Your last sentence says it all. The students wanted to run out with, for lack of a better term, the "Blue Lives Matter" flag. That was created/popularized as a counter-protest gesture to BLM. It was political, and they're petrified they'd be called out on social media as racist or, at best, indifferent to BLM.

The real beef to be had with this instance is that if they wanted to run out with some flag/banner supportive or sympathetic to BLM, it probably would have been allowed.

BLM is a political movement, so any counter-movement against it is also political.

What's a counter-movement? Is an American flag a counter movement? How 'bout a flag with a blue line in it?
Good. I lost all interest in baseball a few years ago during the World Baseball Classic held in Cuba and the announcers couldn’t stop extolling they virtues of the Castro brothers.

The NFL is rapidly approaching “tune out” territory for me.
I was a hard core baseball fan growing up. Grew up in a small town where I met a few hall of famer old timers and had a neighbor who played for the Yankees in the 80's. It all died for me when they had their lockout of 1990. Luckily before I lost all interest I amassed a fortune in old school baseball memorabilia from the likes of Yastrzemski, Ruth, Clemente, Mantle, Aaron, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Cobb, Maris, Brock, etc, etc, etc..lots of Yankees, Pirates, and Phillies players.

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