CBS to Announcers: "Stick To Sports"

First of all, an American flag with the blue stripe across it isn't the American flag. It's the Blue Lives Matter flag, and whether you agree with it or not that is a political statement. I don't think that the Blue Lives Matter flag, or the American flag, is a symbol of racism. The Blue Lives Matter is a reactionary display in response to a movement that they perceive to be anti-police.

Flying the flag can be a political statement, of course. And not just because of recent events. For example flag-waving that is done in anticipation of or during wartime doesn't have to be, but often is, a statement in support of the war, which is of course a political thing. American flags came out en masse before and during the Iraq War from people who supported the launching of that war - so yes, the waving of the flag in that context represented a particular political statement.

I don't think Americans should ever be banned for flying our flag due to politics. Never. I understand that this case involved a blue line on the flag but I'm speaking beyond this incident. I don't think we should allow Kaepernick and others to make our flag into a political symbol.
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I don't think Americans should ever be banned for flying our flag due to politics. Never. I understand that this case involved a blue line on the flag but I'm speaking beyond this incident. I don't think we should allow Kaepernick and others to make our flag into a political symbol.
It depends on the context. Depending on the context, the flag always has had the potential to be a political symbol. If you flew the Betsy Ross flag during the Revolution, that would have universally been understood to be a political statement - you were supportive of the effort to break away from Great Britain and create a new, independent country.
That's good stuff. You can't deny he's had an abnormal amount of turnover in his cabinet and administration to the likes we've never seen. There's a reason for it and it's mostly on the Donald. His organizational managerial skills aren't even low level at a Fortune 500. His closest allies are his unqualified family members. His cabinet is a joke
Not sure what progress towards peace in the Middle East has to do with staff turnover.

I’m glad he didn’t let Bolton drag us into another war.

If these people aren’t executing his agenda, why not get rid of them?

What’s the benefit of keeping Tillerson, Cohn, McMaster, Scaramucci, or any of the others on staff if they’re a bad fit?

There’s been more leaking (and I suspect lying) about the internal day-to-day workings of this administration than any other in my lifetime (Nixon thru Trump).

The chaos narrative started immediately after the inauguration. The media has attempted to sell the country on how incompetent, unworthy & compromised Trump is for nearly 4 years now.

The results don’t support the narrative. At all. Unless you’re asleep or you want to believe it.
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Not sure what progress towards peace in the Middle East has to do with staff turnover.

I’m glad he didn’t let Bolton drag us into another war.

If these people aren’t executing his agenda, why not get rid of them?

What’s the benefit of keeping Tillerson, Cohn, McMaster, Scaramucci, or any of the others on staff if they’re a bad fit?

There’s been more leaking (and I suspect lying) about the internal day-to-day workings of this administration than any other in my lifetime (Nixon thru Trump).

The chaos narrative started immediately after the inauguration. The media has attempted to sell the country on how incompetent, unworthy & compromised Trump is for nearly 4 years now.

The results don’t support the narrative. At all. Unless you’re asleep or you want to believe it.
That's your opinion.Trump is often uninformed on many important issues, which is a direct result of him not reading/studying his briefings or giving an alternative account of an event which doesn't line up with facts
That's your opinion.Trump is often uninformed on many important issues, which is a direct result of him not reading/studying his briefings or giving an alternative account of an event which doesn't line up with facts
Seemed pretty up on the latest peace agreement today. On the other hand, Biden will be informed. Biden strikes me as quite the policy wonk. He is like a sponge when it comes to details.
That's your opinion.Trump is often uninformed on many important issues, which is a direct result of him not reading/studying his briefings or giving an alternative account of an event which doesn't line up with facts
And the bolded is your opinion.

Is your opinion informed by media reports citing anonymous sources inside the administration?

How can you justify taking that narrative as factual?
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It depends on the context. Depending on the context, the flag always has had the potential to be a political symbol. If you flew the Betsy Ross flag during the Revolution, that would have universally been understood to be a political statement - you were supportive of the effort to break away from Great Britain and create a new, independent country.

If it's political 'cause some people hate their country, too bad. It's still the flag of the country and people should be free to fly it wherever.
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And the bolded is your opinion.

Is your opinion informed by media reports citing anonymous sources inside the administration?

How can you justify taking that narrative as factual?
It's not an opinion if he cites something different than the facts
Even if Biden has no health issues, I think he’s a figurehead at best.

He seems lost most of the time.

Had a couple over last Saturday from Venezuela. They fled the Chavez regime in 2007. The same year I left as an expat. Anyway, I assume they would be Biden supporters because I thought they were liberal, much younger than me. However, when I asked they said "Hell No". They went on to say that the Democrat speeches they hear today in America, remind them allot of speeches made by Chavez in 1999. Same type message. They said they couldn't believe then that the Venezuelans citizens fell for it. Unfortunately they did and look where it got them.

When Chavez took over, Venezuela was one of the safest countries in the world. Today, three of the top ten most dangerous cities in the world are in Venezuela. I lived in Venezuela for 6 years, it was beautiful. Now Chavez and his successor have destroyed it. What a shame what bad politics can do to a beautiful, peaceful country and it's people. Our conversation last Saturday really made me think :eek: Just saying......
Obama gave them back THEIR money that had been seized by the US and UK

Separating them from their money is very appropriate if they insist on developing nukes. It's a very worthy strategy and nice negotiating chip. It was nuts to give up that chip w/o assurances that they wouldn't develop nukes
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