CBS to Announcers: "Stick To Sports"

I'm not the moderator of "things that are conceivable but not actual". What does it matter what I think?

And why would I posit an opinion about what people I don't know may or may not have done? For all I know, the school board got together and said, "We're not being sucked into any of this political stupidity. It's all off limits!" Maybe they are extremely anti-BLM and knew that if they allowed the blue line flags, they'd have to allow the "I can't breathe" jerseys, and that was why they said "no". Unless you have more insight than I suspect you have, you're just peeing into the wind.
The reason I suspect it went the way it did is because anti-BLM kids came to them first. The board was against that, either because they disagree with that message or for the reason said (if they allow one political viewpoint, then they have to allow others).

I bet that if pro-BLM kids came to them first, they'd be extremely hesitant to say no and probably would have allowed it. The threat of being called a racist is really powerful. As Sea Ray pointed out it's a very heavily white district (and also really conservative), so it's probably unlikely pro-BLM people came to them wanting to do anything.
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What's a counter-movement? Is an American flag a counter movement? How 'bout a flag with a blue line in it?
It's exactly what is sounds like - a movement that rises up in response to some other one.

The "Blue Lives Matter" flag is a response to BLM, which is seen (I think correctly, to a certain degree) as an anti-police movement.
In all honesty I think the district handled it fairly well. The kids were insubordinate and they couldn’t let that stand. So they suspended them, reviewed the whole circumstances, then reinstated with athletics program discipline. Honestly that sounds fine to me. And I bet those two kids are gonna have their young asses ran off if for no other reason than the headache they caused their coaches 😂
Look at this moron from the story:

Megan Adkins says her Black son, a third-grader who looks up to the football players, deserves to feel safe in Little Miami Schools and that the flag represents a “rebuttal of the black lives matter movement” and alienates Black students. “Clearly this is a political statement because of people contacting (President) Donald Trump and becoming overly aggravated,” Adkins said. “If you look at the support pages, it is almost all white folks. And I get it. People want to support what they believe in. But not at the cost of my son and his worries of what police could do to him just simply for the color of his skin.”

So she is pre-conditioning her son (in 3rd grade) that police officers could kill him just because he's black. So when he grows up (no mention of father of course) and encounters police, guess what he will do? Run or fight, which will end up getting him hurt. These idiots have no clue of self-fulfilling prophecy

By definition BLM alienates white students so if that's the standard then BLM represents a rebuttal of white people
In all honesty I think the district handled it fairly well. The kids were insubordinate and they couldn’t let that stand. So they suspended them, reviewed the whole circumstances, then reinstated with athletics program discipline. Honestly that sounds fine to me. And I bet those two kids are gonna have their young asses ran off if for no other reason than the headache they caused their coaches 😂

I don't have a big problem with how it was handled but here's one issue I have:

Initially the boy's request was denied on the grounds that what they were planning was political. In today's statement the district reversed course and said that it was not political but the kids were insubordinate by doing it anyway. No, you can't have it both ways. If it's not political then it shouldn't have been denied in the first place. The district comes across as very two faced on this one
I don't have a big problem with how it was handled but here's one issue I have:

Initially the boy's request was denied on the grounds that what they were planning was political. In today's statement the district reversed course and said that it was not political but the kids were insubordinate by doing it anyway. No, you can't have it both ways. If it's not political then it shouldn't have been denied in the first place. The district comes across as very two faced on this one

Like i said, they wouldn't care either way if they weren't worried about the social media and regular media backlash by the woke crowd and the Karens
It's exactly what is sounds like - a movement that rises up in response to some other one.

The "Blue Lives Matter" flag is a response to BLM, which is seen (I think correctly, to a certain degree) as an anti-police movement.

You're not answering my question head on. Are we at the point where flying our flag is political since the BLM movement thinks it's a symbol of racism? Is that where we're at?
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I don't have a big problem with how it was handled but here's one issue I have:

Initially the boy's request was denied on the grounds that what they were planning was political. In today's statement the district reversed course and said that it was not political but the kids were insubordinate by doing it anyway. No, you can't have it both ways. If it's not political then it shouldn't have been denied in the first place. The district comes across as very two faced on this one
They were pretty much damned with whatever action they chose to a degree. I’m guessing they just wanted it to go away. But then it didn’t go away and they looked very heavy handed with the suspensions. Honestly I think where it wound up is about as good as anybody could have hoped for.
You're not answering my question head on. Are we at the point where flying our flag is political since the BLM movement thinks it's a symbol of racism? Is that where we're at?
First of all, an American flag with the blue stripe across it isn't the American flag. It's the Blue Lives Matter flag, and whether you agree with it or not that is a political statement. I don't think that the Blue Lives Matter flag, or the American flag, is a symbol of racism. The Blue Lives Matter is a reactionary display in response to a movement that they perceive to be anti-police.

Flying the flag can be a political statement, of course. And not just because of recent events. For example flag-waving that is done in anticipation of or during wartime doesn't have to be, but often is, a statement in support of the war, which is of course a political thing. American flags came out en masse before and during the Iraq War from people who supported the launching of that war - so yes, the waving of the flag in that context represented a particular political statement.
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No, I'm not necessarily "good' with Kamala Harris. I am though, better with her than that lying, unfit clown we have now. Of course, the scenario you're describing is an unlikely event
Unlikely? They could claim Biden got COVID and she could take over immediately.
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First of all, an American flag with the blue stripe across it isn't the American flag. It's the Blue Lives Matter flag, and whether you agree with it or not that is a political statement. I don't think that the Blue Lives Matter flag, or the American flag, is a symbol of racism. The Blue Lives Matter is a reactionary display in response to a movement that they perceive to be anti-police.

Flying the flag can be a political statement, of course. And not just because of recent events. For example flag-waving that is done in anticipation of or during wartime doesn't have to be, but often is, a statement in support of the war, which is of course a political thing. American flags came out en masse before and during the Iraq War from people who supported the launching of that war - so yes, the waving of the flag in that context represented a particular political statement.
If you read the article, the players were motivated to show support for their dads - a policeman and a fireman.

Political implications, but not motivated by politics.
If you read the article, the players were motivated to show support for their dads - a policeman and a fireman.

Political implications, but not motivated by politics.
I did read the article. It's unfortunate for those kids, I see why they wanted to do the display, and they shouldn't have been suspended.

I don't think their actions were motivated by politics, but they wanted to use what they probably didn't even realize is political paraphernalia, and so the school stopped it.
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Even if Biden has no health issues, I think he’s a figurehead at best.

He seems lost most of the time.
There's no doubt he's going to be a figurehead. If he wins, he will install a top shelf cabinet and allow them to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. That hasn't happened the past 3+ years
Goodness. The TDS never ends.

The beginnings of Peace in the Middle East isn’t moving the needle for you?
That's good stuff. You can't deny he's had an abnormal amount of turnover in his cabinet and administration to the likes we've never seen. There's a reason for it and it's mostly on the Donald. His organizational managerial skills aren't even low level at a Fortune 500. His closest allies are his unqualified family members. His cabinet is a joke

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