Charges Dropped in the Jussie Smollett Case

Whether he's gone to bat for anyone or not, that doesn't make it okay to railroad innocent people, no matter their skin color.
who was the victim in this case? The "it could happen to you" excuse is always fun to read
Innocent people get railroaded by our justice system all the time and usually they are people of color. Don't believe I've ever seen you go to bat for them

I don't think many people are all that accepting of innocent people being "railroaded". Things being tied up in courts and legalese make holding strong opinions more difficult in the moment. It's easier to get behind something where there's basically no ambiguity, it's a very touchy subject (race related) and bonus points for apparent misconduct of public officials regarding the case.
Its fine just lazy and kinda pointless since I'll never be caught dead in a maga hat
So does that mean you think it's okay for innocent people in MAGA hats to get railroaded?
I am confused by the last page or so.

Seems to me that JS should have to reimburse the cost of the investigation.

JS should have been prosecuted and likely was not due to his popularity and his own personal connections in the prosecutor's office. Not fair, but in the scheme of things not worth talking about a year-plus later. Especially because it would seem he has ruined his chosen career path.

Efforts to link this to some sort of secret save black criminals movement led by prominent black politicians or celebrities is kind of pathetic.
who was the victim in this case? The "it could happen to you" excuse is always fun to read

The country and the continued BS race baiting that goes on . You have an extremely odd way of deciding what effects our daily lives and what doesn’t . How about it’s new information about a very serious problem that all the MSM reports on when it pushes their agenda and then takes the same approach as you do when it doesn’t , there’s no real victim so there’s no real issue . Smh .
I am confused by the last page or so.

Seems to me that JS should have to reimburse the cost of the investigation.

JS should have been prosecuted and likely was not due to his popularity and his own personal connections in the prosecutor's office. Not fair, but in the scheme of things not worth talking about a year-plus later. Especially because it would seem he has ruined his chosen career path.

Efforts to link this to some sort of secret save black criminals movement led by prominent black politicians or celebrities is kind of pathetic.
Black criminals movement? Lol

How about crooked officials and actor that needs to face consequences. You see color in that sentence, I'm not surprised.

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