China After Covid 19?

Here is what the rest of the world needs to do with China after this blows over. AS SOON as there is word/rumor/mumblings about any viral or bacterial epidemic in China, force the ICAO to close off their international air travel immediately. That in itself should keep most of the world from catching yet another China flu. Crushing economic sanctions to any country who does not comply.
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Here is what the rest of the world needs to do with China after this blows over. AS SOON as there is word/rumor/mumblings about any viral or bacterial epidemic in China, force the ICAO to close off their international air travel immediately. That in itself should keep most of the world from catching yet another China flu. Crushing economic sanctions to any country who does not comply.

The problem with China is once we hear about their newest epidemic, it's too late.
China should be razed but, in reality, they won’t even receive a “stern talking to.”

Free pass. They own most of our debt. A good bit of our urban real estate. We will throw some buzz words around. We have no leverage to strong arm them. They own us. Literally.
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Free pass. They own most of our debt. A good bit of our urban real estate. We will throw some buzz words around. We have no leverage to strong arm them. They own us. Literally.
Their owning of our debt means nothing.
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Here is what the rest of the world needs to do with China after this blows over. AS SOON as there is word/rumor/mumblings about any viral or bacterial epidemic in China, force the ICAO to close off their international air travel immediately. That in itself should keep most of the world from catching yet another China flu. Crushing economic sanctions to any country who does not comply.

This should be #1 on the list going forward.
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Free pass. They own most of our debt. A good bit of our urban real estate. We will throw some buzz words around. We have no leverage to strong arm them. They own us. Literally.

China may own a lot of our debt and our economies are intertwined but this didn't just affect America it affected the entire world. There will be blow back from the international community and America will just have to join in and we absolutely should.
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They should be isolated by the entire world and pay damages. They should shut down their bioresearch labs. Xi should be executed on live tv. Their entire government and PLA should be forced into camps and forced to donate major organs then work for pennies a day 16 hours a day 7 a week with little to no food. The Chinese people should finally have access to unrestricted information and choose a government that works for the best interests of the people, one that's transparent and values human rights and information. After awhile the Chinese people really start coming into their own and have no trouble containing their biological research programs. They even practice pandemic response and lead the world in preparedness and have enough supplies stockpiled to gladly offer any country in need. And as the last member of the CCP starves in a camp that also houses a large number of ex American journalists that were determined to have been complicit in intentionally spreading CCP propaganda, the Chinese people can finally blossom in a free society that in 2028 finally elects Donald Trump, the man that they say fixed America and freed China and they all were made great again and again and again and lived happily ever after. Except the American leftists who all develop mental disorders that leaves the majority of them shunned and homeless on Cali streets left to a life of confusion and eventual suicide after their reassignment surgeries.
The end
China may own a lot of our debt and our economies are intertwined but this didn't just affect America it affected the entire world. There will be blow back from the international community and America will just have to join in and we absolutely should.
China only owns like 1 trillion of our debt. Japan owns more than China. WE "own" most of it. Worst case scenario if China dumped their debt owned is that interest rates would go up and the economy would slow down. Thats all. Their Flu release is/was worse than anything they could do with the debt they own. Also their entire reason for owning the debt is to try and keep our currency worth more than theirs which helps their huge export business so them dumping it would destroy them.

TL/DR..Don't worry about China owning US debt.
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At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.

Nothing will happen to China. They control our manufacturing and if manufacturing were to return home, political donors would unleash hell on our politicians for increasing labor costs. Not to mention China has a strong military. We’re going to take this on the chin unfortunately.

I also think we’re part of the problem. We allowed manufacturing to go overseas and we continue to buy Chinese goods. If we really want to stick it to China, then we would need to buy products that were procured/assembled in America.
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Nothing will happen to China. They control our manufacturing and if manufacturing were to return home, political donors would unleash hell on our politicians for increasing labor costs. Not to mention China has a strong military. We’re going to take this on the chin unfortunately.

I also think we’re part of the problem. We allowed manufacturing to go overseas and we continue to buy Chinese goods. If we really want to stick it to China, then we would need to buy products that were procured/assembled in America.
Start today. I already have. Now we are 2. Pass the word
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It can start. instead of neglecting Mexico and the other countries in our hemisphere we should have been cultivating an economy that frees of of those communist bastards.
Yes build our own supplies of essentials and build supplies everywhere willing that makes sense. Markets instead of just CCP and its deceit
Here is what the rest of the world needs to do with China after this blows over. AS SOON as there is word/rumor/mumblings about any viral or bacterial epidemic in China, force the ICAO to close off their international air travel immediately. That in itself should keep most of the world from catching yet another China flu. Crushing economic sanctions to any country who does not comply.
The Chinese will already have their agents deployed by then. It's futile.

Double all tariffs immediately, as in NOW>
The Chinese will already have their agents deployed by then. It's futile.

Double all tariffs immediately, as in NOW>

We need to be tactful with an ongoing reliance on medical products and REM and such. Play the game as long as you can...then boom

A Failure of Leadership, Part III: The Beginning of the End of China - Zeihan on Geopolitics

... Which means the Sino-American trade relationship was always going to collapse, and the United States and China were always going to fall into acrimony. Coronavirus did the world a favor (or disfavor based upon where you stand) in delaying the degradation. In February and March the Chinese were under COVID’s heel and it was perfectly reasonable to give Beijing extra time. In April it was the Americans’ turn to be distracted.

Now, four months later, with the Americans emerging from their first coronavirus wave and edging back towards something that might at least rhyme with a shadow of normal, the bilateral relationship is coming back into focus – and it is obvious the Chinese deliberately and systematically lied to Trump. Such deception was pretty much baked in from the get-go. In part it is because the CCP has never been what I’d call an honest negotiating partner. In part it is because the CCP honestly doesn’t think the Chinese system can be reformed, particularly on issues such as rule of law. In part it is because the CCP honestly doesn’t think it could survive what the Americans want it to attempt. But in the current environment it all ends at the same place: I think we can all recall an example or three of how Trump responds when he feels personally aggrieved.

Which brings us to perhaps China’s most immediate problem. Nothing about the Chinese system – its political unity, its relative immunity from foreign threats, its ability to import energy from a continent away, its ability to tap global markets to supply it with raw materials and markets to dump its products in, its ability to access the world beyond the First Island Chain – is possible without the global Order. And the global Order is not possible without America. No other country – no other coalition of countries – has the naval power to guarantee commercial shipments on the high seas. No commercial shipments, no trade. No trade, no export-led economies. No export-led economies…no China.

It isn’t so much that the Americans have always had the ability to destroy China in a day (although they have), but instead that it is only the Americans that could create the economic and strategic environment that has enabled China to survive as long as it has. Whether or not the proximate cause for the Chinese collapse is homegrown or imported from Washington is largely irrelevant to the uncaring winds of history, the point is that Xi believes the day is almost here.

Global consumption patterns have turned. China’s trade relations have turned. America’s politics have turned. And now, with the American-Chinese breach galloping into full view, Xi feels he has little choice but to prepare for the day everyone in the top ranks of the CCP always knew was coming: The day that China’s entire economic structure and strategic position crumbles. A full political lockdown is the only possible survival mechanism. So the “solution” is as dramatic as it is impactful:

Spawn so much international outcry that China experiences a nationalist reaction against everyone who is angry at China. Convince the Chinese population that nationalism is a suitable substitute for economic growth and security. And then use that nationalism to combat the inevitable domestic political firestorm when China doesn’t simply tank, but implodes.

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