If no one alive today living anywhere in the world could possibly desire a better form of governance than what he or she currently has, it makes you wonder how revolutions and civil wars ever happened in the first place.
Luckily, we still have America to keep the revolutionary spirit alive in the world.
American intelligence and, indeed, just about all Western intelligence (but American in particular), is in the worst shape it's probably ever been, and it has been this way for at least the past decade. Yet we have two clowns running wild on this forum, claiming that everything that happens in the world that they deem "bad" and that they claim other people could not possibly desire is the result of a CIA coup.
As I've said on here before, and will reiterate again, Ras and Pacer are the biggest American exceptionalists on this entire forum. Constantly deny sovereignty of other peoples and think that the US is the only one on Earth capable of acting.
Sorry, felt like ranting.