Chris Hatcher

bet you liked the first drive of the season huh? We have to actually have a QB that can make the pass.

The first drive of the season was a touchdown for the other team. And it wasn't Ainge's fault that a guy ran into his blindside completely unblocked.
that is a read the QB should have made. When you are going to bomb the ball like that, you have to check your blind spots.
that is a read the QB should have made. When you are going to bomb the ball like that, you have to check your blind spots.

What are you talking about? How do you know he was going to bomb the ball? I guess he best way to complete passes is to not look downfield. How frequently do you consult with Tom Brady and Peyton Manning?
oh yeah....lets go replace one of the best OC's with a division 2 coach. Great idea guys. Let's have some realistic recommendations.

The only reason this is unrealistic in the volnation, in simply we dont believe CPF would actually bring in someone of his standing in the coaching community. This is one of the top coaches in the country, in any division, Jim Tressel ring a bell, would you like to know where tOSU pulled him from.
Sounds like a good hire, but we all know there's a 90+% chance that Fulmer will not relenquish full playcalling duties to whoever he hires. Whomever it is will be on a leash.
Sounds like a good hire, but we all know there's a 90+% chance that Fulmer will not relenquish full playcalling duties to whoever he hires. Whomever it is will be on a leash.

Agreed, Cut demanded that before he came, its going to take a strong personality to get complete control
oh yeah....lets go replace one of the best OC's with a division 2 coach. Great idea guys. Let's have some realistic recommendations.

do you know that there is a difference between Division I FCS and Division II, because if you don't, you are going to have a hard time getting anyone here to value your opinion.
It's alright, this season made me want to perform a self lobotomy too.

No no no... See.... The more people read his name, the more it will be ingrained in their minds... So even if we hire someone else, in a few years when we need a new HC or OC people will be thinking "Chris Hatcher" and will have no idea why.
No no no... See.... The more people read his name, the more it will be ingrained in their minds... So even if we hire someone else, in a few years when we need a new HC or OC people will be thinking "Chris Hatcher" and will have no idea why.

Does Freak know you guys are trying to imply subliminal messaging on here?? :) :birgits_giggle:
Marrone has a history with Tennessee so there is that connection. However, I think he wants to be a NFL coach and that's not going to happen by going to the Hill. Thank you SOS, Saban, and Petrino.
Marrone has a history with Tennessee so there is that connection. However, I think he wants to be a NFL coach and that's not going to happen by going to the Hill. Thank you SOS, Saban, and Petrino.

I'm well aware of his Tennessee ties. I'm just saying I'm not a fan of the Saints offense. Plus, I think the offense they run is all Sean Payton. Marrone is a offensive line coach with the title of "Offensive Coordinator".
I am getting more and more sold on this Hatcher guy. Does anyone think he is even on the radar? If not we should flood Hamilton's email about this guy to raise wariness.(probably wouldn’t do much but worth a shot) How soon do you think we will find a new OC? Will we need to find a replacement soon to help with recruiting? I just hope we find someone who is young and with try new things.

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