Chris Hatcher

I just don't want UT to be somebody's on-the-job training stop.

That's a legitimate concern. It doesn't bother me as much with Hatcher because he's not necessarily stuck in 1-AA because of his ability. His career got derailed a little by virtue of his being on Hal Mumme's staff at Kentucky when Mumme got in trouble. Nobody was going to touch those guys from that staff in the immediate aftermath of Mumme's firing and Hatcher was forced to take an alternate path.
Oh, man, there is a HUGE difference in the talent level that we are comparing here.

Teaching lesser talented players the basics in NOT the same thing as teaching world-class athletes how to become pro-bowlers.

You're really under-estimating KB's potential and accomplishments.

I have no problem with Kippy. I'm sure he's a great receiver coach. That doesn't make me think he's a great coordinator or at least anymore qualified than Hatcher.

Also, teaching players the basics isn't job of the coordinator. He'll be doing bigger things. You know, like coordinating the offense.
That's a legitimate concern. It doesn't bother me as much with Hatcher because he's not necessarily stuck in 1-AA because of his ability. His career got derailed a little by virtue of his being on Hal Mumme's staff at Kentucky when Mumme got in trouble. Nobody was going to touch those guys from that staff in the immediate aftermath of Mumme's firing and Hatcher was forced to take an alternate path.

And, KB got side-tracked with a HC job in the XFL.

They may both be good, but Kippy is better for what we need at this point in time, IMHO.

The best scenario could be the one that hvwarrier is talking about in the other thread. KB comes back to coach the WR's and we still have capacity to add a good OC/QB coach.

But, it wouldn't be this whole new offense and that's what I'm guessing you guys like most about Hatcher.
A threat to CPF, in what regard? Certainly not as in taking Phil's job. Hatcher is probably a good coach maybe an excellent coach, but one thing stands out about him. Ga Tech had the chance to get him as OC last year and passed on him; had the chance to get him as their HC this year and wouldn't even grant him an interview. If Tech doesn't think he's ready for the big time why should Tennessee think otherwise?
A threat to CPF, in what regard? Certainly not as in taking Phil's job. Hatcher is probably a good coach maybe an excellent coach, but one thing stands out about him. Ga Tech had the chance to get him as OC last year and passed on him; had the chance to get him as their HC this year and wouldn't even grant him an interview. If Tech doesn't think he's ready for the big time why should Tennessee think otherwise?

I don't consider Georgia Tech a paradigm for good decision-making.
But, it wouldn't be this whole new offense and that's what I'm guessing you guys like most about Hatcher.

In my case, it has nothing to do with a desire for some Playstation offense. No matter what offense he runs, the guy is a winner plain and simple.
Is there any official talk about this guy or is this just message board crap?

Define message board crap? I've never said this was something that was happening. I just think he'd be a good hire.

And as far as his other prospects, he had interviews the past 2 weeks for head coaching jobs at Ga Tech and Southern Miss.
Is 8-3 in 2005;
3-8 in 2006; and
7-4 in 2007 (with losses to UTC, Elon, Furman, and Col State the correct GA Southern record?

You're right about last year's record. He went 7-4; not 8-3. The previous years were under a different coach though. Prior to last year, Hatcher was 10-12 games per year at Valdosta State.
Define message board crap? I've never said this was something that was happening. I just think he'd be a good hire.

And as far as his other prospects, he had interviews the past 2 weeks for head coaching jobs at Ga Tech and Southern Miss.

But kptvol just discounted GA Tech's decision making.
But kptvol just discounted GA Tech's decision making.

I thought I made it fairly obvious that GT choosing not to hire Chris Hatcher wasn't an indictment of his coaching abilities. These are the same geniuses that chose to hire Chan Gailey.
I guess that tactic didn't work.

I thought you guys might turn on one another and argue about GA Tech for a while.:)
You're right about last year's record. He went 7-4; not 8-3. The previous years were under a different coach though. Prior to last year, Hatcher was 10-12 games per year at Valdosta State.

I posted those three years to show that GA Southern actually won more games two years ago than they did this year. Comparing his record against the dismal 3-8 season that he followed isn't fair to GA Southern football.

As for Valdosta State, I hope we're not going there. On this hiring a winner notion, ND did that when they hired Gerry Faust (of Moeller HS fame). That didn't work so well. Level of play matters, IMO.
I posted those three years to show that GA Southern actually won more games two years ago than they did this year. Comparing his record against the dismal 3-8 season that he followed isn't fair to GA Southern football.

As for Valdosta State, I hope we're not going there. On this hiring a winner notion, ND did that when they hired Gerry Faust (of Moeller HS fame). That didn't work so well. Level of play matters, IMO.

In that case, Cutcliffe actually worsened our team, since we were actually better in 2004 than we were in 2006 or 2007. Thank goodness we got rid of him.

As for level of play, Jim Tressel went from Div. I-AA to coaching against an NFL-ready Miami team (a team which is superior to any team the next UT OC will face) and he beat them.
In that case, Cutcliffe actually worsened our team, since we were actually better in 2004 than we were in 2006 or 2007. Thank goodness we got rid of him.

Good retort!:sick:

There could be a lot in the details about GA Southern that I'm certain I don't know, but man, it would have to be a whole heck of lot.

CDC did a lot for UT in two years, IMO, so if this guy is that good, that says somethhing, but it's far from obvious just looking at the public file.
Good retort!:sick:

There could be a lot in the details about GA Southern that I'm certain I don't know, but man, it would have to be a whole heck of lot.

CDC did a lot for UT in two years, IMO, so if this guy is that good, that says somethhing, but it's far from obvious just looking at the public file.

He's had good offenses everywhere he's been.

If you want to nitpick, I don't think the Texans had a really good WR group when Kippy was with them. I think Jabar Gaffney has gotten much better since he left, in fact. Again, I have no problem with Kippy, but you can poke holes in his candidacy just as easily.
He's had good offenses everywhere he's been.

If you want to nitpick, I don't think the Texans had a really good WR group when Kippy was with them. I think Jabar Gaffney has gotten much better since he left, in fact. Again, I have no problem with Kippy, but you can poke holes in his candidacy just as easily.

Kippy's public file is much more accessible. I'll admit I haven't googled Valdosta State yet. I've driven through Valdosta a couple of times and the fact there is a college is an accomplishment.

But as to how they win games, Valdosta is well-known for its level of HS play. That could supply some good material at that level of play. It's not like they would recruit nationally or anything, huh?
Why would the head coach of a div II school like Georgia Southern want to be an OC at a Div I school? Wouldn't he want to wait for a HC position in Div I? Like Urban Meyer did from Bowling Green to Utah, etc?

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