City of Knoxville: Neyland Stadium beer vendor responsible for unruly fans, should face consequences

This could be examined by comparing behavior records in the stadium in the years before and after beer sales started.

One hypothesis is that people who drink heavily before the game are also more likely to continue to buy beer once at the game....and so this portion of the population gets "wetter", instead of drier, during a game. 🤷‍♂️
You make a good point. That being said I don't think taking beer away or putting limits on them fixes the problem and its not the distributor's fault. Either allow sales and deal with the consequences or don't. Don't try to blame a business for doing the business you told them was ok. Did they think that selling beer would lead to peace talks?

I guess the question is this have fans been more inebriated and rowdy because of beer alone or because this season has been a wild ride and folks forgot how to act in public during covid?
It was 3 underage informants of which they are just a few. They purposely are hired to TEST the vendor. If 3 of these were served (think of it as a sting operation) then MANY more non sting minors had to be served as well. They don’t go tell on themselves. Geez

Fine Mr. Person Who Works for the City of Knoxville and is an Apologist for It. How many informants were there? I saw that 220000+ beers were sold in 2021 alone, and they got three hits?

And what were the conditions of the sting? Did the informants tell the sellers they were underage? How underage did they look? Was it just that the seller failed to ask for ID?

But yeah, go ahead and live in a Gestapo state if you want bro. I say down with the Man, may the US Constitution rule the petty tyrants of Knoxville city!
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Really need to do a better job electing officials that are friendlier to UT athletics.

This is totally on the vendor selling the beer. If they cannot sell it in a lawful way then their beer license should be pulled. Has nothing to do with UT who in fact should be even more pissed at Armark for their lack of ability to sell beer in the proper way.
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Fine Mr. Person Who Works for the City of Knoxville and is an Apologist for It. How many informants were there? I saw that 220000+ beers were sold in 2021 alone, and they got three hits?

And what were the conditions of the sting? Did the informants tell the sellers they were underage? How underage did they look? Was it just that the seller failed to ask for ID?

But yeah, go ahead and live in a Gestapo state if you want bro. I say down with the Man, may the US Constitution rule the petty tyrants of Knoxville city!

Don't shoot the messenger. The poster was just explaining how liquor sales are generally monitored. Standard stuff across the industry, to make sure people aren't serving kids.

If you're concerned about "Gestapo" tactics, I'd suggest starting with targets like library checkout monitoring and email snooping. Making sure liquor isn't being served to kids is pretty far down the list, somewhere around cigarette vending machines in public.
I'd like to know how these 3 covert operatives were able to purchase underage. It's easier to obtain a short barreled rifle in TN than it is to get a beer in Neyland.
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Don't shoot the messenger. The poster was just explaining how liquor sales are generally monitored. Standard stuff across the industry, to make sure people aren't serving kids.

If you're concerned about "Gestapo" tactics, I'd suggest starting with targets like library checkout monitoring and email snooping. Making sure liquor isn't being served to kids is pretty far down the list, somewhere around cigarette vending machines in public.

Okay, fine, I was definitely being over the top on that. I still don't think 3 violations is that big a deal though, but I guess even one can get you in trouble.

True story, many years ago I went to a local bar for a cheeseburger for lunch. The bartender was the owner, and he was bragging about how he was going to open a club on the top of a mountain west of Huntsville, which is where I reside. Keel Mountain, to be precise. But he said he was going to make a lot of money because the locals would be able to walk home. He also said the county was fighting giving him a liquor license because some of the residents were worried about people drinking and then driving down the winding mountain road in a slightly or perhaps fully inebriated state. He started saying they could not stop him from getting a license, blah blah blah, he was going to do it.

The very next week, in this thing called a newspaper, on the front page, was a story that an informant had attended a party at his residence where alcohol was served to minors and that he would be denied the license on that basis.

Lol! They got him, one way or the other.
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Okay, fine, I was definitely being over the top on that. I still don't think 3 violations is that big a deal though, but I guess even one can get you in trouble.

True story, many years ago I went to a local bar for a cheeseburger for lunch. The bartender was the owner, and he was bragging about how he was going to open a club on the top of a mountain west of Huntsville, which is where I reside. Keel Mountain, to be precise. But he said he was going to make a lot of money because the locals would be able to walk home. He also said the county was fighting giving him a liquor license because some of the residents were worried about people drinking and then driving down the winding mountain road in a slightly or perhaps fully inebriated state. He started saying they could not stop him from getting a license, blah blah blah, he was going to do it.

The very next week, in this thing called a newspaper, on the front page, was a story that an informant had attended a party at his residence where alcohol was served to minors and that he would be denied the license on that basis.

Lol! They got him, one way or the other.


Remember though, 3 violations could actually be a lot. If they only tried 9 times, that means 1/3 of underage attempts are successful. That could represent hundreds of underage drinkers at a single game.

Remember though, 3 violations could actually be a lot. If they only tried 9 times, that means 1/3 of underage attempts are successful. That could represent hundreds of underage drinkers at a single game.
Have you purchased beer at a game?

No way in the world it's a common occurrence. They were scanning the QR code on the back, making you take the ID out of your wallet, then double checking at the purchase point. It was literally the most secure system I've ever witnessed.
The city is “woke” and needs to protect the ignorant masses from themselves. Interesting that you can buy, in several parts of the city, your drug of choice. No problem, no issues.
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How the hell is it the vendor's fault? Were they the ones holding the funnels from the kegs forcing drinks down people? What happened to being responsible for your own behavior?
The lines weren't that bad really about 5 minutes tops, if that, during the Missouri game near where we sat.

Where did you sit during the game, Market Square?

Once the game started the shortest line I ever stood in was 15 minutes in my section of stadium.
Where did you sit during the game, Market Square?

Once the game started the shortest line I ever stood in was 15 minutes in my section of stadium.

Up near the top of Z15. The lines were moving quickly and not so long. We got several beers during the game up until they quit serving.

Huge improvement over the first year they starting selling it. I got one before kickoff that game then looked at lines that seemed a mile long during the game so I never got another one.
This is totally on the vendor selling the beer. If they cannot sell it in a lawful way then their beer license should be pulled. Has nothing to do with UT who in fact should be even more pissed at Armark for their lack of ability to sell beer in the proper way.
fishy as is a fish this one is

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