Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

So someone declared a "rule", yeah right, they have to abide by it.

SCOTUS could declare it unconstitutional, IDK what the response could be. I guess congress could cut funding for the court? IDK but it’s not a good thing if either branch of government is unaccountable.
I agree. It's not like Thomas became a conservative because this guy whispered sweet nothings in his ear on a boat. It looks bad that he opted not to disclose it when he easily could have because it gives the impression he didn't want people to know.
Sounds like he was reporting this stuff until about 20 years ago. There’s a link somewhere up above.
SCOTUS could declare it unconstitutional, IDK what the response could be. I guess congress could cut funding for the court? IDK but it’s not a good thing if either branch of government is unaccountable.
So justice Thomas took a trip or two or ten, and every swinging d!ck in congress is on the dole legally and has done things 10 times as worse than he has and who are the democrats worried about? I'm sick of this partisan crap.
I agree. It's not like Thomas became a conservative because this guy whispered sweet nothings in his ear on a boat. It looks bad that he opted not to disclose it when he easily could have because it gives the impression he didn't want people to know.
Maybe he didn’t want people to know because they’re boning.
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Good lord, ace: He accepted lavish trips and other gifs that he, as a Supreme Court justice, shouldn't have accepted. That is effectively "getting paid." Lavish trips are worth a lot of money, yes? You do get that influence peddling involves just this sort of activity? It doesn't have to be a suitcase full of cash.
But what if anything was bought? What has he done outside the scope of his established philosophy? As I said you made the allegation, it's up to you to back it up with substance.

If you want to say the optics are bad fine, I have no problem....... But that isn't what you're saying, you are saying he did something illegal or would otherwise bar him from being a judge...... Show your work.
You've been exposed. You made an accusation then couldn't back it up. It was more of the "I think this and so it must be true," even if you have no facts to buttress your charge. Much like Maga believing there was election fraud because it allowed itself to get played by a pathologically dishonest and corrupt president/ex-president.
No I never made a single allegation.... That was you....

Hello pot!
You've been exposed. You made an accusation then couldn't back it up. It was more of the "I think this and so it must be true," even if you have no facts to buttress your charge. Much like Maga believing there was election fraud because it allowed itself to get played by a pathologically dishonest and corrupt president/ex-president.
Weren’t you the one that said 9 people died from the Capitol riot?
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Good lord, ace: He accepted lavish trips and other gifs that he, as a Supreme Court justice, shouldn't have accepted. That is effectively "getting paid." Lavish trips are worth a lot of money, yes? You do get that influence peddling involves just this sort of activity? It doesn't have to be a suitcase full of cash.
The assumption being that these gifts were tools to influence Thomas. So do we have any rulings that Thomas has made in the past 30+ tears that are suspected of being as a result of quid pro quo?
Riding with a friend in their boat or on their plane isn’t unethical. You’re going to need to be specific.

You keep minimizing the gifts. We’re not talking about an afternoon of skiing on 28’ sea Ray. We’re talking a vacation on a mega yacht. I’ve let you go on repeatedly minimizing the magnitude of these trips, but no more.

We’re talking about a vacation worth six figures.
The assumption being that these gifts were tools to influence Thomas. So do we have any rulings that Thomas has made in the past 30+ tears that are suspected of being as a result of quid pro quo?

It doesn’t matter. Judges cannot accept gifts like this and n not appear compromised
You keep minimizing the gifts. We’re not talking about an afternoon of skiing on 28’ sea Ray. We’re talking a vacation on a mega yacht. I’ve let you go on repeatedly minimizing the magnitude of these trips, but no more.

We’re talking about a vacation worth six figures.

Because you’re defining hanging with a friend as a gift. If your friend owns a boat should you report going out on there boat with him?

You’re obsessed with the idea that “to rent this boat would cost x amount”. Okay…no one rented it though.

I’m really not seeing the problem
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AOC says she may draft Clarence Thomas impeachment article if no one else does

"Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Thomas’ alleged actions are "simply inconsistent with the ethical standards the American people expect of any public servant, let alone a Justice on the Supreme Court."

Why can't he just have a lobbyist pay for everything like us? Or use campaign funds like we do ? Or use inside information on stocks to enrich himself like we do?

Dick Durbin is aptly named.
Because you’re defining hanging with a friend as a gift. If your friend owns a boat should you report going out on there boat with him?

You’re obsessed with the idea that “to rent this boat would cost x amount”. Okay…no one rented it though.

I’m really not seeing the problem

I’d wager you would if it was a “liberal” judge and a Republican in the White House.

Somebody purchased the boat, pays the upkeep, pays the crew, fuels the boat, stocks the boat with provisions and pays the flight tickets to get to the boat etc this is a valuable gift. Stop minimizing it because of your political leanings. Have some integrity
I’d wager you would if it was a “liberal” judge and a Republican in the White House.

Somebody purchased the boat, pays the upkeep, pays the crew, fuels the boat, stocks the boat with provisions and pays the flight tickets to get to the boat etc this is a valuable gift. Stop minimizing it because of your political leanings. Have some integrity

I’d wager you that every liberal and conservative judge has rode in a boat they do not own.

This isn’t about political leanings but rather a nonissue that you’re trying to make an issue.
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O no! He discusses someone he’s been friends with for 30 years? Clearly this proves everything
Says he doesn't want to disclose the fact that Harlan Crow was the one who provided the facilities for the talk.
The day I saw the opposition spy on and create the false Russiagate, I dont give a rats ass to appease or give any outrage. That was the rubicon.
Look at the Kavanaugh or Thomas hearings.

Biden is knee deep in corruption and they dont care, so pardon my French..IDGAS.
I’d wager you that every liberal and conservative judge has rode in a boat they do not own.

This isn’t about political leanings but rather a nonissue that you’re trying to make an issue.

I’d wager most judges have never even been on a mega yacht
How is gifting to the Judicial any different than legislative lobbying or campaign contributions?
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