Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

So justice Thomas took a trip or two or ten, and every swinging d!ck in congress is on the dole legally and has done things 10 times as worse than he has and who are the democrats worried about? I'm sick of this partisan crap.

The whole darn bunch, no party affiliation excluded, are a nest of parasites.
The day I saw the opposition spy on and create the false Russiagate, I dont give a rats ass to appease or give any outrage. That was the rubicon.
Look at the Kavanaugh or Thomas hearings.
Biden is knee deep in corruption and they dont care, so pardon my French..IDGAS.

The same can truthfully be said for Trump, you know it, and don't care. This holier than though crap is, well, it's uh...crap.
The same can truthfully be said for Trump, you know it, and don't care. This holier than though crap is, well, it's uh...crap.

I am not feigning anything. The day they created the LIE that allowed our own government to spy on him..all bets are off. Sorry your liddle feels are hurt.
They are both used to buy influence and votes..Please explain.
The executive and legislative branches are expressly partisan. There's no expectation of impartiality in those branches. The judiciary is supposed to be beholden only to the rule of law. As Chief Justice Roberts said, they're supposed to be calling balls and strikes.
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The executive and legislative branches are expressly partisan. There's no expectation of impartiality in those branches. The judiciary is supposed to be beholden only to the rule of law. As justice Roberts said, they're supposed to be calling balls and strikes.

Still...the SCOTUS is divided on political and ideological lines.
How large does it have to be before it upsets you?

It seems trying to charge him with the crime of having a friend with too nice of a boat

As a judge, the mere appearance of impropriety damages the system. You just lack the integrity to hold judges accountable.
As a judge, the mere appearance of impropriety damages the system. You just lack the integrity to hold judges accountable.
OK, so we are going to set the bar at $2100 worth of tires, cigars and clothing? Just to be clear. This is the precedent and milestone that you want to establish going forward?
You keep minimizing the gifts. We’re not talking about an afternoon of skiing on 28’ sea Ray. We’re talking a vacation on a mega yacht. I’ve let you go on repeatedly minimizing the magnitude of these trips, but no more.

We’re talking about a vacation worth six figures.

As a judge, the mere appearance of impropriety damages the system. You just lack the integrity to hold judges accountable.

You keep repeating that while ignoring the fundamental questions here. At what point does a boat ride become impropriety or appear as impropriety.

I’m sure ever judge has been on a boat that was not their own. All people have. I’m sure every judge has spent the night at a home they didn’t own.
You keep repeating that while ignoring the fundamental questions here. At what point does a boat ride become impropriety or appear as impropriety.

I’m sure ever judge has been on a boat that was not their own. All people have. I’m sure every judge has spent the night at a home they didn’t own.
Here's a good test for you. If Sotomayor took a boat trip with George Soros and he picked up the tab, would you lose your sh*t? If so, it probably gives the appearance of impropriety.
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Here's a good test for you. If Sotomayor took a boat trip with George Soros and he picked up the tab, would you lose your sh*t? If so, it probably gives the appearance of impropriety.

To be clear RBG did these things and no one cared. Still, no one cares.

So once again, at what point do you need to report riding in another persons boat?
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Because you’re defining hanging with a friend as a gift. If your friend owns a boat should you report going out on there boat with him?

You’re obsessed with the idea that “to rent this boat would cost x amount”. Okay…no one rented it though.

I’m really not seeing the problem
Does Jeff Bezos have friends? How about Elon, or Bill Gates?

Can you imagine the $ value of any significant amount of time spent in their presence? Probably 100’s of thousands of dollars.
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Does Jeff Bezos have friends? How about Elon, or Bill Gates?

Can you imagine the $ value of any significant amount of time spent in their presence? Probably 100’s of thousands of dollars.

Yeah, it’s absurd. In his mind they should be reporting car rides.

“I had drinks with Bill Gates and rode home his x (whatever is a super expensive vehicle). To rent one would cost around $1000 a day”

That’s how he thinks this should work
Here's a good test for you. If Sotomayor took a boat trip with George Soros and he picked up the tab, would you lose your sh*t? If so, it probably gives the appearance of impropriety.
I would not. Make 3 substitutions in the following post:

Sotomayor for Thomas
Soros for GOP Man

I thought the post from RT85 on “GOP Man” was a good one. I’m going to use GOP Man here.

The accusation is that GOP Man funneled large sums of money and perks to Thomas.
For what?

So that Clarence Thomas would vote in favor of what the GOP and GOP Man wants?

What a crappy deployment of capital. Who’s his investment advisor? SVB?
How much are they given in book deals and speaking fees? These book deals that pols receive are bogus.
The Obama's made $65M, and I bet nobody on this forum even purchased one.

Justices Thomas and Sotomayor have between them made around $5 million on their book deals since joining SCOTUS. And we expect Justice Gorsuch to join the seven-figure club soon (he’s earned about $700,000 from book advances and royalties since his 2017 elevation).
I am not feigning anything. The day they created the LIE that allowed our own government to spy on him..all bets are off. Sorry your liddle feels are hurt.

Twiddle-de-dum, governments have always spied on their own citizens. They tend to be run by parasites whose goal is to remain in power no matter what. Since I know that hurts your feelings, just take two Clozaril tablets and call me tomorrow. I can be reached at: +1-813-922-2424 between 9:30AM - 11:15PM

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