Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

You keep minimizing the gifts. We’re not talking about an afternoon of skiing on 28’ sea Ray. We’re talking a vacation on a mega yacht. I’ve let you go on repeatedly minimizing the magnitude of these trips, but no more.

We’re talking about a vacation worth six figures.
I don’t agree with your conclusions, but I’d be surprised if anybody else is taking the “just a boat ride” argument seriously.

The left, starting with Biden when Thomas was picked for the SC has been full attack mode on him since he dared to be black and leave the plantation. That’s all this is about. Some even have been attacking his wife.
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Here's a good test for you. If Sotomayor took a boat trip with George Soros and he picked up the tab, would you lose your sh*t? If so, it probably gives the appearance of impropriety.

What could she do for Soros?
"But it is true that the U.S. Supreme Court has never had a binding code of ethics, unlike every other court in the country," said Graves, who was also chief counsel for judicial nominations for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. "And that reform is long overdue."

Ethics and legal experts told USA TODAY on Friday that Supreme Court law and policy is indeed vague when it comes to such gifts. While the justices are required to report gifts they have received on their annual financial disclosure reports, an exemption is allowed for hospitality from friends.

So what's the problem? Shady? Maybe. Illegal? No.
The left, starting with Biden when Thomas was picked for the SC has been full attack mode on him since he dared to be black and leave the plantation. That’s all this is about. Some even have been attacking his wife.

Even attacking his wife? His wife is a crazy right-wing extremist who took part in trying to subvert the election result.

Over a 10-year period--10 years--Thomas did not ask ONE question of attorneys arguing cases before the Supreme Court. Not one.
That redefines the term unqualified lightweight.

MORE CORRUPTION: Harlan Crow made a $500,000 contribution to Ginni Thomas' Liberty Central, which in turn, paid her $120K a year salary! Clarence Thomas failed to disclose his his wife’s income during this period and the sources of Liberty’s funds were not publicly disclosed.
Even attacking his wife? His wife is a crazy right-wing extremist who took part in trying to subvert the election result.

Over a 10-year period--10 years--Thomas did not ask ONE question of attorneys arguing cases before the Supreme Court. Not one.
That redefines the term unqualified lightweight.

MORE CORRUPTION: Harlan Crow made a $500,000 contribution to Ginni Thomas' Liberty Central, which in turn, paid her $120K a year salary! Clarence Thomas failed to disclose his his wife’s income during this period and the sources of Liberty’s funds were not publicly disclosed.
🤣you are a clown
Why do the leftist filth keep trying to lynch poor ole Uncle Tom?
Saying someone is in hot water - which Thomas is and which is what I said - is not saying he's done or "we got him now." Obviously, he's not done because he would have to be impeached to be removed, and that's never going to happen.

That didn't get in the way of impeaching the last president twice on party line votes for absolutely nothing.
"But it is true that the U.S. Supreme Court has never had a binding code of ethics, unlike every other court in the country," said Graves, who was also chief counsel for judicial nominations for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. "And that reform is long overdue."

Ethics and legal experts told USA TODAY on Friday that Supreme Court law and policy is indeed vague when it comes to such gifts. While the justices are required to report gifts they have received on their annual financial disclosure reports, an exemption is allowed for hospitality from friends.

So what's the problem? Shady? Maybe. Illegal? No.

It’s too hard to police as well. “Report anytime you ride with a friend in their car, boat, plane, or stay at any residence of there’s without paying.”

I’m not convinced this is the real issue of money influencing politics that we should be going after
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It’s too hard to police as well. “Report anytime you ride with a friend in their car, boat, plane, or stay at any residence of there’s without paying.”

I’m not convinced this is the real issue of money influencing politics that we should be going after
I'd agree with you bc no one can point to how Thomas ever showed him special favor or consideration.
Let’s hear your perspective. Is this concerning and if so which part specifically?
I already gave my perspective a few pages ago. I think it would be concerning if this guy had a case before the court and Thomas didn’t recuse and a bit less concerning if he was required to report these gifts and did not. As far as I can tell neither of those things occurred, so not that concerning.
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My father was a state court trial judge and he told me a few times about old friends of his from school or early days of practice inviting him to drive up to Gainesville for a game and he had to turn it down on the off chance any of them ever had a case appear on his docket some day down the road.

Its not about whether you are actually influenced, its about whether someone looking at it from the outside might think you are, casting doubt on your (and therefore the system's) integrity.

Wouldn’t he had to recuse himself anyway? I mean if he was high school friends with them.
You keep minimizing the gifts. We’re not talking about an afternoon of skiing on 28’ sea Ray. We’re talking a vacation on a mega yacht. I’ve let you go on repeatedly minimizing the magnitude of these trips, but no more.

We’re talking about a vacation worth six figures.
It’s the same thing. My mega yacht is a 28’ Sea Ray, his Sea Ray is a mega yacht. Your logic is that he should only boat with Sea Ray buddies who have a 900sf beach condo.
It’s the same thing. My mega yacht is a 28’ Sea Ray, his Sea Ray is a mega yacht. Your logic is that he should only boat with Sea Ray buddies who have a 900sf beach condo.

GOP mega donor that he became friends with after getting the bench is one you cannot accept gifts from. Period.
GOP mega donor that he became friends with after getting the bench is one you cannot accept gifts from. Period.

The issue is you’re bastardizing the word “gift”. If I ask you to go fishing with me, is that a gift? Where does it go from friends on a boat together to “gift”?
The left, starting with Biden when Thomas was picked for the SC has been full attack mode on him since he dared to be black and leave the plantation. That’s all this is about. Some even have been attacking his wife.
That's because his wife is a complete loon intent on influencing his decisions.
GOP mega donor that he became friends with after getting the bench is one you cannot accept gifts from. Period.

Mega, mega mega… Mega, wealthy people are all mega donors to someone. Again you’re stating that justices can be friends and vacation with their sea ray, 900 square-foot condos on the beach owners, but not those with more. His mega friends have had no known business before the court.

So? Are you stating justices cannot make new friends after taking the bench?

SCOTUS governs itself, federal gifting restrictions don’t apply to them. And as mentioned elsewhere, you stretch the definition of gift, to present a narrative.
I hope AOC never goes away. Well, until she’s fat and old - then she can go.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls Justice Clarence Thomas' trips a 'very serious problem' that warrants impeachment

Good pic, such a babe -

View attachment 545697

She is a great source on the topic given she’s currently being investigated by the ethics committee for her acceptance of gifts
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