Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

I sold some property once or twice too. Come to think of it, I actually bought some as well. Once a (conservative) supreme court justice does it, the gloves are off.

Seriously, you're trying to compare arm's length transactions to these? Tying yourself in pretty big knot there.
Could you imagine if Soros "bought" the home of the mother of a liberal SCOTUS justice by giving the justice a large pot of $$$, fixed it up for free, bought out the pesky neighbors, and let the mother stay there rent free for years. Holy sh*t, Fox would be on that story like a drunken sailor on a prostitute while on a break from the high seas.
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Could you imagine if Soros "bought" the home of the mother of a liberal SCOTUS justice by giving the justice a large pot of $$$, fixed it up for free, bought out the pesky neighbors, and let the mother stay there rent free for years. Holy sh*t, Fox would be on that story like a drunken sailor on a prostitute while on a break from the high seas.

He doesn’t have to. He very openly gives them money.
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What cases was he the judge over involving this person? That tweet says 8. If true that's a conflict of course....anyone have a link to prove this claim???

I love the idea that owning nazi stuff makes one a Nazi. For example I’ve recently placed bids (within the last year and sadly lost) on multiple paintings from John Wayne Gacy and Hitler.

So I guess I’m a serial killing nazi.
Could you imagine if Soros "bought" the home of the mother of a liberal SCOTUS justice by giving the justice a large pot of $$$, fixed it up for free, bought out the pesky neighbors, and let the mother stay there rent free for years. Holy sh*t, Fox would be on that story like a drunken sailor on a prostitute while on a break from the high seas.

If the liberal justice was best of friends with Soros for 25 yrs...OK. Of course you selectively forget that part
Was Hitler the Austrian version of Bob Ross?

The work is decent. Although I don’t know a lot about art. I just want it in my home office. I like the idea of someone coming over and saying “I love your art”. Then I can say, “thanks, it’s an original Adolf, John Wayne Gacy, Dylan Klebolt, etc”
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I love the idea that owning nazi stuff makes one a Nazi. For example I’ve recently placed bids (within the last year and sadly lost) on multiple paintings from John Wayne Gacy and Hitler.

So I guess I’m a serial killing nazi.
Well if the shoe fits.

But why in the world would you want those? That may be a check on the "red flag" list.
I haven't been reading this thread, but I'm sure all the people who complained about all the "Soros-funded" officials the last 20 years have been all over this story too, right?
This part of the swamp is home to several endangered species and regrettably cannot be drained. 😂
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The work is decent. Although I don’t know a lot about art. I just want it in my home office. I like the idea of someone coming over and saying “I love your art”. Then I can say, “thanks, it’s an original Adolf, John Wayne Gacy, Dylan Klebolt, etc”

Happy Little concentration camp? NEIN!!
If the liberal justice was best of friends with Soros for 25 yrs...OK. Of course you selectively forget that part
Are you saying that makes it better? Exactly when did they become friends by the way? Interesting.
Well if the shoe fits.

But why in the world would you want those? That may be a check on the "red flag" list.

It’s a fascinating piece of history. Probably the same reason I like horror films. Movies about things going normally (romantic movies for example) have zero interest to me. I’m interested when things go as bad as humanly possible. That’s a story worth listening to.

If a girl starts a story with “I met a guy”, it better end with “then he was dressed as a clown and chasing me around my subdivision with an axe”. Otherwise I’m not interested
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It’s a fascinating piece of history. Probably the same reason I like horror films. Movies about things going normally (romantic movies for example) have zero interest to me. I’m interested when things go as bad as humanly possible. That’s a story worth listening to.

If a girl starts a story with “I met a guy”, it better end with “then he was dressed as a clown and chasing my around my subdivision with an axe”. Otherwise I’m not interested

Perhaps some Thomas Kinkade before you try something hardcore like Gacy or Hitler.
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If the liberal justice was best of friends with Soros for 25 yrs...OK. Of course you selectively forget that part
Not friends until after Thomas became a SCOTUS justice. In other words, Crow been buying off Thomas for a long, long time.
It’s a fascinating piece of history. Probably the same reason I like horror films. Movies about things going normally (romantic movies for example) have zero interest to me. I’m interested when things go as bad as humanly possible. That’s a story worth listening to.

If a girl starts a story with “I met a guy”, it better end with “then he was dressed as a clown and chasing me around my subdivision with an axe”. Otherwise I’m not interested

Your sex life must be eh, well, interesting. :p
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What has he gotten for his money?
I don't know if it has benefitted him directly, but I read earlier today that although crow has never had a case in front of the court he has provided funding for various groups submitting amicus briefs to the court. Tenuous, but indicates crow had an interest in the outcome of certain cases before the court.
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I don't know if it has benefitted him directly, but I read earlier today that although crow has never had a case in front of the court he has provided funding for various groups submitting amicus briefs to the court. Tenuous, but indicates crow had an interest in the outcome of certain cases before the court.
Was there any connection established between the contribution and the case? Seems hard to prove, but I’m just asking out of curiosity.

Edit: If I give to National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, it doesn’t mean I have an interest in all of their amicus briefs. But I might someday give specifically to support a certain brief.
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Was there any connection established between the contribution and the case? Seems hard to prove, but I’m just asking out of curiosity.

Article didn't really get into it, it was a Dallas Morning News opinion piece I ran across while trying to find out if crow has business that could be impacted by rulings. Said that he provides significant support to groups that frequently file amicus briefs. Can't remember if it was the same article, but also said ethics code for federal judges requires them to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, however Supreme Court isn't governed by that ethics code.

Edit: from what I read they may not be governed by any ethics code other than certain disclosure rules and their own moral compass.

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