Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

Do you think a boat ride is the only thing that Clarence has accepted from him? Until we know the depth of the “relationship”, I think it’s too early for anybody to speculate. Guessing there is more to come.

There relationship has been known for decades. Until I see more, I’m not impressed. People with boats take friends on their boat.
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he didn't have to report them

According to what I've read from multiple sources, yes he did. There is a post-Watergate gift reporting law that they say applies.

And no one has proven Hunter Biden broke any laws or that there was any systemic voter fraud, but that doesn't stop the right wing from saying it.
There relationship has been known for decades. Until I see more, I’m not impressed. People with boats take friends on their boat.
And people with money who have done things for folks sometimes ask for things in return. Influence comes in a lot of different forms. My only point is that we need to see if it’s more than just a boat ride. And I suspect there are folks who are already digging into it. Do the investigation and let the chips fall where they may. If it’s nothing, so be it. If it’s something, shine a light on it.
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These are the benchmarks to go by. There is no question that a person has influence simply by virtue of having access. That said, unless there is a reasonably clear quid pro quo, it is much to do about nothing.

When it came to RBG, one assumes that most leftist leaning people would be happy to pay for her fare to have her around and discuss things because they supported her general progressive philosophy, not because they were actively seeking to flip her on a particular case. Same with Thomas.

Back when I used to run the GOP, I used to co-host a monthly soiree (aka poker night) regularly attended by city council members, judges and state senators, head of the major crime bureau, etc. Both sides of the isle. We all had a fun time and we supplied plenty of top shelf alcohol and cigars (they never paid). We certainly talked about things, judges always knew not to discuss current matters before their bench, pols discussed things as well. Do I think anyone felt obligated to change their vote or opinion because of these? no, but maybe we changed some opinions through open discussions.

Now I have a good friend who was a state supreme justice and sometimes he would talk about cases before the bench when we were having a private cigar but only in the most general way. More likely discussing the issues around the case than the case itself. I already knew how he would typically come down in most cases anyway because he was my friend and I know his philosophy but sometimes he did surprise me with some cases I heard about how he had ruled on.

Fly you to bahamas with me to stay the weekend and have a few drinks, etc. Lets go hunting in Nebraska, etc - Ill pick up the tab. So that kind of thing is just going to happen. Hey, I have a guy who can repair your boat and redo the dock on your vacation home, dont worry Ill pay for it - thats where you start getting in trouble.

Right, and note I said it raises ethical issues in my view if those three things are involved.

A person could still criticize it as bad judgment for him to accept such gifts, sure. But the same thing could be said of a Soros-supported state attorney who socializes with left-leaning folks.

For me its only a problem if it influences things in the manner I suggested, or is an actual failure to report under some obligation to do so.
And people with money who have done things for folks sometimes ask for things in return. Influence comes in a lot of different forms. My only point is that we need to see if it’s more than just a boat ride. And I suspect there are folks who are already digging into it. Do the investigation and let the chips fall where they may. If it’s nothing, so be it. If it’s something, shine a light on it.

Should all justices be investigated or only him? After all, I imagine all have rode in a boat with a friend right?
According to what I've read from multiple sources, yes he did. There is a post-Watergate gift reporting law that they say applies.

And no one has proven Hunter Biden broke any laws or that there was any systemic voter fraud, but that doesn't stop the right wing from saying it.
Nope, looks like he hasn’t, rules didn’t change until this year.

US Supreme Court justices get tougher rules for reporting free trips, gifts

Now they have to be reported, until this latest piece of legislation they didn't.
And people with money who have done things for folks sometimes ask for things in return. Influence comes in a lot of different forms. My only point is that we need to see if it’s more than just a boat ride. And I suspect there are folks who are already digging into it. Do the investigation and let the chips fall where they may. If it’s nothing, so be it. If it’s something, shine a light on it.

Investigate all of them, I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut all 9 have been doing the same thing.
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To me Roberts would be the most suspect considering some of his rulings that appear to be out of thin air, plus he's by far the wealthiest justice. But for some reason it's always Thomas who's in their crosshairs. I'm sure it has nothing to do with race though.

He’s got a gold plated dartboard that assists him with his rulings. It was previously used by Knoxville meteorologists to predict the weather.
According to what I've read from multiple sources, yes he did. There is a post-Watergate gift reporting law that they say applies.

And no one has proven Hunter Biden broke any laws or that there was any systemic voter fraud, but that doesn't stop the right wing from saying it.

Hunter filled out a gun application and lied about getting popped for Coke. That’s a crime.
Hunter filled out a gun application and lied about getting popped for Coke. That’s a crime.

Valid point but I thought you guys wanted people to be armed. You are going to have to clarify for me who exactly you think should not be allowed to buy a gun.
Valid point but I thought you guys wanted people to be armed. You are going to have to clarify for me who exactly you think should not be allowed to buy a gun.

I don’t think there should be an application in the first place. But if you lie on it then you should face the music. I’m extremely opposed to the TN law regarding possession/consumption of marijuana. But I have a child and understand what could happen if I get caught so I obey the law. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I don’t think there should be an application in the first place. But if you lie on it then you should face the music. I’m extremely opposed to the TN law regarding possession/consumption of marijuana. But I have a child and understand what could happen if I get caught so I obey the law. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

I understand the point about lying on the application. I just meant in the broader scheme of things had he disclosed my question would be whether you felt his use of an illegal drug disqualified him and it sounds like the answer is no.
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I understand the point about lying on the application. I just meant in the broader scheme of things had he disclosed my question would be whether you felt his use of an illegal drug disqualified him and it sounds like the answer is no.

The answer is absolutely no. My only objection to the situation is his lying……and getting away with it.
The answer is absolutely no. My only objection to the situation is his lying……and getting away with it.

To go full circle on that with the issue of the day, presumably you would say that Trump lying about his affair with SD is that its not formal. Not on an application.

What if Trump takes the stand and is asked, under oath, whether they had sex. If he answers no, seems to me we are right back in the Clinton situation.
To go full circle on that with the issue of the day, presumably you would say that Trump lying about his affair with SD is that its not formal. Not on an application.

What if Trump takes the stand and is asked, under oath, whether they had sex. If he answers no, seems to me we are right back in the Clinton situation.

If Trump lies under oath he should be prosecuted just like Clinton should have been.
To go full circle on that with the issue of the day, presumably you would say that Trump lying about his affair with SD is that its not formal. Not on an application.

What if Trump takes the stand and is asked, under oath, whether they had sex. If he answers no, seems to me we are right back in the Clinton situation.

If Trump perjures himself,I hope they cuff him on the spot. Clinton should have been impeached for lying, but should never have been asked that question in the first place.
If it is true. He needs to be removed, but no R will have the balls to do so. It would be the same if it was the other side so don't go there.

We've lost the integrity, as a nation and our politicians are a reflection of us, to simply do the right thing regardless of party affiliation. I want people who will stand up for what is right regardless of political consequences. We've lost our way.
Well said and agree 100%.
To go full circle on that with the issue of the day, presumably you would say that Trump lying about his affair with SD is that its not formal. Not on an application.

What if Trump takes the stand and is asked, under oath, whether they had sex. If he answers no, seems to me we are right back in the Clinton situation.
You mean the one where you thought Clinton should not be prosecuted?

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