Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

Reuters disagrees with those experts.
I suppose that opinions will differ on the matter ....

Clarence Thomas Broke the Law and It Isn’t Even Close

Putting the question of legality aside for a moment ... Clarence Thomas was selling influence to the highest bidder. That represents everything that a Supreme Court Justice should not be about. Clarence Thomas is a disgrace. His decisions can be bought.
Sounds reasonable in 2023 America. Plus he sexually harassed a black woman and is married to a white woman. Should have never been nominated, imo.
It is pretty shocking that in 2023 America .... a black man not only is for sale, but is so of his own free will. He wants to be bought.

* Granted, he comes at a high price.
I was wondering who paid for all of RBG’s trips around the world to trash the US Constitution.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disclosed taking more trips than any other justice in 2018, totaling 14. She visited Tel Aviv, Israel where she was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Genesis Prize Foundation. Shortly following the award ceremony, she disclosed being provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn.

Kahn has had business before the Supreme Court before. The high court handed Kahn’s company Amdocs Limited a win in November 2017 when it declined to take up a patent-related case.
Stopping beating a dead horse...
No you didn’t. Where’s the example of Thomas ruling in this guy’s favor, influencing a case or anything like that.
Read through Harlan Crow's history. There are numerous cases where Clarence Thomas could have been doing the bidding of his master.
I suppose that opinions will differ on the matter ....

Clarence Thomas Broke the Law and It Isn’t Even Close

Putting the question of legality aside for a moment ... Clarence Thomas was selling influence to the highest bidder. That represents everything that a Supreme Court Justice should not be about. Clarence Thomas is a disgrace. His decisions can be bought.

You just made a lot of assumptions there without evidence.
Show some evidence of Thomas selling influence.

He's hanging out with and accepting luxury perks--worth huge dollars--from GOP activists. That's corruption, dude, plain and simple.
Of course he and his GOP benefactor will say that all the gifts didn't influence him--but let's not be naive. This is how influence peddling works.
He's hanging out with and accepting luxury perks--worth huge dollars--from GOP activists. That's corruption, dude, plain and simple.
Of course he and his GOP benefactor will say that all the gifts didn't influence him--but let's not be naive. This is how influence peddling works.

How many cases has Thomas heard that involve this guy or his companies? How many have even been in front of SCOTUS?
It is pretty shocking that in 2023 America .... a black man not only is for sale, but is so of his own free will. He wants to be bought.

* Granted, he comes at a high price.
Read through Harlan Crow's history. There are numerous cases where Clarence Thomas could have been doing the bidding of his master.

I didn't know BB was such a racist.
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Members of Congress have no duty of impartiality. It is of paramount importance that members of the judiciary remain impartial. Even the appearance of bias or impropriety taints the process.
Except the nomination system we have is completely partisan and biased. The entire court is tainted by politics because of that nomination system. Should we impeach the entire court?
SCOTUS and these vacations are not covered.
Yes they are....and if they are not (Which they are) they are now and totally unethical anyway you look at it.
How many cases has Thomas heard that involve this guy or his companies? How many have even been in front of SCOTUS?
It makes no difference... Geez Judge in your pocket. A lot of questions for someone who thinks he is innocent. Regardless of the number of Cases before the Supreme court that he has heard he broke ethics law regarding the receiving of gifts...LOL

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