Clay Travis political commentator

Where is Duncanville?

I can’t see boys beating pros. Gotta say I would watch it though and I have never watched a WNBA game more than 10 seconds.
Depends on the HS boys playing against the female Pros.

You randomly pick 10 of the Top50 HS players in the country and they would run the women into the ground.

It’s not a question of skill. It’s simply length and speed and athleticism. The boys would run past them and jump over them.

And they’d be half a foot taller at every position. It wouldn’t be fair.
Duncanville is Tamika Catchings old HS...
Stevie Ray Vaughn too. Outside of Dallas, Oak Cliff area.

edit SRV went to Justin F Kimball not Duncanville. The wnba posers would stand a chance against them
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Clay Travis is a classic example of the lightweight clowns who populate the right-wing blogosphere these days. He's a dunce. But
it's all about attitude with the right nowadays: You don't have to make sense; in fact being stupid and irrational is perfectly acceptable
and even encouraged--just be loud and defiant while spewing your gibberish.
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Clay Travis is a classic example of the lightweight clowns who populate the right-wing blogosphere these days. He's a dunce. But
it's all about attitude with the right nowadays: You don't have to make sense; in fact being stupid and irrational is perfectly acceptable
and even encouraged--just be loud and defiant while spewing your gibberish.
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Clay Travis is a classic example of the lightweight clowns who populate the right-wing blogosphere these days. He's a dunce. But
it's all about attitude with the right nowadays: You don't have to make sense; in fact being stupid and irrational is perfectly acceptable
and even encouraged--just be loud and defiant while spewing your gibberish.

^^^ this from a clown whose ilk openly and proudly proclaim that there are more sexes than the scientifically certain male and female....that men have babies and women have penises....and that honestly think socialism is a good idea while news from the people starving to death in Venezuela is actually still all over the internet and TV!!!

For the love of God cannot make this crap up. Right up there with calling everyone "Rubes" in the shooter thread while honestly believing that Americans walk around with fully automatic weapons everywhere.

Classic example of " Better to be quiet and have people think youre an idiot, than to open your ignorant mouth and remove all doubt."

Quit while you're behind bud. Way, way, way behind. Put down the shovel. China is surely just a couple feet deeper.
He's not wrong but what's the point? Seems like he's just really excited about the idea of embarrassing the women.
I'm not sure how it would go down but yeah, he's just trying to embarrass women and he's a douche. There's something wrong with him and men in general who are about this ****.
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Clay Travis is a classic example of the lightweight clowns who populate the right-wing blogosphere these days. He's a dunce. But
it's all about attitude with the right nowadays: You don't have to make sense; in fact being stupid and irrational is perfectly acceptable
and even encouraged--just be loud and defiant while spewing your gibberish.
I’m amazed you wrote a paragraph without using rube or MAGA.
I'm not sure how it would go down but yeah, he's just trying to embarrass women and he's a douche. There's something wrong with him and men in general who are about this ****.
100% agree and there are an awful lot of them sadly
I'm not sure how it would go down but yeah, he's just trying to embarrass women and he's a douche. There's something wrong with him and men in general who are about this ****.

Most men that get their rocks off on this sort of stuff probably routinely disappointed their mothers and have spent the majority of their adulthood failing to get laid.

Clay Travis likely falls in the former category.
"Man's men" went from decrying the death of chivalry to gloating about beating women in sports.

By and large, wah-men and womynysts (not women as a whole, mind you) put a lid on the classical notion of chivalry. Examples include getting offended at men holding a door for them, or demanding that physical differences be overlooked in the context of sport and physical job qualifications, etc. Yeah, chivalry isn't dead, it just smells funny. Definition of chivalry is not determined on the whims of the wahmen and womynysts either.

Mens' sports vs. womens' sports is like two different classes of Gran Prix racing...both groups are at the top of their game however skill, while a factor, can be overcome by a different ceiling of physical limitations.'s obvious Travis is trying to prove a point about the level of competition. Is he obnoxious? Sure, sometimes. But is he right in this case? Likely so.
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By and large, wah-men and womynysts (not women as a whole, mind you) put a lid on the classical notion of chivalry. Examples include getting offended at men holding a door for them, or demanding that physical differences be overlooked in the context of sport and physical job qualifications, etc. Yeah, chivalry isn't dead, it just smells funny. Definition of chivalry is not determined on the whims of the wahmen and womynysts either.

Mens' sports vs. womens' sports is like two different classes of Gran Prix racing...both groups are at the top of their game however skill, while a factor, can be overcome by a different ceiling of physical limitations.'s obvious Travis is trying to prove a point about the level of competition. Is he obnoxious? Sure, sometimes. But is he right in this case? Likely so.

Have you actually ever witnessed this? I have not. I have never met a woman who has argued the physical differences don't exist or should be overlooked like you say...but you throw a rock and you'll hit an obese d-bag on his couch laughing at WNBA players.
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Have you actually ever witnessed this? I have not. I have never met a woman who has argued the physical differences don't exist or should be overlooked like you say...but you throw a rock and you'll hit an obese d-bag on his couch laughing at WNBA players.

Yes (with regard to the door-holding), in fact. In Atlanta...firsthand, and multiple times. Generally though, in my experience, people in general are appreciative or neutral on courtesies like that. But ymmv, of course.

I'm sure there are more than a few couch slugs who get winded walking to the mailbox who downplay the athleticism of female athletes, and honestly I'd laugh my arse off if a team of aforementioned couch slugs lined up against even the worst players of a given league. Personally, I've not watched any WNBA games (and to be fair, I've not watched any NBA games in around 25 has never really been of interest to me).

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