Clay Travis political commentator

Clay Travis is a classic example of the lightweight clowns who populate the right-wing blogosphere these days. He's a dunce. But
it's all about attitude with the right nowadays: You don't have to make sense; in fact being stupid and irrational is perfectly acceptable
and even encouraged--just be loud and defiant while spewing your gibberish.
Clay Travis isn't a dunce. He's a jerk, but he's not a dunce. He was a liberal nashville radio sports guy (who really didnt know much about sports) who figured out a shtick to appeal to a certain demographic and monetize it.
Without following Clay on X, I would have had no idea that the WNBA championship even happened. 🤣😂

But to Clay's point remember the US women's soccer team has lost I think on a couple of occasions to Boy's High School all-star teams.
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making CT pay a cool mil is the upside but something similar to this would actually happen

I have no doubt they would. It is interesting to me that the number one person in media claiming women shouldn't have to play against biological males, and that is Clay Travis, is trying to publicly shame women into playing against biological males.
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I have no doubt they would. It is interesting to me that the number one person in media claiming women shouldn't have to play against biological males, and that is Clay Travis, is trying to publicly shame women into playing against biological males.
when a bunch of male teenagers trounce the elite women professionals, it kind of proves the point that natural born males should not compete in women's sports. fwiw... if women are athletic enough to compete with men, that is competitively fine with me. I am all for a women's division and an open division in competitive sports, peewee to pro
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I have no doubt they would. It is interesting to me that the number one person in media claiming women shouldn't have to play against biological males, and that is Clay Travis, is trying to publicly shame women into playing against biological males.
Would the expected outcome of this matchup not bolster his argument that women shouldn’t have to play against biological males?

But yea, it’s just Clay Travis being Clay Travis. I remember when he was absolutely loathed on this board.
Would the expected outcome of this matchup not bolster his argument that women shouldn’t have to play against biological males?

But yea, it’s just Clay Travis being Clay Travis. I remember when he was absolutely loathed on this board.
CT was to that vandy coach [that left in the middle of the night to coach pedo state] like turdo is to pedo joe
Would the expected outcome of this matchup not bolster his argument that women shouldn’t have to play against biological males?

But yea, it’s just Clay Travis being Clay Travis. I remember when he was absolutely loathed on this board.
Well sure. But why the hell does he feel it necessary to call out women to play men? He's a dbag loud mouth.Shat like this proves it. He doesn't actually care about the sanctity of womens sports. If he did, he wouldbt be calling them out to play men. He's not as smart as he thinks he is.
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I remember him green guest spots on Nashville sports radio years ago. Don't follow him and haven't heard what he's saying. But my guess is his schtick is meant to be a response to idiots claiming men who transition to women in women's sports don't have inherent advantages.

It didn't really help the situation but that's not what he's trying to accomplish anyway. Do I think he's any more or less wrong than those pushing men in women's sports? No. But he is a douche.
Clay Travis isn't a dunce. He's a jerk, but he's not a dunce. He was a liberal nashville radio sports guy (who really didnt know much about sports) who figured out a shtick to appeal to a certain demographic and monetize it.

Clay never was a liberal, or at least in saying he was a liberal. We could probably go back to his youth and find things he agreed with democrats on.
Without following Clay on X, I would have had no idea that the WNBA championship even happened. 🤣😂

But to Clay's point remember the US women's soccer team has lost I think on a couple of occasions to Boy's High School all-star teams.

The WNBA has never been a highly marketable product but the players sunk the product they had to worse levels. There were casual fans who would watch because they followed players from college to the pros who tuned out once they ante up'd on the political correctness. That is a sign of hubris and having employees ruin the company or business. The Brittney Griner's personalities have sunk it to a point of no return. The NBA players could somewhat pull it off because they have a more entertaining product though it too has lost fans over the years which is why they suck up to China.
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So let me understand this correctly...CT made a statement a while ago regarding the WNBA being a trash product. While is crappy comment, mostly true because the WNBA is not profitable and it doesn't gain fans. So an Aces players gets caught up in her feelings and comments to something he said months before..his response is a challenge...and he is the mean man?
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Would the expected outcome of this matchup not bolster his argument that women shouldn’t have to play against biological males?

But yea, it’s just Clay Travis being Clay Travis. I remember when he was absolutely loathed on this board.

I mean, he still is unless you hate women and/or haven't felt the warmth of one since Jimmy Carter was president.
Well sure. But why the hell does he feel it necessary to call out women to play men? He's a dbag loud mouth.Shat like this proves it. He doesn't actually care about the sanctity of womens sports. If he did, he wouldbt be calling them out to play men. He's not as smart as he thinks he is.
I’d guess ratings

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