Clay Travis: Vandy has as many bowl wins in past 2 seasons as UT had in the past 12.

Actually, Vandy has not sucked for 100 years. They've put together some pretty great seasons and less than 100 years ago were one of the premier teams in the country. I don't agree at all with your basketball analogy. Tennessee was ranked in the top 15 that year, beat a great OSU team in the tourney, and came within a point of the Final Four. Vol fans most definitely should be pumping their chests for that. In contrast, Vandy is not ranked, the "big" win this year was vs. an 8-5 injury plagued Georgia team, who we almost beat as well when they were a lot healthier. They squeaked by a 5-7 UT team and needed a miracle bail out catch by Matthews to beat a terrible Wake Forest team at home. The difference simply is that the Tennessee Basketball team you reference was a great team that accomplished great things, whereas the current Vandy team is not and has not.

I give them their due credit for accomplishing what they have, including beating UT, but they are far from a great team. As you said, it's all relative, and Vandy is only successful right now relative to their fortunate scheduling and the timing of cycle, not because they are great by any measure. the era since leather helmets and when the forward pass became popular Vandy has sucked!

Regarding the basketball analogy, it is fitting. An Elite 8 appearance by UT is impressive by UT standards, not by UK or UF standards.

And that UGA team that was "a lot healthier" was pretty much the exact team that drove down the field against UT with under 2 minutes to go to score the tying TD.
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Austin Peay, South Alabama, Western Kentucky
Georgia State, Akron, Troy
Montana, Buffalo, MTSU

be careful throwing those rocks

The point remains that Vandy under Franklin has never beaten a team who has won more than 8 games a season. Vandy, under Franklin, has never beaten a team that finished ranked. If memory serves Vandy, under Franklin, has never beaten a team that went on to win a bowl game.

UT did all of that this year.

And if we are throwing out names of teams, try Presbyterian, UMASS, Wake Forest and others....the majority of Vandy's wins over Franklin's tenure came against teams who could not win 4 games over a season. Something like 4-5 head coaches that Franklin faced have been fired for having teams that were so awful to not warrant keeping them around.

Their schedule is extremely weak, and that isn't throwing stones...that is simply pointing at the very real boulders.
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True. Have you ever listened to his show? You can go 30 minutes and they might not ever talk about sports. It's a terrible show, therefore I listen to 102.5 in te afternoons.

Yes I'm forced to because where I live 102.5 doesn't come in. I knew 104.5 was going down when they got rid of George Plaster.

Clay's show does have some value but only as entertainment. He can be funny at times but it has almost no sports value.
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The point remains that Vandy under Franklin has never beaten a team who has won more than 8 games a season. Vandy, under Franklin, has never beaten a team that finished ranked. If memory serves Vandy, under Franklin, has never beaten a team that went on to win a bowl game.

UT did all of that this year.

Sadly enough Vandy did beat the team that did all of that this year. Here's to brighter days.
Wow, the butthurt is strong over the truth. And it is the truth, whether we like it or not. We look up to Vanderbilt right now. Don't like it? Fix it. But it is what it is.

I can see Travis being a UT fan and tweeting that. Accept the truth and try to move on from it. Living in denial gets you nowhere.

There is always next season......


(and I for one still look way down on Vandy)
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The point remains that Vandy under Franklin has never beaten a team who has won more than 8 games a season. Vandy, under Franklin, has never beaten a team that finished ranked. If memory serves Vandy, under Franklin, has never beaten a team that went on to win a bowl game.

UT did all of that this year.

And if we are throwing out names of teams, try Presbyterian, UMASS, Wake Forest and others....the majority of Vandy's wins over Franklin's tenure came against teams who could not win 4 games over a season. Something like 4-5 head coaches that Franklin faced have been fired for having teams that were so awful to not warrant keeping them around.

Their schedule is extremely weak, and that isn't throwing stones...that is simply pointing at the very real boulders.

We would not have won nine games with their schedule. They beat us in back to back seasons. If we beat them none of these threads or arguments exist. When was the last time we beat UGA and UF in the same year? Are they a real rival and threat to our future? No, but they did what they did.
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And by the way, please stop the Franklin worship. How many top 10 teams has he beaten? Zero. We've done that. Does that make Butch a genius? Franklin has mastered the art of beating mediocre teams. His accomplishment is that in the past, Vandy has not been able to do that. He deserves credit for establishing Vandy as a middle tier lower bowl going SEC team, which is the best they have ever been and the best they are ever going to be. He has not won championships, beaten ANY great teams, and once the schedule starts to turn (should he stay) and UGA, UT, and UF return to better teams and/or he starts having to face better teams, he'll get destroyed. He has benefitted from soft scheduling, not having to play Bama, LSU, or any other team at their peak or near it, and has gotten the job done. Well done, but not nearly worthy of the "Great Coach" status everyone wants to give him. Beat someone great, and I'll drink the anchor-gade or whatever they drink around there.

I will adhere to the fact that Fraklin is a good coach and has taken Vandy to sights unseen in their pathetic history. However, as you state, he hit the perfect storm when it comes to scheduling as he has not had to play the best SEC teams from the West I.e. AL, AU or LSU nor has he had to play a top tier OOC team in his tenure.. He has beaten 4 teams with a winning record the entire time he has been at Vandy. That says it all.
What he says is the truth, no problem with it. That said its a half truth. All things being equal it sounds great but if you sent most who we're impressed by hearing that to look at the two schedules then it would become " most schools would have two also with those schedules. " also if they are knowledgable about the season they would also know Ga's offense was racked by injuries when they played and much like ohio st they lost to the only good football teams they played.

So a good journalist would have said something like "while playing much easier schedules Vanderbilt now has as many bowl wins the last two years as Tennessee has in last 12"

But then again I did stress good journalist. It's all come together for Franklin at the right times but he also has done a great job and deserves is Vandy.
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What he says is the truth, no problem with it. That said its a half truth. All things being equal it sounds great but if you sent most who we're impressed by hearing that to look at the two schedules then it would become " most schools would have two also with those schedules. " also if they are knowledgable about the season they would also know Ga's offense was racked by injuries when they played and much like ohio st they lost to the only good football teams they played.

So a good journalist would have said something like "while playing much easier schedules Vanderbilt now has as many bowl wins the last two years as Tennessee has in last 12"

But then again I did stress good journalist. It's all come to gather for Franklin at the right times but he also has done a great job and deserves is Vandy.
He is cherry picking stats. I hate that. It's like saying "Vandy has never lost a game when it has been below zero degrees in Nashville and Sirius and Orion have aligned behind Venus"..How about Clay go back ANOTHER 20 games and look at their record..or 50 games, or 100 games, or 200 games. Go back 1000 games. Vanderbilt has finally achieved a non losing school record for the first time in how many decades?

A lot of people think Vandy are on a precipitous climb to SEC Championships, NC titles, and glory. It is not and will not ever happen. As previous posters have stated Vandy's illusion of success comes at the cost of every other SEC east team pretty much being not very good the past 2 years. These Vandy posts will be like a fart in the wind next season and beyond.
Vandy has won 2 out of 3 bottom tier Bowl games and still cannot sale out the smallest stadium in the south:whistling:
Its what happens to people when you tell them the truth

It first starts with denial. The denial gets so strong that muscles begin to cramp in the anus. This pain is referred to as "Butt Hurt"

Your posts are epic comedy but sadly they hinge on the truth. By far this made me laugh the most. :eek:lol:
You could pretty much make the statement and replace "Vandy" with any other SEC team, other than Kentucky. Every other SEC school has won two bowls since UT last won one. Travis is just picking the one team that's going to get under UT fans' collective skin so that he'll increase his web traffic.
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A lot of people think Vandy are on a precipitous climb to SEC Championships, NC titles, and glory. It is not and will not ever happen. As previous posters have stated Vandy's illusion of success comes at the cost of every other SEC east team pretty much being not very good the past 2 years. These Vandy posts will be like a fart in the wind next season and beyond.

I don't think so. Vandy's ceiling is 8-9 wins and the occasional win against an upper tier team. They've managed to do some of these things in the recent years.

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