Clay Travis: Vandy has as many bowl wins in past 2 seasons as UT had in the past 12.

Knew he was a Vandy law school grad. Didn't need to though to know he's all Vandy. About 3 seconds listening to him on the radio confirms that.
Now you know...THE REST of the story
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I believe his grandfather played for Neyland. You would find out more if you read his book about Fulmer's last season. I have no doubt that he grew up a UT fan. However, he has become a sensationalist reporter and some things he says is for attention. He has also jumped on the Franklin bandwagon and put aside some of his UT feelings. I thought his first book was pretty good, but his "fame" has gotten to him.
I can't really hate on him too much. That statement is true. Vandy has a great coach and has had a great run. And We've sucked of late. I don't get pissed everytime that gets pointed out to me. However, I definitely believe our fortunes are changing. And as far as Vandy goes... It won't be long before Franklin leaves and Vandy reclaims their rightfully spot...
His point is true, but empty. We have more wins vs. South Carolina in the past two years than Vandy. So what? Replace Oregon on our schedule last year with U Mass or any of the other terrible non conference games that Vandy played and we too go bowling, and probably beat a mediocre opponent as well. Whoopidy doo. The only number that matters is that Vandy has beaten Tennessee the past two years. Last year's loss was understandable. This year's loss was the disaster, with every opportunity to end this nonsense talk, beat them head to head, and go to a lower tier bowl along with Vandy. All we had to do was either score more than 14 points, or stop a 92 yard drive in the last 4 minutes of the game. We did not get it done. We have to live with that until next year.
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Just win and all of this stuff goes away.
Until then, keep arguing that ancient history trumps what is happening in the present.
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And by the way, please stop the Franklin worship. How many top 10 teams has he beaten? Zero. We've done that. Does that make Butch a genius? Franklin has mastered the art of beating mediocre teams. His accomplishment is that in the past, Vandy has not been able to do that. He deserves credit for establishing Vandy as a middle tier lower bowl going SEC team, which is the best they have ever been and the best they are ever going to be. He has not won championships, beaten ANY great teams, and once the schedule starts to turn (should he stay) and UGA, UT, and UF return to better teams and/or he starts having to face better teams, he'll get destroyed. He has benefitted from soft scheduling, not having to play Bama, LSU, or any other team at their peak or near it, and has gotten the job done. Well done, but not nearly worthy of the "Great Coach" status everyone wants to give him. Beat someone great, and I'll drink the anchor-gade or whatever they drink around there.
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The Ebb and Flo - Our Tide has been out for a bit BUT it's coming back in. Like the Ebb and Flo of other great institutions we are returning. There are too many people behind the scene making it happen, there are too many Fans who will not give up. Go VOLS !!! Who is Franklin? Is he a good man?
And by the way, please stop the Franklin worship. How many top 10 teams has he beaten? Zero. We've done that. Does that make Butch a genius? Franklin has mastered the art of beating mediocre teams. His accomplishment is that in the past, Vandy has not been able to do that. He deserves credit for establishing Vandy as a middle tier lower bowl going SEC team, which is the best they have ever been and the best they are ever going to be. He has not won championships, beaten ANY great teams, and once the schedule starts to turn (should he stay) and UGA, UT, and UF return to better teams and/or he starts having to face better teams, he'll get destroyed. He has benefitted from soft scheduling, not having to play Bama, LSU, or any other team at their peak or near it, and has gotten the job done. Well done, but not nearly worthy of the "Great Coach" status everyone wants to give him. Beat someone great, and I'll drink the anchor-gade or whatever they drink around there.

We're talking about Vandy, here, not UT, Bama, UF, or LSU.

Vandy has sucked for 100 years. Their coach only 3 years has them competing and beating some "upper tier" teams....even if they are in a down period.

It's kind of like when UT went to the Elite 8 in basketball in 2010. Vol fans were proud and pumping their chests because UT had never been there before. For UK and UF that's a typical season. It's all relative.
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Wish we were a middle tier lower bowl going SEC team.
Just saying.

As do I. I'm just pointed out that if we have played U Mass at home instead of Oregon on the road, we would be just that. Of course, we could have done it anyway if we'd gotten the job done at home vs. Vandy.
We're talking about Vandy, here, not UT, Bama, UF, or LSU.

Vandy has sucked for 100 years. Their coach only 3 years has them competing and beating some "upper tier" teams....even if they are in a down period.

It's kind of like when UT went to the Elite 8 in basketball in 2010. Vol fans were proud and pumping their chests because UT had never been there before. For UK and UF that's a typical season. It's all relative.

Actually, Vandy has not sucked for 100 years. They've put together some pretty great seasons and less than 100 years ago were one of the premier teams in the country. I don't agree at all with your basketball analogy. Tennessee was ranked in the top 15 that year, beat a great OSU team in the tourney, and came within a point of the Final Four. Vol fans most definitely should be pumping their chests for that. In contrast, Vandy is not ranked, the "big" win this year was vs. an 8-5 injury plagued Georgia team, who we almost beat as well when they were a lot healthier. They squeaked by a 5-7 UT team and needed a miracle bail out catch by Matthews to beat a terrible Wake Forest team at home. The difference simply is that the Tennessee Basketball team you reference was a great team that accomplished great things, whereas the current Vandy team is not and has not.

I give them their due credit for accomplishing what they have, including beating UT, but they are far from a great team. As you said, it's all relative, and Vandy is only successful right now relative to their fortunate scheduling and the timing of cycle, not because they are great by any measure.
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The truth hurts...but hey things are about to turn around. What the nation has seen Tennessee do the past few years is something we haven't done since 1900-1904. Or something like that....this was our time to be down unfortunately. Vandy can enjoy it because it's not gonna last much longer. Franklin has improved vandy but let's be honest....they've gotten lucky with UT, Florida and UGA being down this last year. Actually UGA had injuries as well as Florida but Vandy hasn't beaten anyone worth gloating about. We can let vandy enjoy their 9-4 seasons because it's not gonna last much longer. After all, 9-4 at vandy is like winning a national championship. At UT, we've actually won stuff. And will again. Vandy hasn't and never will. Idc what the records have been lately, it's pathetic anyone would like Vanderbilt.
and TENN has as many bowl wins in the last 20 years than Vandy's entire 100+ year history! Hopefully Travis will go with JF when he goes!

UT = 47 bowl appearances (#3 all time)
Candy = 7 (rotflmao)

UT = 25 Bowl wins (#4 all time)
Candy = 4 (rotflmao)

UT = 16 SEC Championships
Candy = (zilch/rotflmao)

UT = 7 SEC East Championships
Candy = (zilch/ rotflmao)

UT = Gang Rapes of fellow students (zilch!)
Candy = ......

enough said!!! :the_finger: Travis

The gang rape stat is a highly underrated state. It should be park of the recruiting welcome package in my opinion..

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