And by the way, please stop the Franklin worship. How many top 10 teams has he beaten? Zero. We've done that. Does that make Butch a genius? Franklin has mastered the art of beating mediocre teams. His accomplishment is that in the past, Vandy has not been able to do that. He deserves credit for establishing Vandy as a middle tier lower bowl going SEC team, which is the best they have ever been and the best they are ever going to be. He has not won championships, beaten ANY great teams, and once the schedule starts to turn (should he stay) and UGA, UT, and UF return to better teams and/or he starts having to face better teams, he'll get destroyed. He has benefitted from soft scheduling, not having to play Bama, LSU, or any other team at their peak or near it, and has gotten the job done. Well done, but not nearly worthy of the "Great Coach" status everyone wants to give him. Beat someone great, and I'll drink the anchor-gade or whatever they drink around there.