Clay Travis: Vandy has as many bowl wins in past 2 seasons as UT had in the past 12.

Clay Travis can dine on fecal material and expire. The world was a better place before we had to endure his observations.
All that and no real fan base. Maybe 35,000 at best.

Not true...though not numerous they do have a solid fan base well beyond 35k. Ive lost some good friends since Vandy beat Tennessee in Nashville in 2012 that were Vandy fans and that's the only solice i could a previous poster said "history is not on their side"
Huh? I think a top 5 recruiting class would equal a " rising boat". And while Franklin may have made Vandy a better team temporarily, they will never be a top tier SEC team and will never win an SEC or National Championship. Same for KY

Actually Kentucky could, if they actually invested themselves in their football program. However, since they have their minds stuck into Basketball so much, it probably won't happen.
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Not true...though not numerous they do have a solid fan base well beyond 35k. Ive lost some good friends since Vandy beat Tennessee in Nashville in 2012 that were Vandy fans and that's the only solice i could a previous poster said "history is not on their side"

Good friends? Who were Vandy fans? You were living with a true contradiction.
That statement is going to go over like a turd in a punch bowl.

Most on Vol Nation think it is 1999.

It doesn't have to be 99 to know that Vanderbilt is a pit stop and Tennessee is an all-time great.

Anyone who believes Tennessee will be down forever or that Vanderbilt can sustain their success is stupid.

Vanderbilt lucked out when the SEC was down and Tennessee was unlucky in poor coaching hires. If you get the right coach... which facilities and stadium would you rather play in/for? Hint... not the stadium that holds under 40,000 and has nerds who don't give two craps about da foosball.

The Vols will always be prevalent. Vanderbilt never will be.
Not true...though not numerous they do have a solid fan base well beyond 35k. Ive lost some good friends since Vandy beat Tennessee in Nashville in 2012 that were Vandy fans and that's the only solice i could a previous poster said "history is not on their side"

Given your sign up date, I'll just assume you're here to stick up for Vandy.

Ditched friends over a football game... :eek:lol:

And if you're a real Vols fan, the jokes on you for ever being friends with Vandy garbage.
Currently, those folks have a VU beer bottle stuck in their rectum. It's rather uncomfortable after insertion beyond the long neck section and the main bottle chamber enters. And sometimes the bottle breaks which it has the last two meetings between the UT and VU met. The pain is amplified even more with attempted removal. :hi:

No offense intended but that sounds just like something Clay Travis would say...
So Franklins not a good coach because he benefits from a weak schedule?

We just hired a coaching staff that benefited from a weak schedule

What's the difference?
Given your sign up date, I'll just assume you're here to stick up for Vandy.

Ditched friends over a football game... :eek:lol:

And if you're a real Vols fan, the jokes on you for ever being friends with Vandy garbage.

You assume wrong! The dear friends i lost died. If you base friendships solely on which college football team they support then the joke is on you
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Clay Travis @ClayTravisBGID
Vanderbilt now has as many bowl wins in the past two seasons as Tennessee's had in the past 12.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID
Vandy is now 16-4 in its last 20 games. Only Alabama at 17-3 has a better SEC record over past 20 games.

and TENN has as many bowl wins in the last 20 years than Vandy's entire 100+ year history! Hopefully Travis will go with JF when he goes!

UT = 47 bowl appearances (#3 all time)
Candy = 7 (rotflmao)

UT = 25 Bowl wins (#4 all time)
Candy = 4 (rotflmao)

UT = 16 SEC Championships
Candy = (zilch/rotflmao)

UT = 7 SEC East Championships
Candy = (zilch/ rotflmao)

UT = Gang Rapes of fellow students (zilch!)
Candy = ......

enough said!!! :the_finger: Travis
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I pick the wrong year to stop sniffing glue.

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Huh? I think a top 5 recruiting class would equal a " rising boat". And while Franklin may have made Vandy a better team temporarily, they will never be a top tier SEC team and will never win an SEC or National Championship. Same for KY

Let's get that class signed, and then we'll talk. Let's put some more ticks in the W column too.

Vandy will never be an SEC powerhouse in football. Nevertheless, Franklin has taken them to heights unknown in living memory, and I would gladly have taken Franklin over Layla's husband or Barbara's son every single freakin' day of the week.
Let's get that class signed, and then we'll talk. Let's put some more ticks in the W column too.

Vandy will never be an SEC powerhouse in football. Nevertheless, Franklin has taken them to heights unknown in living memory, and I would gladly have taken Franklin over Layla's husband or Barbara's son every single freakin' day of the week.

Agree with your last statement, but would take Butch Jones all day long over Franklin. Kiffin and Dooley are the reasons we are in the shape we're in.. CBJ is going to change that but it will be at least 2 more years before we can compete week in and week out in the SEC
Let's get that class signed, and then we'll talk. Let's put some more ticks in the W column too.

Vandy will never be an SEC powerhouse in football. Nevertheless, Franklin has taken them to heights unknown in living memory, and I would gladly have taken Franklin over Layla's husband or Barbara's son every single freakin' day of the week.


Let's live in fantasy land aka VN where the top 2 class sticks and every single one signed goes on to become an All American and the Vols are in the SECCG the next four years now that Butch has "his" players.

I like it there better than the reality of where the Commodores have a 2 game win streak over the Vols and a much more in demand coach.
Yeah go back and look at Vandys schedule and if you can still compare their OOC games to ours then you need your head checked.

Since you asked that question:

Austin Peay, South Alabama, Western Kentucky, Oregon - UT 2013
Austin Peay, UMass, UAB, Wake, Houston - VU 2013
Ducks trump all, rest is a wash.

Georgia State, Akron, Troy, NC State - UT 2012
Northwestern, Presbyterian, UMass, Wake, NC State - VU 2012
Taking away the bowl if you feel like it, Vandy still wins this year, though both weak. Northwestern & NC State cancel each other out, as do Georgia State - Presbyterian. So it's basically Troy-Akron vs Wake-UMass.

Montana, Buffalo, MTSU, Cincinnati - UT 2011
Elon, UConn, Army, Wake, Cincinnati - VU 2011
You would say UT has a stronger OOC sked this year?

Besides the ugly beat down in Eugene, they look pretty similar, boss. An objective person may even say theirs is a bit harder, though neither qualify as difficult. If we (as a program) are currently over Vandy so much, then we (as a fanbase) look awfully petty running smack on their schedule and recent success. It won't last, so don't worry about it so much. Worry about things you can control. Where will you watch the game next season? Will you tailgate if you go? How many HS kids will you follow on Twitter? Things like that. Vandy isn't worth your angst in the big picture.

Going for that head exam now. Skeered of what I may find. Grounded in reality? Oh my......
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Let's get that class signed, and then we'll talk. Let's put some more ticks in the W column too.

Vandy will never be an SEC powerhouse in football. Nevertheless, Franklin has taken them to heights unknown in living memory, and I would gladly have taken Franklin over Layla's husband or Barbara's son every single freakin' day of the week.
Or has the traditional SEC powers he has beaten fallen to all time lows during this time?
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Or has the traditional SEC powers he has beaten fallen to all time lows during this time?

That same argument was made against Fulmer time and again.

Hard to make it stick against Franklin though when 10 SEC teams made bowl games. UT and Florida may be down but it's a much stronger conference as a whole.
Is that last part sarcasm?

Past performance is not an indication of future success, regardless of what people may think or want. When UT won back to back SEC Titles in 97 and 98, and the National Title in 98, who then could have foreseen humiliating 5 win seasons in 2005, 2008, a 6-7 2010 season, and 5-7 records the past three years.:banghead2:

For a lot of people in their mid 20s and older, the idea of Tennessee being a dominant force in college football isn't just a possibility, it was fact at one time, while with 4 exceptions, prior to 2008 Candyland had exactly four winning seasons of note since World War 2 that anyone would know about.

Now look at the younger generation, the kids currently growing up, in high school or about to go to college, the one's that where not around during the good old days or where too young to understand and comprehend what was happening. They don't remember the greatness of Peyton Manning. They don't recall or understand Tee Martin bringing home that National Championship trophy. They don't remember the 1985 Sugar Vols or other successful years under Johnny Majors.

All they remember lately is 6 loosing seasons, Phil Fulmer being dismissed, Kiffin throwing the team under a bus, and loosing to Candy 3 times since 2005.

Long term UT can and hopefully will rise to relevance again. But sad as it is, that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be next year or anytime in the immediate future, and unfortunately that doesn't mean that Candy can't take us out behind the woodshed and run up the score one or two more times.

Do you have to like it, no. But that's where things stand at the moment.
Tennessee has been in this situation before youngster. Just because it wasn't in your lifetime doesn't change the history that Tennessee has sucked also many times.....and turned it around. History repeats itself....not just in football.
Believe it or not Alabama, Southern Cal, Notre Dame, Florida, Miami, Florida St., Oklahoma, Texas....all have had their share of this too.
That same argument was made against Fulmer time and again.

Hard to make it stick against Franklin though when 10 SEC teams made bowl games. UT and Florida may be down but it's a much stronger conference as a whole.
So the Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee teams Vandy fans are hanging their mighty victory hat on were at full dominate form as usual? I don't think so.
A healthy Florida and Georgia team would have slapped them silly like they did the season before.....and everyone knows it...admit it or not.
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Travis was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. He graduated from George Washington University in 2001, majoring in history, as well as working as a student basketball manager. He then attended Vanderbilt University Law School where he graduated in 2004

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