Clay Travis vs Erik Ainge

Ainge is not letting this thing go. He pretty much physically threatened Clay on the air this morning. I'm fully being Ainge on this little feud, but he needs to just squash it and move on or he'll look like the immature one. He needs to realize that Clay is more articulate, and will win a drawn-out battle of words.

AND.... CT is a Lawyer. EA had better think before something can be misconstrued as a threat.
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Ainge is not letting this thing go. He pretty much physically threatened Clay on the air this morning. I'm fully behind Ainge on this little feud, but he needs to just squash it and move on or he'll look like the immature one. He needs to realize that Clay is more articulate, and will win a drawn-out battle of words.

I think Ainge punched out Jake Gyellenhall once. No joke, talked about it on his radio show.
I thought Clay was a big VOLS fan. At least one would think that after reading his book. What has he done in the last few years to make so many Vols fans hate him?

I think he is something of a UT fan. I think most here hate him because he mocked the Dooley hire from the beginning and turned out to be right. Many on this board were those who actually believed a WAC loser was going to somehow succeed in the SEC.

The thing is, Clay Travis at least cared enough about the program to call that hire the travesty that it was. Contrast that to all the non-UT fans populating the Sports Animal, who were perfectly happy to tell UT fans over and over that they had to give that joke of a coach 3 years to destroy their program before they could make any evaluations.

That said, Travis should really lay off the personal attacks against Ainge. I can certainly understand Vol fans being upset by that.
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That said, Travis should really lay off the personal attacks against Ainge. I can certainly understand Vol fans being upset by that.

The thing is, this has zero to do with who anybody is a fan of. I'd think he was in the wrong whether he was talking about a Vol, a Bammer or a Dawg. Both the pic he posted and the attack on Ainge's past were about as low rent and unprofessional as it gets.
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The thong is, this has zero to do with who anybody is a fan of. I'd think he was in the wrong whether he was talking about a Vol, a Bammer or a Dawg. Both the pic he posted and the attack on Ainge's past were about as low rent and unprofessional as it gets.

What you did, I see it
The thing is, this has zero to do with who anybody is a fan of. I'd think he was in the wrong whether he was talking about a Vol, a Bammer or a Dawg. Both the pic he posted and the attack on Ainge's past were about as low rent and unprofessional as it gets.

Fair enough. I didn't mean only Vol fans should be upset by it.

I think Travis is a clown for the personal attacks and is only making himself look bad.

As for the pic, I don't really get the controversy. You really can't see anything. He didn't post her name. And I don't get where Ainge has a moral high ground when he has spent the past 3 days making sex jokes about Jenny Wright.
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I was just speaking to the fact that must UT fans don't like him because they view his opinions as "bashing UT" yet the only negative things I've really ever seen him say were with regards to the awful job Dooley was doing, and he recognized that train wreck two years before a lot of fans were willing to see it.

As for his professionalism, I don't see why people expect that from him. He's essentially a blogger (albeit a well paid one) so I don't really see the typical journalism rules applying to him. He owns and runs his own website, and should be able to write and say whatever he pleases.

I didn't have much of a problem with his bashing of Dooley, as yes he was on the money. Although IMHO his dislike was personal and stemmed from Dooley embarrassing him at SEC Media Days (the marbles in his mouth comment). Travis being "right" about Dooley had far more to do with he decided early to hate him than Travis actually knowing Dooley sucked; in fact if you go back and look the very few times it looked like Dooley might actually be turning a page, Travis flirted with doing a 180. For example he pretty much gushed about the team and Dooley after the NC St. win last year, in an early attempt to change his course should Dooley get things done.

My main problem with Travis is it's clear he's more at home doing TMZ style garbage than reporting sports. I get he's going for a different angle and that he knows straight up reporting sports would mean he'd be ignored, but I don't need an entire show devoted to talking about some 2 minute girl fight at Steelpechase. The part that really is silly is how he reacts like some 14 year old on how cool it is, kind of like the first time said 14 year old sees a woman's breast.
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Not one mention of Ainge on 3HL yesterday, just hours after the whole thing.

Wake up and turn on Ainge, talking about Clay and whining like little kids.

I love Ainge, but 3HL murders TSR product-wise.
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one of the best what? He realized he would never make it as a legit writer/reporter and moved into the TMZ-like side of sports. He's making money from being ridiculous. Good for him but it doesn't legitimize his efforts at all or make him any less of a clown

I thought Clay Travis and James Franklin were married? Did they divorce? Travis is a sad excuse for a human type creature!
They both look incredibly childish in my opinion. People get way too offended these days. Chill out.


Clay posted a screenshot of the video that already went viral, Ainge brought even more attention to it.

Funny when Ainge is all of a sudden the voice of morality. He jokes up stuff like this all day everyday, but a picture is WAY off limits? Aparently they were talking about the video laughing it up just like 3HL did, and even used her name. Love all the people saying "way to go Ainge for standing up for girls!" Please remember these are belligerently drunk girls getting in a fight at a stupid horse race. Classy. If they didn't want to be seen in that light they shouldn't have acted so in public. No sympathy.

JayBay made an idiot out of himself arguing about ratings with Clay, imo. Clay is the ultimate troll and TSR fed right into it. Like someone said in this thread earlier... if anyone needs ratings it's Ainge, especially during the offseason.
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Not one mention of Ainge on 3HL yesterday, just hours after the whole thing.

Why on Earth would they want to bring up one of their guys posting porn and making fun of a recovering addict from behind a keyboard when called out?
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Is that what dudes wear nowadays? What a bunch of sissies. I think those chicks would throttle any of those guys!
Also, I hate to be THAT guy, but it's ERIK Ainge. How do Tennessee fans still not know that after all this time?
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Why on Earth would they want to bring up one of their guys posting porn and making fun of a recovering addict from behind a keyboard when called out?

And you were simply outraged! by a pic of a girl in a thong. Outraged!

Never saw Clay mention a word about drug abuse, only Ainge say he did. Must've been a long time ago on the radio or something.
And you were simply outraged! by a pic of a girl in a thong. Outraged!

Never saw Clay mention a word about drug abuse, only Ainge say he did. Must've been a long time ago on the radio or something.

You missed the point completely.
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Clay posted a screenshot of the video that already went viral, Ainge brought even more attention to it.

Funny when Ainge is all of a sudden the voice of morality. He jokes up stuff like this all day everyday, but a picture is WAY off limits? Aparently they were talking about the video laughing it up just like 3HL did, and even used her name. Love all the people saying "way to go Ainge for standing up for girls!" Please remember these are belligerently drunk girls getting in a fight at a stupid horse race. Classy. If they didn't want to be seen in that light they shouldn't have acted so in public. No sympathy.

JayBay made an idiot out of himself arguing about ratings with Clay, imo. Clay is the ultimate troll and TSR fed right into it. Like someone said in this thread earlier... if anyone needs ratings it's Ainge, especially during the offseason.

This is where I get annoyed with people sometimes. Ainge wasn't taking a moral stance as much as he was pointing out the hypocrisy of Clay Travis and discrediting him. Not too hard to see this.

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