Clay Travis vs Erik Ainge

ainge needs to pull a major payne on ct.

ive taken lsat courses. the instructor was a "vandy grad" who self promoted at every intersection who "didnt study for the exam bc it came naturally" to him.

got close vandy grad friends. most are hard working successful guys, who had to earn their stripes and dont seld promote. their credentials would speak at any institution

my pt is the one douche doesnt mean all camdy reps are douches. i dropped the class and moved on, and know tons of lawyers more successful from ut law school, as well asol.

as one of the de facto best trial lawyers in tn stated to me. ill never forget. this guy, not a candy grad and at the time who at the time in 90's had on resume' largest recovery for med mal in tn history said "i have never once in 30 years of practice been asked where i went to law school, or have we ever advertised our practice".

and hes a tn law grad. juss sayin'

Instead of LSAT courses you should have enrolled in some English courses. They do not advertise their practice sounds pretty stupid to me.
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This is extremely insulting and I will demand that Clay Travis be removed from his position via petition. This is absolutely deplorable and unacceptable.
There appears to be alcohol involved in this incident. Clay Travis is a joke but a petition will not help. Good luck.
ive taken lsat courses. the instructor was a "vandy grad" who self promoted at every intersection who "didnt study for the exam bc it came naturally" to him.

got close vandy grad friends. most are hard working successful guys, who had to earn their stripes and dont seld promote. their credentials would speak at any institution

my pt is the one douche doesnt mean all camdy reps are douches. i dropped the class and moved on, and know tons of lawyers more successful from ut law school, as well asol.

as one of the de facto best trial lawyers in tn stated to me. ill never forget. this guy, not a candy grad and at the time who at the time in 90's had on resume' largest recovery for med mal in tn history said "i have never once in 30 years of practice been asked where i went to law school, or have we ever advertised our practice".

and hes a tn law grad. juss sayin'

Yeah, I was talking more about Vandy in general. It doesn't matter all that much where someone goes to law school.
While i don't agree with the posting of the photo, I honestly don't get all the Clay hate that shows up here almost daily. He intentionally says something stupid to get you all riled up, so you go to his website and post comments about how he sucks...or you follow him on twitter so you can spew nonsense at him. He doesn't discriminate about which fanbase he wants to piss off, as long as it gets him website hits. If you don't care about CT or even like him or his show...then don't listen, don't follow, don't speak his name. It's as simple as that.

I thought Clay was a big VOLS fan. At least one would think that after reading his book. What has he done in the last few years to make so many Vols fans hate him?
one of the best what? He realized he would never make it as a legit writer/reporter and moved into the TMZ-like side of sports. He's making money from being ridiculous. Good for him but it doesn't legitimize his efforts at all or make him any less of a clown

A fake ass finebaum
Thanks...didn't know about those past comments. How long ago was this, btw?

And I know all too well how having a little girl changes your perspective, my wife is due with our 2nd girl in 4 weeks. Lucky for them, but unlucky for the boys they bring home, daddy will soon have a job that keeps him armed at all times.....:)

Early congrats.
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Betcha Clay does the same today for Ainge.

Unless i missed it, Clay didn't mention EA yesterday. That was the basis of his "I don't 'feud down'" tweet yesterday.

I think that JayBay guy needs to stay out of the feud and put his station ID on the stations website. Had to google it to find out it was on AM.
I quit clicking on Clay Travis site along time ago. Unfortunately Vols fans pay him the majority of his salary by clicking on that site everyday.

I do listen to the afternoon show on the drive home when im not in the car with the sirius radio. The show can be funny, the one about the catfight was excellent.
Ainge is not letting this thing go. He pretty much physically threatened Clay on the air this morning. I'm fully behind Ainge on this little feud, but he needs to just squash it and move on or he'll look like the immature one. He needs to realize that Clay is more articulate, and will win a drawn-out battle of words.
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Doesn't anyone find it a little bit ridiculous that they're bringing their old playing careers into it? haha just saying
Ole Clay is like pee on a platter. All over the place, but not very deep. He was born with the silver spoon in his mouth and has been getting everything handed to him since the day he graced the planet with his presence. The clown has NEVER earned a thing a day in his life. I wish EA would curb stomp him.

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