Climate change is the new religion. Faith and belief of one side or the other and you're either a saint or heathen.
Facts can be blurred to fit either sides agenda. Facts lend way to emotion.
The agenda drives further emotion and fragmentation and the argument is no longer about the topic, but, just people who believe differently and can't and will never see eye to eye.
In the state of, (pick a state), 10% of the cities reported on the amount of yards being mowed in 1930, resulting in the highest amount of yards being mowed ever recorded. In 1950 20% of the cities reported yards that have been mowed, resulting in the highest reporting of yards being mowed ever. In 1970 30% of cities were reporting on the amount of yards that have been mowed, resulting in the largest ever recorded reports of yards being mowed...etc.
Put things into perspective, please. I'd like no further random statements.
This is a strawman (and not a very good one.) The OP wasn't referring to percentages. The article he linked stated "July 2019 will be about 2.16 degrees (1.2 Celsius) more than preindustrial levels".
Instead, your equivocation should be to use the temps recorded in those cities/states because that is a metric that's been available since the advent of the thermometer in 1612.
Equivocating an unsubstantiated statement is relative. When one states the relevance of an increase of recorded history, without stating that the reporting on said subject has increased substantially, the flaw is glaring regardless of the means if exposure. Insinuating that recorded history is somehow all of history is a blatant dismissal of hundreds of millions of data points in lue of a few hundred.
The article didn't impIy that, in fact it specifically stated the metrics it was using to derive the conclusion. I mean, you didn't even need to infer, it was literally spelled out. That's on you, frankly I don't think you even read the article before launching in to a ham fisted attempt at a strawman argument you thought wouldn't get recognized.
First of all, I didn't read the article. I did what I complain about the most...reacting to a headline and inferring intent from the OP. I have exactly zero defense for doing so. I now have to defer to you being correct in every aspect of my strawman rebuttal. Didn't think about getting recognized or caught in any aspect though...just blindly posted. Again one thing I complain about the most.
Appreciate you pointing this out, It helps the debate.
You take this steaming pile of openness and honesty somewhere else. We have no use for it here!First of all, I didn't read the article. I did what I complain about the most...reacting to a headline and inferring intent from the OP. I have exactly zero defense for doing so. I now have to defer to you being correct in every aspect of my strawman rebuttal. Didn't think about getting recognized or caught in any aspect though...just blindly posted. Again one thing I complain about the most.
Appreciate you pointing this out, It helps the debate.