Coach BJ tests [lack of] 'sharpness' of UT

I don't deny this, but good teams should be able to perform under pressure. Now I know that good teams do not have to accomplice every single problem from 1:00 to 0:00. However from what was written in the article, it sounded like our offense had no clue.

That was the point. Only a so called fan would expect them to come out of this practice with raving reviews and ridicule them when it didn't happen. The staff knew that coming in. Who really didn't read the article?
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That was the point. Only a so called fan would expect them to come out of this practice with raving reviews and ridicule them when it didn't happen. The staff knew that coming in. Who really didn't read the article?
From the replies, I would say 80% of the posters. Nothing new there.
That wasn't his inferrence. Bran-man is trying to change his argument after the fact. His "inference" was actually blatantly stated.

His inference was that the team does, and will, suck. His "inference" was that it will take a miracle to win more than 5 games, luck to win more than 4.

No one should let Bran-man wriggle out of the hole he dug with his own illogic.


I agree that he thinks the team does suck right now. I don't know if he thinks they will suck. He did not infer that the team will flat out suck next year. What he did infer is that if we do not get better from our current performance in tight game scenarios, then we will not win more than 4 games
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I agree that he thinks the team does suck right now. I don't know if he thinks they will suck. He did not infer that the team will flat out suck next year. What he did infer is that if we do not get better from our current performance in tight game scenarios, then we will not win more than 4 games

he's a troll who doesn't care about the team. he just posts garbage to get the reactions. not a fan of the vols, just pretending.
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Astronomical was not mentioned in his text. I believe he had the correct usage o the phrase 'starry-eyed'. Which also has nothing to do with the definition of astronomical.

Actually he bolded "astronomical" in my quote then proceeded to bold "starry" in his response to my quote, showing a clear relation between the two whether intended or not.
Spot on.

Every year, we face one or several games where how we perform under time pressure means W or L. This team isn't going to be blowing but a very few teams off the field. We may have 3-4 games on the line in the last minutes.

At this point, we lose those games. 4 win team.

4 wins? They never lost 8 ever. Even under Dooley. It won't happen this yr. I'm sure all over the country there are tons of head coaches that witnessed a bad first situational scrimmage. You're taking this and blowing it way out of proportion.
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That was the point. Only a so called fan would expect them to come out of this practice with raving reviews and ridicule them when it didn't happen. The staff knew that coming in. Who really didn't read the article?

Yes but I don't think anyone was expecting them to be better. It is just disappointing to hear that the team still sucks in close game situations as that has decided the outcome of so many games in the past. What is encouraging is that butch is actively addressing this problem. Hopefully he can fix it. But right now our players have no clue as to how to win a close game.
You should be able to clearly communicate an opinion or argument no matter where you're posting it, especially when you know you're stirring the pot and are going to be dealing with several people who adamantly disagree with you.


Now it's appearing as you're attempting to use my logic against me because you misunderstood my post. The reason it's not applicable in response to my post is because your lack of knowledge of the English language (which I assume you were raised on, correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't inhibit the clarity of my statement in any form or fashion.
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Yes but I don't think anyone was expecting them to be better. It is just disappointing to hear that the team still sucks in close game situations as that has decided the outcome of so many games in the past. What is encouraging is that butch is actively addressing this problem. Hopefully he can fix it. But right now our players have no clue as to how to win a close game.

The question is why would YOU expect them too after three years of Dooley? The first situational practice of this type yet your expectation is ludicrous. This staff knew the outcome before the practice started yet we have geniuses for some reason who expected more. Eight days of practice and we should be contenders for the east. I see it now. Somebody call Butch we gotta bone to pick.
I agree that he thinks the team does suck right now. I don't know if he thinks they will suck. He did not infer that the team will flat out suck next year. What he did infer is that if we do not get better from our current performance in tight game scenarios, then we will not win more than 4 games

Then you should read the post I quoted where he categorically stated that they would suck and would not improve on their record. That would help.

Originally Posted by VolBraniac

OK we luck out and win 5, Jesus intervenes and we win 6.

so how does that feel? Super really good?

Not to me. I played on teams that won 80% of their games. I watched 1990s-200x Vol football.

This is atrocious football for UT and this season ain't gonna be any better in terms of W-L %.

You are either Bran-man's alternate account, are being purposefully ignorant, or.. Well... Not purposefully...
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The question is why would YOU expect them too after three years of Dooley? The first situational practice of this type yet your expectation is ludicrous. This staff knew the outcome before the practice started yet we have geniuses for some reason who expected more. Eight days of practice and we should be contenders for the east. I see it now. Somebody call Butch we gotta bone to pick.

I didn't say that I expected them to. It just sucks that there was absolutely nothing positive mentioned in the article. And from the spin of it there was nothing positive during the practice either. I would have liked to hear that we could have ran a scenario favorably but we did not. That does not mean we will get better at it though.
The question is why would YOU expect them too after three years of Dooley? The first situational practice of this type yet your expectation is ludicrous. This staff knew the outcome before the practice started yet we have geniuses for some reason who expected more.
jlindsa4 prolly expects that a UT team be better than this in time-pressure situations. I do. The fact they are not plainly sucks regardless of whose fault it is.

If they play the same sucky game pressure football after this year is over, who you going to blame?

I blame the lack of talent of the players. YMMV.
Do you expect them to come out and play like a pro team? Of course there's going to be struggles when you got young players out there. Let CBJ do his job and let him be the judge of his team instead of you.
Excuse me, but I'll judge the team any way I choose any time I want as long as I'm plunking down $1,000s to see them.

Young players you say?

Did you read the article?

No. :eek:lol:
jlindsa4 prolly expects that a UT team be better than this in time-pressure situations. I do. The fact they are not plainly sucks regardless of whose fault it is.

If they play the same sucky game pressure football after this year is over, who you going to blame?

I blame the lack of talent of the players. YMMV.

Truth. I don't know if I would put it solely on the players. But they would have to take some of it for sure because butch seems to stress the importance of running close game scenarios.
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I didn't say that I expected them to. It just sucks that there was absolutely nothing positive mentioned in the article. And from the spin of it there was nothing positive during the practice either. I would have liked to hear that we could have ran a scenario favorably but we did not. That does not mean we will get better at it though.


From the 3-yard line with 27 seconds left, the first-team offense scored touchdown when quarterback Justin Worley rolled to his right and found Pig Howard in the end zone.

With the second-team offense, freshman Josh Dobbs threw a touchdown pass to Devrin Young on a play that had Tennessee's defensive coaches looking for a penalty flag for offensive interference when a pick play freed Young.

Jones commended Randolph for his "good play" and reminded his defense of the new rules for targeting and helmet-to-helmet hits.

"We try to expose our players to anything and every situation that occurs throughout the course of a football season," Jones said after Friday's practice, "so when that situation occurs during the season, they've practiced it and they have confidence in that situation because they have seen it and they have practiced it."

PS: The last quote was also a positive... We should be glad they're practicing those things instead of whining about mistakes in practice.
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Truth. I don't know if I would put it solely on the players. But they would have to take some of it for sure because butch seems to stress the importance of running close game scenarios.
If our players as the Orange Koolaid gulpers claim are talented, and Butch is "the guy", that it was all Dooley's fault, then it's on BJs shoulders.

We are much less capable on "O" this year than the last three. And we sucked then at game pressure football. I don't expect that BJ can make that big a difference but I am hopeful.

But not delirious.
If our players as the Orange Koolaid gulpers claim are talented, and Butch is "the guy", that it was all Dooley's fault, then it's on BJs shoulders.

We are much less capable on "O" this year than the last three. And we sucked then at game pressure football. I don't expect that BJ can make that big a difference but I am hopeful.

But not delirious.

The only reason you don't drink orange Koolaid is because it tastes horrible over bran. We understand you're more of a milk guy. We get it.
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