Coach wearing more and more black gear


I had to laugh at this one. Here is why.


:birgits_giggle: Note: NSFW with your volume up.
Love the black uniform posted in this thread. Would be great to upgrade our image. Makes the players look faster too. Would have to wear only late in season during cool weather though. Look how much attention Oregon gets b/c of their unis. Most importantly IT WOULD HELP WITH RECRUITING. And yes, I realize that it's the player in the uniform that matters the most, but with the parity thats out there, any edge we can get will help. We've got checkerboards painted in our endzones for God's sake. That bit of tackiness seems to get the attention of folks around the country on TV games so what's the big deal about wear a great looking uni once in a while

the checker boards are tacky ? shame on you:td: looks pretty damn good to me

and please,move this thread to the other uniform change threads
The checkerboards are as iconic as the Power T on the helmet. When you ask someone about Tennessee, they know about the power T and the checkboard end zones.
I was just thinking, if a teams school colors were brown and white could you tell who had the ball? :crazy:
Black has a historical place in the Volunteers' color scheme? Please, show me where...

I do not think this is fact, however, there is a color that is well within the limits of Tennessee's historical color scheme...

It is a very dark navy/midnight blue.

This is a color I could go for... as long as it is used sparingly - such as; in place of the black outlining of the orange numerals on white jerseys, as-well-as other instances where black is used within the current color scheme.

Also, I think it would be incredibly awesome if UT were to implement an extreme uniform color scheme modification, utilyzing the Orange, White, and traditional dark blue/navy.

I would love to see a new tradition begin, where there a single game is designated to host the custom color scheme modification. Maybe homecoming would be a time for this - or a massive rivalry game (not Alabama, there is no need to change anything about this rivalry... if it ain't broke, don't fix it!)

Maybe the University could conduct a fan competition, where the winner's design would be used for that year's color scheme game. Or maybe the task of uniform design could be given to an academic department, where several teams of UT students would submit several design. The designs could later be show to the players and coaches, where they could select 2-3 they like. Then the fanbase would be presented with the top 2-3 designs and left with the task to select that year's winning design.
I see no problem with wearing black one game a year, and 90% of vol fans agree.

The black fad is gone. You all wanting to wear black "for the recruits" have no idea what's going on. Let's jump on that train that's blown on by, that will land us some players.
Go metallic orange...get with TCU'S guy..they know what's up
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You are being very presumptuous in that assertion.

80k fans a few years ago at the SC game, disagree.

And that black looked retarded with the orange pants, think how crazy it would be with all black Unis with metallic helmets. It would be epic.
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The black fad is gone. You all wanting to wear black "for the recruits" have no idea what's going on. Let's jump on that train that's blown on by, that will land us some players.

I don't want them to wear black for the recruits, I want them to wear it because I think it looks bada$$.
I don't subscribe to the idea that wearing black Unis once a year will put us on the slippery slope to wearing neon like Oregon.

Not a big deal
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