Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

Funny: one of my wife's friends forwarded an old email of mine to her the other day, while she was "cleaning up her old emails." Fortunately, it was a heartfelt message I had sent to several friends the day my oldest was born, 17 years ago.

I couldn't believe it was still in her old folders. I'm just glad none of that existed back when I was younger and really dumb, at times.

I still have emails from when I was at UTK. I have some that could ruin people in the current environment. And some of them from people who now eat this kind of stuff up (meaning ruining someone for something they said or did years ago).
Off topic but I really don't agree with this. Gruden in my humble opinion should not be forced to resign because of something he said or emailed 10 years ago. I think this is really unfair because when this happened he didn't have this job.
He bad mouthed the commish, other owners and many others. What the hell did you think would happen?
This is why most places including where I work have a two year retention on emails. After two years emails are deleted unless they are already part of a lawsuit. Then they go on legal hold but these emails would have been deleted 8 years ago and would never have been turned up by legal discovery.
After so many years on Volnation I have come to the realization that no one on here knows anything about how to hire a successful coach.

I also realize that we are as lucky as hell that Plowman and Boyd decided to gut the program and hire White, who does seem to have a clue. I do not know exactly how far they will take us but we for the first time in years seem to be headed in the right direction. Can not wait until we start getting players.
No. Winning is great. You just have to be happy with it and everything that you have achieved to get there. In my opinion, and it is my opinion, that blow hard will never get to the SEC Championship game.
I was wrong. They got there last year. I have a serious dislike for him and his sicko perverted wife. My apologies.
He bad mouthed the commish, other owners and many others. What the hell did you think would happen?
I just don't agree with this. It was 10 years ago and someone sits on the emails for 10 years. Come on man this a motivated move for some reason. It's not about making the world a better place.
Off topic but I really don't agree with this. Gruden in my humble opinion should not be forced to resign because of something he said or emailed 10 years ago. I think this is really unfair because when this happened he didn't have this job.
Yep - pretty thin material to loose millions of dollars over. I haven't emailed anything questionable but this seemed like small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. He operates in California which could hurt a few more feelings of the perpetually sensitive on the west coast - but in the grand scheme of things - not that awful imho.
Gruden is an idiot for saying those things. He’s an even bigger idiot for emailing them. He just committed social suicide and a couple people on here are defending it. 🤔
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Gruden is an idiot for saying those things. He’s an even bigger idiot for emailing them. He just committed social suicide and a couple people on here are defending it. 🤔
I'm am not defending it one bit. I just don't agree with a person being fired or forced off a job that they didn't have 10 years ago for some emails sent 10 years ago.
I disagree man. I don't believe you should lose a job that you didn't have for an email from 10 years ago. My opinion but it doesn't make me right or wrong just my opinion
The days we live in! Everyone is offended by something, free speech is only ok if it’s politically correct, say something in private conversations that offend and your canceled forever
Probably not even close to that number. Only people defending it are the ones in that group. He said hateful things and is now paying the absolute correct price. Grow up.

Probably not even close to that number. Only people defending it are the ones in that group. He said hateful things and is now paying the absolute correct price. Grow up.
Me having a different opinion doesn't deserve you telling me to grow up. You not being able to here my opinion and just voice yours shows you have some growing up to do yourself.
Gruden is an idiot for saying those things. He’s an even bigger idiot for emailing them. He just committed social suicide and a couple people on here are defending it. 🤔
No when he did it , it would be frowned on but not social suicide. That’s just come about in the last few years.
If all people’s thoughts were put in writing or spoken and heard, 99.9 % would be condemned.
Always thought he was well liked and respected by players And broadcast people so he must of treated Them well.
Used to be a saying, “actions speak louder than words “.
Not anymore. Sadly
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