Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

This is such a ridiculous take. It was ok for him to be a racist piece of garage back in 2011? What’s the stature of limitations on making horrifically racist comments? This isn’t a situation where a white dude uses the “n word” amongst friends when he was a teenager.

Past racist comments disqualify one from coaching the Raiders but not being continually elected to public office since the 70’s.

What a country.
Past racist comments disqualify one from coaching the Raiders but not being continually elected to public office since the 70’s.

What a country.
People are so damn Sensitive these days! Everything has to be politically correct. Every single person on this earth has said something wrong about or to someone. Yet back in the day you say something and people would just laugh it off. God forbid you say something wrong this day and time!
People are so damn Sensitive these days! Everything has to be politically correct. Every single person on this earth has said something wrong about or to someone. Yet back in the day you say something and people would just laugh it off. God forbid you say something wrong this day and time!

Agree 110%
Just pointing out I’m more concerned about the leader of the country spending decades fighting for segregation than I am a football coach saying mean things in private. It makes no sense….
Every single person you have ever met has said something offensive to people they were close to. Every one of them. You acting like this is some horrible offense is absurd. People say rude things. They say offensive things. They always have. And they always will. He said mean things in a private email chain. He didn’t rent a billboard or say them on MNF. Him losing his job because he made offensive jokes in private is peak cancel culture, and frankly it’s ********.
Not a private email chain. He sent them to WORK email accounts.

You don't get to be a bigot, a homophobe, etc and express that in emails at LOTS of companies...... probably including your company.

This isn't unusual. Don't be a bigot, homophobe, misogynist, nor criticize the boss in a vulgar manner in emails you send to work accounts.

Jeez .... this is so obviously dumb.
If media reports about the contents of the emails are accurate, then they are disturbing. But, what bothers me about his firing is, are people ever allowed to change or grow as people? Has any effort been made to if there has been change in him? Or is cancelling him the only solution that exists these days?
If media reports about the contents of the emails are accurate, then they are disturbing. But, what bothers me about his firing is, are people ever allowed to change or grow as people? Has any effort been made to if there has been change in him? Or is cancelling him the only solution that exists these days?
He gets a time out.

Is this unreasonable? These things come out, as they have for many people, and those people lose their jobs....... and can come back after awhile.

REPEATEDLY we've seen folks suggest Hugh Freeze has "changed" and "learned" and apparently Liberty University felt that was true.

Gruden gets the same chance.
What’s the stature of limitations on making horrifically racist comments?

Oh come on. "Horrifically racist"? Was what Gruden said insensitive? Absolutely. Offensive? You bet. Stupid? Without a doubt. But "horrifically racist?" Hyperbole much?

Did his stupid, insensitive, offensive comments rise to the level of him losing his job? I don't know. Maybe. But can we please stop acting like someone using a racially-charged stereotype to make fun of someone they don't like is the end of the world? It makes them an *******, for sure, but comments like Gruden's aren't causing irreparable harm. Let's stop acting like they are and we'll all be better off.
Not a private email chain. He sent them to WORK email accounts.

You don't get to be a bigot, a homophobe, etc and express that in emails at LOTS of companies...... probably including your company.

This isn't unusual. Don't be a bigot, homophobe, misogynist, nor criticize the boss in a vulgar manner in emails you send to work accounts.

Jeez .... this is so obviously dumb.
You shouldn't have to be told to be a good person, but people need to know that email is forever.

I remember when my company first got email (yeah I'm old) and I asked "how do you use this stuff?" And I was given what turned out to be great advice:

Don't type anything you would be ashamed of if it was put up on a screen in a courtroom while your coworkers, friends, family and jurors looked at it.
You act like I'm a racist or something because I'm not a sensitive person and I understand how the world is. I don't like Gruden never have. I don't have any connection to him. I don't believe a person should be fired for something they said 10 years ago. Now if he has said these things while being currently employed by the Raiders that's different. But stop coming at me like I'm some kind of racist
Some of these dated back 3 seasons ago…when he was HC.
If media reports about the contents of the emails are accurate, then they are disturbing. But, what bothers me about his firing is, are people ever allowed to change or grow as people? Has any effort been made to if there has been change in him? Or is cancelling him the only solution that exists these days?
It is way beyond that at this point. No room for Recovery or Rehab or letting go....
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Gruden is an idiot for saying those things. He’s an even bigger idiot for emailing them. He just committed social suicide and a couple people on here are defending it. 🤔
Nobody is defending it, they are just questioning whether he should lose a job that he didn't even have at the time of the e-mails.
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Dan Mullen was the only one I wish we hit on, but I’m happy with Heupel right now after 2 well coached games.

I wanted Mullen/Campbell in 2017/2018. Wanted Malzahn the most out of anyone this year since he's a proven winner, can beat Saban, and is a good recruiter. But I'm very happy with Heup. We wouldn't have an offense this good without Heupel.
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Just look at it this way had we hired him after Kiffin left, then the emails would never have been written...LOL
I disagree man. I don't believe you should lose a job that you didn't have for an email from 10 years ago. My opinion but it doesn't make me right or wrong just my opinion

Agree with this. The cancel culture has no statue of limitations. They are just constantly looking for someone to destroy their careers. Pathetic bunch. Everyone has said or done something in their past life that didn't seem bad at the time but regrets they did it but can't take it back. No reason to destroy someone for it.
Off topic but I really don't agree with this. Gruden in my humble opinion should not be forced to resign because of something he said or emailed 10 years ago. I think this is really unfair because when this happened he didn't have this job.

OK, while waiting for the haters from all walks, I say this. I'm woke (one of those who actually understands what that means as opposed to the over-reactive emotionalism) and I agree with you, Eastknox. This instant and retro-active judgment is ridiculous. No human is misstep-free, we're all fallible. And sometimes we're just plain stupid in our choices. However, the wisest among us via time, experience, and allowing our inner decency to arise, change for the better, even if only slightly. For me the question is not what you did or said, but after that, what did you learn? By learn, I mean eventually realized and confronted your misstep, then did something, about it, namely modified your behavior to avoid repeating it. These days, it seems nobody looks at that. Instead, folks goes all Jerry Springer, just forking lusting for drama and to condemn with glee. To me, it makes one more disgusting than the target person's original offense. But for those who haven't or even refused to change, they deserve the meat grinder. Gruden shouldn't have resigned, I've warned condemning factions, including those among the woke, this behavior IS going to backfire and breed increasing resentment. However, like all of humanity, common sense just isn't common, so they just proceed as usual. And to think the bulk of them on both sides of the coin tend to refer to themselves as Christians while practicing hypocritical attitudes and behavior. It's sickening.

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