Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

Me having a different opinion doesn't deserve you telling me to grow up. You not being able to here my opinion and just voice yours shows you have some growing up to do yourself.

You’re allowed to have an opinion and state your opinion. It doesn’t free you of the consequences of stating your opinion…
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I may have posted it in one of these threads, but remember saying amidst all these coaching searches and coaching failures that we need lightning ⚡️ to strike just once. I sure hope that’s thunder I’m hearing.
No when he did it , it would be frowned on but not social suicide. That’s just come about in the last few years.
If all people’s thoughts were put in writing or spoken and heard, 99.9 % would be condemned.
Always thought he was well liked and respected by players And broadcast people so he must of treated Them well.
Used to be a saying, “actions speak louder than words “.
Not anymore. Sadly

Not being able to get a job. Turning your back on the black community that makes up the majority of the NFL. He likely embarrassed his wife. His comments completely turn off the community the NFL has targeted this season with inclusive ads everywhere you turn around.

I know you read the headline about racist and mysoginistic language, but did you read what he was sending? Nude pics of cheerleaders, making fun of the protests, making fun of a gay player, calling the commissioner homophobic slurs. That’s just scratching the surface
Your consequences are backlash on a forum you visit and having people tell you to grow up (which you should consider)
I don't need to grow up im grown. I have an opinion and don't agree with you. I haven't said one wrong word or anything hurtful. I voiced my opinion as an adult. That's what grown ups do
Not being able to get a job. Turning your back on the black community that makes up the majority of the NFL. He likely embarrassed his wife. His comments completely turn off the community the NFL has targeted this season with inclusive ads everywhere you turn around.

I know you read the headline about racist and mysoginistic language, but did you read what he was sending? Nude pics of cheerleaders, making fun of the protests, making fun of a gay player, calling the commissioner homophobic slurs. That’s just scratching the surface
Now I haven't read or heard all of the other things. My disagreement was was only based off of the statement made about the guys lips 10 years ago. Anything else I'm not aware of
I don't need to grow up im grown. I have an opinion and don't agree with you. I haven't said one wrong word or anything hurtful. I voiced my opinion as an adult. That's what grown ups do

You’re right that you haven’t said anything hurtful. What you’re doing is saying it’s fine for Gruden to behave the way he did by allowing him to keep his job.

You didn’t have to say it. You just showed your true colors with a simple statement…in writing…like your boy, Gruden.
Now I haven't read or heard all of the other things. My disagreement was was only based off of the statement made about the guys lips 10 years ago. Anything else I'm not aware of

Ok fair enough. Maybe read up a little more before you put a stake in the ground on a serious topic
You’re right that you haven’t said anything hurtful. What you’re doing is saying it’s fine for Gruden to behave the way he did by allowing him to keep his job.

You didn’t have to say it. You just showed your true colors with a simple statement…in writing…like your boy, Gruden.
You act like I'm a racist or something because I'm not a sensitive person and I understand how the world is. I don't like Gruden never have. I don't have any connection to him. I don't believe a person should be fired for something they said 10 years ago. Now if he has said these things while being currently employed by the Raiders that's different. But stop coming at me like I'm some kind of racist
Gruden is an idiot for saying those things. He’s an even bigger idiot for emailing them. He just committed social suicide and a couple people on here are defending it. 🤔
Seriously concerned for all the delicate flowers on here. The most racist people I have ever met have been the ones that attack people for being racist. I personally don't subscribe to calling anyone anything, but I don't think people need to
lose their jobs for example for questioning the commissioners manhood.

I think that Gruden probably isn't a racist. He probably isn't homophobic - which isn't to say that he didn't infer that the Commish was some sort of sissy. People are extremely thin skinned these days and so easily offended or slighted. It's not my job
to defend John Gruden and he will be just fine - it just seems that the punishment was extreme - It appears an over reaction to me.
You’re right that you haven’t said anything hurtful. What you’re doing is saying it’s fine for Gruden to behave the way he did by allowing him to keep his job.

You didn’t have to say it. You just showed your true colors with a simple statement…in writing…like your boy, Gruden.[/QUOTE

Gruden is in trouble because he was demeaning of other people and being judgmental. Just like the post that I am quoting.
Not being able to get a job. Turning your back on the black community that makes up the majority of the NFL. He likely embarrassed his wife. His comments completely turn off the community the NFL has targeted this season with inclusive ads everywhere you turn around.

I know you read the headline about racist and mysoginistic language, but did you read what he was sending? Nude pics of cheerleaders, making fun of the protests, making fun of a gay player, calling the commissioner homophobic slurs. That’s just scratching the surface
Waittttttt justttttt a minute here. Nude pictures of cheerleaders. I'm going to have to see those pics before i can render an opinion of Coach Gruden and whether his quitting was appropriate or not. Is there any way to blow those up ? Asking for a friend.
I Understand he mocked women referees. Where do I sign up for the firing squad ? I could put up with some of that other stuff but - he mocked our women referees. Tar and feathers followed by spikes jammed into his fingernails. I will absolutely not stand for mockery of any kind.
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I can’t keep up with the few posting from the other side of the fence so I’ll say this to all of you - it’s 2021. You may not agree with his firing, but it happened for a reason. You can defend his actions or argue they should’ve taken no action, but it sends the same message whether you see that or not. This is the world we live in and the words you speak or write have consequences because the people you put down aren’t letting you get away with it anymore. It’s that simple. Those groups (in Gruden’s case) are minorities and through social media and technology those minorities have a larger and more impactful voice. So just get used to it because its not going anywhere
Me having a different opinion doesn't deserve you telling me to grow up. You not being able to here my opinion and just voice yours shows you have some growing up to do yourself.
When your opinion is that of defending a white man for being racist, anti-gay with slurs, and anti-women with slurs, yeah your opinion is immature and aligned with hate.
You’re right that you haven’t said anything hurtful. What you’re doing is saying it’s fine for Gruden to behave the way he did by allowing him to keep his job.

You didn’t have to say it. You just showed your true colors with a simple statement…in writing…like your boy, Gruden.

You're so bossy
Ok fair enough. Maybe read up a little more before you put a stake in the ground on a serious topic

how is this a serious topic? A guy said dumb things to make people laugh and some of them were offensive? Have you ever had any friends before? He looks at nude pictures of cheerleaders too? Omg what an animal. A man got fired today because of emails he sent 10 YEARS AGO. That topic is far more serious than someone being offensive in private to someone he knows.
how is this a serious topic? A guy said dumb things to make people laugh and some of them were offensive? Have you ever had any friends before? He looks at nude pictures of cheerleaders too? Omg what an animal. A man got fired today because of emails he sent 10 YEARS AGO. That topic is far more serious than someone being offensive in private to someone he knows.
Consequences. Only adults have to deal with them. He is paying the exact correct price for his words.
how is this a serious topic? A guy said dumb things to make people laugh and some of them were offensive? Have you ever had any friends before? He looks at nude pictures of cheerleaders too? Omg what an animal. A man got fired today because of emails he sent 10 YEARS AGO. That topic is far more serious than someone being offensive in private to someone he knows.
How hard was it not to be racist, homophobic, and misogynistic in 2011? It's not like it was 1811 or 1911...... 2011.

How many of us would give Farrakhan a pass for saying "White people are potential humans..... they haven't evolved yet." I believe that quote is from well over 10 years ago.

Dumbass is dumbass. There's not a statute of limitations on dumbass.
Every single person you have ever met has said something offensive to people they were close to. Every one of them. You acting like this is some horrible offense is absurd. People say rude things. They say offensive things. They always have. And they always will. He said mean things in a private email chain. He didn’t rent a billboard or say them on MNF. Him losing his job because he made offensive jokes in private is peak cancel culture, and frankly it’s ********.

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