Colin Kaepernick sits during national anthem

As a veteran, I find what he is doing insulting. Nothing to do with the flag. He is showing disrespect to those that fought and died for his freedom to act out his asinine "protest". What will be interesting is to see how he will end it. my guess it will end on his departure from the NFL.

I hope the mofo's afro catches on fire.
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As a veteran, I find what he is doing insulting. Nothing to do with the flag. He is showing disrespect to those that fought and died for his freedom to act out his asinine "protest". What will be interesting is to see how he will end it. my guess it will end on his departure from the NFL.

The law of the land (The Constitution) is more important than a symbol or a piece of fabric.

Again, I don't understand how people can get bent out of shape over a country's flag, but not get worked up over the shredding of one of the country's founding documents.
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Doing what Dwayne Wade and company did at a game opener to support BLM, or making a public verbal statement as Carmelo Anthony did, or even a written statement as Michael Jordan did are all more appropriate acts of protest.

Michael Jordan gave $1 million to a police chief organization and $1 million to the NAACP Defense Fund. In other words, he didn't take a stand.
C.K. is just getting use to sitting on the bench because that is what he will mostly be doing for the rest of his NFL career. He ain't no NFL caliber QB.
Alright, let me weigh in on this...

It baffles me that people would get more upset about a symbolic gesture by one man rather than the erosion of our civil liberties and Bill of Rights. If you want call him an attention whore or question the timing of the gesture, that is one thing. But I seriously don;t understand the level of faux outrage over something so trivial when he didn't kill, molest, rob or endanger anyone with his actions. Yet, we have people that are shedding tears over this flag right now that turn a blind eye to actions that actually do molest or damage the freedoms that many people died for.

Other than some posters on this forum, I don't understand your comment, which seems to suggest that the nation (or even just white people, if you like) is more embroiled in debate over Kaepernick's comments than it is things like oligarchism in the system or police brutality.

In a week's time, hardly anyone will still be debating Kaepernick's comments or will even care, for that matter. Yet, I assure you, verily, that they will still be debating the influence of wealth upon our politics and police brutality.
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What's keeping you people here? Maybe you should consider going back to the homeland, and taking your chances of getting boiled in a pot, rather than being hunted down like animals in the streets by white policemen.

Let me guess, you're gonna say this wasn't an obscenely RACIST comment.

What makes you think Africans do crap from racist cartoons?
It's a shame that you feel that way about this country. Do you really think what people of color lives are like in this country today resemble anything of the last century? Maybe for once answer my question.

Black people are still discriminated against and treated like second class citizens.

Overt de jure racism may not exist anymore. But structural de facto racism is more prevalent than ever before.
Black people are still discriminated against and treated like second class citizens.

Overt de jure racism may not exist anymore. But structural de facto racism is more prevalent than ever before.

Uh, no. Like I tell tums, 1972, and the gang, you can't just say things and expect them to be true.
Also, it is interesting that the only thing people are focusing on are his comments about blacks and cops.

Colin Kaepernick (CK): People don’t realize what’s really going on in this country. There are a lot things that are going on that are unjust. People aren’t being held accountable for. And that’s something that needs to change. That’s something that this country stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now.

Media: Does the election year have anything to do with timing?

CK: It wasn’t a timing thing, it wasn’t something that was planned. But I think the two presidential candidates that we currently have also represent the issues that we have in this country right now.

Media: Do you want to expand on that?

CK: You have Hillary who has called black teens or black kids super predators, you have Donald Trump who’s openly racist. We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison. So, what is this country really standing for?

Media: It is a country that has elected a black president twice…

CK: It has elected a black president but there are also a lot of things that haven’t changed.
Honestly, D4H's comments have blown my mind. How can anyone truly believe such complete and total crap? Blacks are afforded every opportunity to succeed, yet when they fail to do so, it's the fault of whites? White people fail, too, but how often do you hear them blaming their failure on black America? If we were talking about the past, his comments would have some merit, but as is, this is the present. Where is it this subjugation of black people exists? I mean, we have a black President for goodness sake. And "white supremacy"? You succeed or fail based on your own merits. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

White supremacy is the belief white people are superior to other races specifically black people. And because of that superiority white people should rule.

If you don't think America is built on an ideology of white supremacy then you are deluding yourself.

White supremacy permeates every walk of American life. And you guys know it.
White supremacy is the belief white people are superior to other races specifically black people. And because of that superiority white people should rule.

If you don't think America is built on an ideology of white supremacy then you are deluding yourself.

White supremacy permeates every walk of American life. And you guys know it.

You complain about racism yet here you are being racist. Congrats.
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Hahhahaa you edited it. So the black community isn't fully behind Kaepernick anymore? So you can edit, but not answer any real questions when you get called out? There's no doubt you've read this entire thread, why not respond ?I'm sure you're thinking another racist white guy is giving me a hard time, which couldn't be further from the truth.
I'm very interested.

What should have Obama done to make life better for all African Americans during his presidency?

Did you go to Duke University as a student?

Yes I went to Duke.

And Obama should have instituted programs to specifically remedy the effect of structural anti-black racism in America. He should have made a stimulus package specifically for inner cities to put young black men to work. He should have demilitarized the police departments. He should have instituted a race conscious educational system in urban inner city schools specifically teaching black pride and power to students.

I could keep going. In totality, there are many things he could have done but he chose not to. Instead he perpetuated and expanded the institutions that perpetuate white supremacy like Wall Street and the military industrial complex.
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Alright, let me weigh in on this...

It baffles me that people would get more upset about a symbolic gesture by one man rather than the erosion of our civil liberties and Bill of Rights. If you want call him an attention whore or question the timing of the gesture, that is one thing. But I seriously don;t understand the level of faux outrage over something so trivial when he didn't kill, molest, rob or endanger anyone with his actions. Yet, we have people that are shedding tears over this flag right now that turn a blind eye to actions that actually do molest or damage the freedoms that many people died for.

I think it's his faux outrage or others like it that people are sick and tired of. Nobody looks at facts anymore. It's the "oh a black guy was shot by a cop today, let's go burn some **** down in our town" mentality. When the reality is, the guy who was shot was typically habitual felon and would not listen to the police officer or was provoking physical violence toward the officer. Doesn't matter, look at Missouri and all of those morons. Hands up don't shoot was a complete lie, yet a community was destroyed and looted. Those people weren't outraged, they were just looking to **** some **** up and steal some liquor.

I'm not suggesting this is what happens 100% of the time at all. There will always be corrupt individuals at every level. The majority of the time the officers are on the right side of it, but now there is a rhetoric that all cops are out to get black males and if you disagree you are racist, which is complete bull****. Kaepernick is certainly given the right to stand up or in his case sit down for what he believes in, but at least be specific in exactly what you're trying to make a difference in. Give specifics examples of instances etc. The timing of this is too perfect, it screams narcissism. I think he's full
of **** personally.
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White supremacy is the belief white people are superior to other races specifically black people. And because of that superiority white people should rule.

If you don't think America is built on an ideology of white supremacy then you are deluding yourself.

White supremacy permeates every walk of American life. And you guys know it.

Yeah, they left the motherland to come here hoping to own a slave. Smh
Yes I went to Duke.

And Obama should have instituted programs to specifically remedy the effect of structural anti-black racism in America. He should have made a stimulus package specifically for inner cities to out young black men to work. He should have demilitarized the police departments. He should have instituted a race conscious educational system in urban inner city schools specifically teaching black pride and power to students.

I could keep going. In totality, there are many things he could have done but he chose not to. Instead he perpetuated and expanded the institutions that perpetuate white supremacy like Wall Street and the military industrial complex.
Trump will fix all that.
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White supremacy is the belief white people are superior to other races specifically black people. And because of that superiority white people should rule.

If you don't think America is built on an ideology of white supremacy then you are deluding yourself.

White supremacy permeates every walk of American life. And you guys know it.

I agree, although probably not to the excess in which you may think.

You seem to be under the assumption that America is somehow exceptional in this regard. However, nearly every country on Earth and/or every people group on Earth is built around the assumption that it is the best and most superior. That you may think the US is the worst of the lot is simply the result of a) you living here and having very little knowledge of life elsewhere and b) the fact that the US is one of the few places on Earth where racial differences (rather than ethnic, national, religious, etc.) become primary, the result of being a diverse society rather than an Old World racially homogeneous one. I assure you that societies like Japan's, for example, are just as racist as our own, actually even more so. The Japanese are admittedly not as uppity as they used to be, the product of having the exceptionalism bombed out of them, but they would most assuredly not welcome you into their land as a citizen.
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Yes I went to Duke.

And Obama should have instituted programs to specifically remedy the effect of structural anti-black racism in America. He should have made a stimulus package specifically for inner cities to out young black men to work. He should have demilitarized the police departments. He should have instituted a race conscious educational system in urban inner city schools specifically teaching black pride and power to students.

I could keep going. In totality, there are many things he could have done but he chose not to. Instead he perpetuated and expanded the institutions that perpetuate white supremacy like Wall Street and the military industrial complex.

Look man, I appreciate you responding to what I posted, I've posted in the past that I thought you were very bright and clearly you are by attending Duke. You have your thoughts and views of this country as many do, but you should know that there are a lot more people like myself who don't care about race, religion and other aspects of life and just want to be happy in life. I'm not saying I don't see color, because i do. I see it with every color though, white included. I'm not out to get you and neither is the majority of this country, nor the majority of the police. This country is not perfect at all, but I don't think it's what you think it is either. You're too smart to fall in a line of thinking that everyone is out to get you.

By the way did you take any of Sandy Darity's classes? I know him that's why I'm asking.
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