College Hoops Around The Country [TN opponents, RPI, others]

It reeks of desperation. And it could get a lot worse than Tubby’s 20+ wins in his second year. I know that sounds crazy to a Memphis fan, but it’s true.

Sad because Memphis has a good history. Surely you could get a proven coach.

They have to pay 1.5 million for 6 years for Tubby's buyout. They probably can't pay more than 1.5 per year for a new coach. They have lost 800k in money from the Grizzlies for attendance and down 1.1 in donations. Tubby is costing them 5 million per year. They can hire Penny or Steve Forbes.
They have to pay 1.5 million for 6 years for Tubby's buyout. They probably can't pay more than 1.5 per year for a new coach. They have lost 800k in money from the Grizzlies for attendance and down 1.1 in donations. Tubby is costing them 5 million per year. They can hire Penny or Steve Forbes.

Ok finally... talking some sense. Hire Steve Forbes.
What? Not relevant? This is what Memphis fans want to live up to

I don't think it's "ideal." But you are missing it, he is a legend in the city and just brings instant excitement. They also wouldn't do it if he couldn't bring talent.
I don't think it's "ideal." But you are missing it, he is a legend in the city and just brings instant excitement. They also wouldn't do it if he couldn't bring talent.

I think its absurd. Maybe Tubby can’t recruit, but Memphis can certainly do better than take a flier on Penny Hardaway
I think it’s all pointless anyway.
I just don’t think they’ll fire Tubby this year

Especially not if Penny is so dedicated as people think. He’ll be there next year
Be carful what you wish for. It doesn’t take someone special to recruit in Memphis. Far from it.

Be careful for what? It literally can't get worse. They are making no money on attendance and down 1.1 in donations. Seriously, it can't. It wasn't that bad when Tic Price was the coach in 1999.
Be careful for what? It literally can't get worse. They are making no money on attendance and down 1.1 in donations. Seriously, it can't. It wasn't that bad when Tic Price was the coach in 1999.

It can’t get worse than 21 win seasons? Really?
So fans are waiting for the program to make money before they show up?

They’ll show up for the novelty of Penny. And he better win. Because even winning 21 games isnt enough. Tough spot for a coach

Huh? They aren't showing up and therefore the school isn't making money.

Seriously look at their wins. For a guy who loves metrics, you have to do the research. People don't care to watch you barely beat Northern Kentucky, Mercer, and Samford.

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