Columbus teen shot by police

He' an idiot, but I've always thought this is interesting. Do regular people have to stick to "regional manager of logistics" or whatever their job is? Who doesn't have to "stick to" their job?
People with a functioning brain
I get the first amendment thing. I get the we can call him out thing. But the shut up and dribble stuff just makes me think contextually that people who say that think he shouldn't have an opinion or his opinion is less valid because of his job.
I choose not to over analyze this stuff. People say stupid stuff. And people voice their stupid opinions. It’s what makes things interesting.
BLM statement saying police shouldn't be allowed to break up knife fights. People in the AA community......... Are you awake? Are you paying attention? They want your kids killing each other in the streets over petty differences.

This is the future they want for you and your kids. She and those like her need to exterminate themselves and leave sane and reasonable people here on earth. What is wrong with these people?
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His dribbling is relevant because that is the only reason he has a platform. If the only thing he's going to do with his platform is cry and threaten non-wokesters, then he should stfu and dribble, imo.

The only reason you have this platform is because you paid for access to the internet. If all you're going to do with the platform is whine about the opinion of a guy you don't know, then should you shut up and samrebel?
I choose not to over analyze this stuff. People say stupid stuff. And people voice their stupid opinions. It’s what makes things interesting.
True. I just find the concept of "stick to sports" to be interesting. Neither you, @SamRebel35, @Zues1, or myself are probably following James on Twitter. In fact the people that follow him on Twitter probably align with his views for the most part. This comes up when somebody who people think have some better insight (but they don't) that aligns with their own retweet and comment. Then its, "oh his opinion is worthless and I'm bothered that he said it and he should go do his job and not opine."
What the hell is going on here? 10 years ago if you would have told me I'd agree will LG more often than not I'd have called you a liar.
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True. I just find the concept of "stick to sports" to be interesting. Neither you, @SamRebel35, @Zues1, or myself are probably following James on Twitter. In fact the people that follow him on Twitter probably align with his views for the most part. This comes up when somebody who people think have some better insight (but they don't) that aligns with their own retweet and comment. Then its, "oh his opinion is worthless and I'm bothered that he said it and he should go do his job and not opine."

Why is this hard for you? He's a highly highly highly public figure who is known as a sports person athlete guy. He is famous for dribbling a basketball once every three or four steps. That's not only his job, it is why he is famous. The only context people know LeBron in are as an athlete who travels regularly and an idiot on Twitter. If someone disagrees with his Twitter vomit, then it isn't unreasonable for those people to wish that he go back to being known primarily in the context of traveling on a basketball court.
brilliant, this won't encourage anyone to run from the police
The mental gymnastics for this stuff are wild. That kid in Chicago and the other adult were shooting at people out in the street. It wasn't as if the cops rolled up on two kids playing jacks and decided to start blasting. Politicians and activists are perfectly willing to permit criminality in the pursuit of preventing consequences for actions. People are unironically saying the cops in Ohio should have either stayed out of it or tased that girl instead of shooting her. They'd take a dead victim over a dead suspect.
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The mental gymnastics for this stuff are wild. That kid in Chicago and the other adult were shooting at people out in the street. It wasn't as if the cops rolled up on two kids playing jacks and decided to start blasting. Politicians and activists are perfectly willing to permit criminality in the pursuit of preventing consequences for actions. People are unironically saying the cops in Ohio should have either stayed out of it or tased that girl instead of shooting her. They'd take a dead victim over a dead suspect.
Politics have poisoned their brains.
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Why is this hard for you? He's a highly highly highly public figure who is known as a sports person athlete guy. He is famous for dribbling a basketball once every three or four steps. That's not only his job, it is why he is famous. The only context people know LeBron in are as an athlete who travels regularly and an idiot on Twitter. If someone disagrees with his Twitter vomit, then it isn't unreasonable for those people to wish that he go back to being known primarily in the context of traveling on a basketball court.

Why is this hard you? You (may) have some job that requires you to do some menial task. The only reason people know who you are is because you paid for an internet connection and you might be an idiot on VN. It isn't unreasonable for people to wish that you go back to being completely unknown and doing whatever it is you do for a living.
That story fading out of the news was one of the quickest disappearing acts of all time.

Think about it - an international superstar athlete allegedly had racist graffiti spray painted on his property in broad daylight, in the middle of a super exclusive area in a large city. Sounds like a massive story, especially in this day and age, right?

It was a story for like 2 hours, then it was supposedly painted over and nobody ever talked about it again (except LeBron critics, none of whom are in the major media). Absolutely zilch follow-up. It's so weird. Even on his Wikipedia page, the incident has a one-sentence mention buried in the middle of the article ("following a racist incident at his home...").
That’s because LeBron is FOS . And I know exactly what I mean when I say this, because I rarely accuse people of being this way, but I think he’s a racist. I think he is about as overtly racist as one in his position can be without actually being completely labeled that.
That’s because LeBron is FOS . And I know exactly what I mean when I say this, because I rarely accuse people of being this way, but I think he’s a racist. I think he is about as overtly racist as one in his position can be without actually being completely labeled that.
He's a supremacist. No doubt
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Jen Psaki says fatal cop shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant, 16, shows police violence 'disproportionately impacts black and Latino people' - despite bodycam video showing her lunging with a Knife

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the fatal cop shooting of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant shows police violence 'disproportionately impacts black and Latino people' during Wednesday's press briefing.

She suggested the shooting was an example of racial bias after Columbus police released bodycam footage showing the teen lunging at another girl with a knife.

It comes amid mounting criticism of the White House after President Biden said he was 'praying for the right verdict' before Derek Chauvin was found guilty and days after Psaki also criticized a Chicago cop for shooting 13-year-old boy Adam Toledo dead after he dropped a gun.


Columbus police have released bodycam footage that appears to show 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant with a knife right before she was gunned down by police

Psaki responds to fatal cop shooting of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant | Daily Mail Online

Double digging have got to be kidding me.
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It just seems like this could have been avoided, the officer wasn’t in harms way, couldn’t he have used a taser or shot her in the leg?
Ok, let's play Monday morning Qb.

So, let's say the cop picks your scenario and shoots the girl in the leg. Threat averted, but girl loses leg. Now, she cant lead a normal life due to the cop's choice to shoot her in the leg. She files a lawsuit and with people like evillawyer she wins.

Or, let's try this one. Cop shoots the leg, but the girl in pink dies from being stabbed before assailant goes down. Her family sues.

We can do this all day.
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This was clearly justified. Don't know what people think the cop should have done. He could have let her stab the woman (who appeared defenseless when attacked), tried to intervene without using the (putting his own life at risk), or fired his gun. Seems like #3 was best option.
Absolutely. Looks justified to me. Cop could have tried his taser and there is a good chance it would not have penetrated the girl’s sweatshirt and girl in pink gets stabbed and maybe killed. Cop had to make a split second decision and he put down the girl who drew back the knife. Not even a debatable situation IMO. Anybody trying to argue about it is just trying to stir up trouble.
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