Columbus teen shot by police

I would venture to say that half the folks on this board have more education than LB. Doesnt mean they have any more sense. I don’t think that the concept of telling folks to dribble a basketball is new. The term “stick to your day job” has been used for as long as I remember.

I think folks are just more sensitive/mentally weak now. They can’t handle when the hear “hey shut up and stick to your day job”.
I dont see a lot of "stick to your day job" on VN, which is just another forum for unsolicited opinions. I'd consider it mentally weak to say, 'I don't like your opinion, so you shouldn't voice it and go back to your job and shut up."
I dont see a lot of "stick to your day job" on VN, which is just another forum for unsolicited opinions. I'd consider it mentally weak to say, 'I don't like your opinion, so you shouldn't voice it and go back to your job and shut up."

It’s just irresponsible. His word means a lot to people, and he portrays himself as an activist. He likes to point out how educated and informed he is, so he needs to make sure he actually is before spouting off false rhetoric that could gaslight an already unstable situation. “With great power comes great responsibility”.
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It’s just irresponsible. His word means a lot to people, and he portrays himself as an activist. He likes to point out how educated and informed he is, so he needs to make sure he actually is before spouting off false rhetoric that could gaslight an already unstable situation. “With great power comes great responsibility”.
Stick to policing.
I think if both barbs hit skin it will take a fat person down. But both barbs have to hit skin. If one barb gets stuck in the sweatshirt it doesn’t work.
It depends on placement. The taser affects the muscles due to the electricity arcing between the probes. You can easily fight through a taser if the probes placement are closer together. Same reason people flail all over when drive stunned, more pain than incapacitation.
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The only other option was to let an unarmed black girl be stabbed with a knife and potentially killed. Democrats apparently would have preferred that which is interesting. Because either way a black person would be dead and the white police officer be blamed.

It’s a Democrats wet dream.

Stick to policing.

Great response. Not shocking though.
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Stop it. Just stop it.

If deadly force is threatened, to the officer or someone else, the officer is supposed to and is trained to use deadly force. Not trick shot and knock the knife out of her hand, not lasso her with rope, not taser her and pray, not shoot her in the leg.

That's all crap. Stupid crap, at that.
Stop it. Just stop it.

If deadly force is threatened, to the officer or someone else, the officer is supposed to and is trained to use deadly force. Not trick shot and knock the knife out of her hand, not lasso her with rope, not taser her and pray, not shoot her in the leg.

That's all crap. Stupid crap, at that.
Who are you and what have you done with LG?

Just kidding....... Kind of....
I'm not sure how my response to you is related to the golfballs post you quoted in the same reply. But it shouldn't be shocking. Shut up and write tickets.

I was responding to both of you instead of double posting. I mean I gave you a legit response that was not inflammatory, and you respond like a prick because I used to be a cop? Seem like a solid dude.
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I was responding to both of you instead of double posting. I mean I gave you a legit response that was not inflammatory, and you respond like a prick because I used to be a cop? Seem like a solid dude.

I apologize. Lots of people spout off false rhetoric, it comes from politicians, it comes from athletes, it comes from doctors, lawyers, engineers, LEOs, vets, pilots, and lord knows who else on VN, but we only see "shut up and whatever" for athletes. Call them out for the legitimate reasons they need to be called out, don't use their job as a crutch.
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I'm not sure how my response to you is related to the golfballs post you quoted in the same reply. But it shouldn't be shocking. Shut up and write tickets.
You should keep this up forever. Every opinion ever posted on this website, tell that person to stick to their day job. You can go to sleep every night knowing that you defended LeBron James’ right to speak his opinion.
You should keep this up forever. Every opinion ever posted on this website, tell that person to stick to their day job. You can go to sleep every night knowing that you defended LeBron James’ right to speak his opinion.

Shut up and double bogey.

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