Columbus teen shot by police

What is the cause of the violent culture amongst black people in the US?

Good question. Whatever the origin, it feeds on itself - a self perpetuating and self fulfilling behavior. We should be talking a couple of things - how to break the cycle in some communities and prevention in others. Allowing hordes of victims and predators from central America are not going to help what's going on in Hispanic neighborhoods. My guess would be that instead of preaching and worshiping diversity that we get back to the merits of assimilation. That we don't fight discrimination with discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination regardless of whether it's intended as helpful tool or as a weapon by a ruling class. Perhaps as the old saying goes "Idle hands are the devil's playground", and we really need to put the country back to work instead of shopping at China, Inc.
Trying not to post... know what the response will be... can't stop myself... don't @ me...

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Owens continued, "Our culture is unique from other communities because we are the only community that caters to the bottom denominator of our society. Not every black American is a criminal. Not every black American is committing crimes. But we are unique in that we are the only people that fight and scream and demand support for the people in our community that are up to no good."

Owens continued, "Our culture is unique from other communities because we are the only community that caters to the bottom denominator of our society. Not every black American is a criminal. Not every black American is committing crimes. But we are unique in that we are the only people that fight and scream and demand support for the people in our community that are up to no good."


Regardless of what Candace Owens says, my point still stands.
Also... Dammit, why am I even responding to this?
Hitler is there for the taking and you go with Trump?

Come on man.

Trump was a douchebag but let's keep things in perspective.

Trying to keep it current. And I don't like to bring up that guy.
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