Columbus teen shot by police

Create a slippery slope argument that hasn't happened or, as far as I know, even been called for, then use it to defend Trump when nobody brought him up. Interesting take.
the federal gubment is going to oversee local police under the guise of "police reform". I mean call it what you want but this is just a foreshadow of what they want.
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the federal gubment is going to oversee local police under the guise of "police reform". I mean call it what you want but this is just a foreshadow of what they want.

Far from a federal police force. I guess they won't be able to buy government surplus armored vehicles anymore though.
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I just don't see that happening. Too much political power for locals comes from having that institutional control.
You’re right but if you have a carpet bagging mayor who doesn’t like the local force, she gets the feds to abolish it and replace it with one she can steer toward her agenda
the federal gubment is going to oversee local police under the guise of "police reform". I mean call it what you want but this is just a foreshadow of what they want.

Federalization of policing is a feature in socialist/communist countries. The few local police left are relegated to enforcing jaywalking and littering and such. Coming soon to your local neighborhood.

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