Completely disgusted



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.
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Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.

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The truth about it is, 80% of fans are like this.

When Tennessee is back on top, you will have fans come from the woodwork, that's just how it is.

Honestly I don't have a problem with it.

Frankly I don't see how it is satisfying to just go for the team that wins every time.

It's like flipping a coin and calling it after it hits the table.

Stupid analogy but that is what I compare it to.
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Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.
He deserves one of these:


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Have to agree with you. Had some business associates that are Bama fans. While we owed them for 10 years they hated it but it never occurred to them to wear orange. You really need to call him out for the gutless scumbag he is if after Butch gets them back he ever dons orange again.
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Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.

Couldnt agree more.
Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.

Shoulda called him out! Loudly:the_finger:
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Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.

By disowning him, we call that doin the right thing round here
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It's sad to think about how social relationships work and twist one's personality in order to "fit in". Sports, in general are a large part of our society and a catalyst to many social relationships, so to many people, there is an urge to join the bubbling pot of sports fandomonium to boost their social health. Is there a better way to be a part of every conversation than being perceived as a "fan" of the sports teams on top at a given moment? These types of people don't even care if they're involved in the social interaction for negative reasons (such as being a Tide fan in East TN). I watched a friend become a Gator fan years ago because he saw that he would be involved in more social interactions (though negative), thus fulfilling some sort of need in his soul that I will never understand.
Because the teams on top are the most talked about, there is a rush of people to claim to be a part of that team on top. The same goes for a team that is hated in a certain geographical area: to be the enemy means you matter. Unfortunately, I still see this friend engaged in conversations because of his UF apparel. Occasionally, there will be another Gator "fan" who will very loudly say, "go Gators!" Both of these individuals involved in the interaction will then bask in the negative attention received from the masses.
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Being from Memphis I have seen it many times over. Was in hs in the 90's and it seem that most people at the time were UT fans (back in the good ole days). Now the same people are either Bama fans or Gator fans. Hell, I even know a whole family from Miami that switched from the Canes to the Gators in the last 10 yrs. You think I would be used to it by now seeing as how most people hear in Memphis are bandwagon fans anyhow.
I was in school back in the 1970's when the team was pretty much where it is now. Johnny Majors had just come from Pitt. The Vols weren't anywhere near being ranked and played a highly ranked bama team at Neyland and the pachydums won. I came back to the fraternity house after the game and one of the guys had changed into a Michigan shirt. I was angry any way and asked him what what that ?x*t he had on. He said he might as well be for a winner. I told him he might as well transfer since he had no loyalty and we didn't want a turncoat in our house. This is a pet peeve of mine. It may be too harsh but there is a bit of a character flaw in someone who is a fence sitter. Also knew a guy from that state to the north of Tennessee who was a bama grad. He actually went to bama games at Tuscaloosa and cheered for the mild kitties. Of course, he was a "big tide" bama football fan and was always rolling tide. Never trusted him as far as I could throw him.
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Saw a guy that I went to school with some years ago and back then he was a Vol fan but when I saw him this time he had on an Alabama hat and shirt. Needless to say I really had nothing to talk to him about so I turned and went the other way. There is nothing that disgusts me more than a bandwagon fan, especially a Tennessee "fan" that would start cheering for the Tide.

Guy can't be trusted. His boyfriend better watch out because he is probably cheating on him.
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was it this guy?

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