Concerned about our QB situation!

i'm not concerned.the team will rally around Worley and he will be just fine.

he does all the little things very well.he doesn't seem to get rattled .and,he had a very good second may have been wku but he handled himself very well.
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Missed the second half did ya? He may not be what you want but he put the game away when WKU got it to a 2 score game. He was really sharp on the first 2 possessions in 2nd half. He's getting better and will be fine. Maybe you should be the first to start a FIRE BUTCH! thread! Just sayin'

Oh yes...I did see the 2nd half and yes his completions were up, but he is consistently under throwing receivers. but you keep drinking your orange cool aide and watch what happens when SEC defenses stack the box... take away the run game, and dare you to throw. And yes...good defenses will make you throw the ball!
i'm not concerned.the team will rally around Worley and he will be just fine.

he does all the little things very well.he doesn't seem to get rattled .and,he had a very good second may have been wku but he handled himself very well.

Hey, WK is not a bad football team, they will indeed win some games this year
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Every snap he takes in games he's going to get more experienced and better (hopefully.) Why don't we just enjoy the fact that he's played pretty well over all. I mean we could have a guy like Driskell as QB. Then we'd have reason to be worried.
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I'm really concerned about our QB situation. I love Coach Jones and I'm sure Worley's a great kid BUT.....I don't think he's the long term answer. Yes, he can "manage" the offense and make the intermediate throw (although not very accurately)...but I seriously doubt he's going to be the playmaker that we need under center. His arm strength seems to be a serious issue, as does his ability to handle pressure in the pocket. I'm sure many may disagree and say "he's young, it takes time, yada yada...but I've seen too many young and inexperienced QBs make serious noise for their respective teams. I'm betting we have more "talent" waiting in the wings....even if they are "young and inexperienced" themselves. Go Vols!

I would rather have a QB that is a recognized leader and rarely makes mistakes than a young gun that has a 1:1 INT to TD ratio.
Worley has not had any playing time , to speak of, until this year. Just like a starting quarterback. Give him a chance. Several dropped balls today, and one was a sure touchdown. Playing time will correct most of his problems. Also, if the receivers would run the correct routes might help too !
Worley had a great deep ball that was dropped. If the Wr doesnt drop that pass I think we look at his performance a little differant. I wonder if he needs one great throw to give him confidence. I don't think Worley is a great arm and his foot work needs, well, work, but he pulled it together in the second half. Oregon is going to be interesting. We'll probably lose but I want to see this team compete and keep it close. I think we actually improved from last week to this one. The turnovers were really nice to see! Continue the improvement please!
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I pretty sure the coaches, who work with the QBs daily, know a little more about who is right for the job than anyone posting in this forum. Worley is getting better. You wanna throw a freshmen in the upcoming gauntlet we have coming up?
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and we are not either as of now..whats your point, we are young and learning a new system so far so good.

it was a good second test for us.are you kidding with this ish.
I say we take our chances with the freshman, like Georgia did with Murray.

georgias situation with Murray was totally different. That is complete strawman argument. They had no choice and he had the pedigree.Murray doing well surprised no one. We do not have a single qb that came in as a bluechip on the roster. We have a number of talented high upside kids. The fact that Worley is starting and they dont let peterman think about throwing the ball speaks volumes on what the coaches see in practice and meeting rooms.

Worley can be serviceable. He needs to calm down and focus but the kid is fine. The thing most people overlook is every time his passes are on point they get dropped. Inexperience at WR is a bigger issue than most think. Our oline is overrated not in talent but execution. They are good at pass blocking or runblocking never both at the same time in a game or even a series. That is a product of turnover in coaching.
Oh yes...I did see the 2nd half and yes his completions were up, but he is consistently under throwing receivers. but you keep drinking your orange cool aide and watch what happens when SEC defenses stack the box... take away the run game, and dare you to throw. And yes...good defenses will make you throw the ball!

Really? What other options do we have? Worley is our best option right now. At least for the first two games, we just needed a game manager. Sure, he needs to improve, but a true freshman does not give us a better chance to win right now. This debate is silly, and frankly I do have to question our fans. If there was a better option, he would be playing. Simple. Simple.
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I like Worley and I think he is a good character guy. That said, if your ability is being questioned after playing AP and WKU, then there's something lacking. But I don't think you change QBs at this point, not when you're 2-0
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I agree man. It's obvious one of the true freshman would give us a better chance at winning and Coach Jones has made the decision that he does not want to win games. We might need to start looking for a new coach since ours knows the freshman QB's would give us a better chance to win but just does not seem to want to win games. <sarcasm indicator because somebody will not be able to tell>

Worley has strengths and weaknesses. He does not have superior physical ability. He has enough ability to get the job done. His young WR crew is certainly keeping us 'coach-fans' from getting an accurate evaluation of him.
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Really? What other options do we have? Worley is our best option right now. At least for the first two games, we just needed a game manager. Sure, he needs to improve, but a true freshman does not give us a better chance to win right now. This debate is silly, and frankly I do have to question our fans. If there was a better option, he would be playing. Simple. Simple.

Have you been following the Vols long enough to remember the success that Ainge and Schaffer had as TRUE Freshmen?? We've got two potential studs that may warrant a look!
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Have you been following the Vols long enough to remember the success that Ainge and Schaffer had as TRUE Freshmen?? We've got two potential studs that may warrant a look!

Yes, the WR and TE situations in your example are exactly the same to our current WR and TE situation. The problem with this debate is way too many 'Xbox coaches' involved in the debate. WR and TE situation is huge part of what we see with Worley's performance. The WR and TE situation does not improve AT ALL by putting in a true freshman QB.
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Have you been following the Vols long enough to remember the success that Ainge and Schaffer had as TRUE Freshmen?? We've got two potential studs that may warrant a look!

They got a look and they're on the bench.....for now.

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