Well. We got a new employee at my work today. He same age as i am. 26. We got to talkin and he saw my truck with Tennessee plate and stickers. And he said he was a bama fan.
Then i did the fan test. I said youre not allowed to talk about football unless you tell me who the coach was before saban. And i quote his answer
"Hmmm i knew that , just cant think now , i mean i know how many people the stadium holds "
Me : yea me too . 101k and im not a bammer. So u dont know the coach ? At least can you remember the 5 ot game where bama qb eric berry threw the winning td against tennessee to finally beat tennessee after 7 year streak ?
"Oh yea man. I remember that. Crazy game . I been watching them a few years before that "
I just laughed and said i yea i love football.
So ive decided to keep this goin. Im going to keep making up crazy scenarios for him to talk about and im gonna keep posting.
So im gonna need some more material. Any ideas ?