Countdown to Northam Resignation

There is no science behind this bs, it’s all based on compute projections and models which are fed info by idiots with an agenda, what’s next, implement a ****ing snow tax ?

Greenhouse gases do not contribute to rising temperatures? It's all been a sham? I would ask you to show some data, but I suppose if you can't trust the data, follow your gut.
Greenhouse gases do not contribute to rising temperatures? It's all been a sham? I would ask you to show some data, but I suppose if you can't trust the data, follow your gut.
He adheres to the Trump school of information gathering......don't.
Ignore the experts, refuse to read, and watch Fox endlessly.
Greenhouse gases do not contribute to rising temperatures? It's all been a sham? I would ask you to show some data, but I suppose if you can't trust the data, follow your gut.

The earth is cooling not heating up like liberals do whenever they see Trump, there’s not one shred of Credible evidence to support your assertion therefore my stance will remain unchanged. Al Gore says hi..
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Calling him a baby killer for his stance on abortion is like calling 2a supporters child killers after Parkland for their stance on guns.


I don’t call killing a born baby an abortion.

The analogy would be a politician voting to make the abortion tools legal.

Come talk to me when a politician supports a bill allowing someone to shoot up a school.
So I never criticize democrats.....
but when I do, it's meaningless because they're democrats?

Got it.

I'm saying you'd be perfectly fine with him not being held accountable for all his shortcomings because he's a Democrat. If you really think he should, I respect that.
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I don’t call killing a born baby an abortion.

The analogy would be a politician voting to make the abortion tools legal.

Come talk to me when a politician supports a bill allowing someone to shoot up a school.
Has he ever killed a baby? The analogy stands.
Has he ever killed a baby? The analogy stands.

It does not stand. But let’s follow it down the path.

I don’t think he has? I doubt he performed abortions.

Yet he outlined a scenario in which a child was born, comforted, and killed. Is this not a problem for you?
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So, science is BS, because some scientists have lost credibility? I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise, this is on you.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. When you see the record high for a day in December, January, or February being recorded back in the 1800s that tells anyone with a brain the weather hot/cold is in a loop cycle on its own.

Before you jump to respond to call this post stupid, what would make some highs on record back in the 1800s that would support man made global warming?? Actually any Dem on this board are welcome to answer this.

It's true......And when you're forced to acknowledge the undeniable, what then?

"Who cares?"
"Is that illegal?"
"Did it change any votes?"
"But you have no proof it actually changed votes."
"What does that have to do with Russian collusion?"
It's true......And when you're forced to acknowledge the undeniable, what then?

"Who cares?"
"Is that illegal?"
"Did it change any votes?"
"But you have no proof it actually changed votes."
"What does that have to do with Russian collusion?"
You all are taking over a thread about a racist Va Governor with your BS. No surprise considering the kkk was formed by Democrats.

Climate change unicorn thread is that way --->

Trumpputin gate mermaid thread is that way---->
In high school 69 was voted most likely to be a truck driver.

Based on some of the questions you ask and your reasoning ability which is on full display, you don’t exactly strike me as being even in the top 50th percentile in the brains department.

Not sure you should be casting any stones.
It does not stand. But let’s follow it down the path.

I don’t think he has? I doubt he performed abortions.

Yet he outlined a scenario in which a child was born, comforted, and killed. Is this not a problem for you?
I've said it once and I'll say it again. When you see the record high for a day in December, January, or February being recorded back in the 1800s that tells anyone with a brain the weather hot/cold is in a loop cycle on its own.

Before you jump to respond to call this post stupid, what would make some highs on record back in the 1800s that would support man made global warming?? Actually any Dem on this board are welcome to answer this.

Historical temperature data can be extrapolated by other methods than human historical records. I'm content to say we disagree for the time being, as the thread topic is beginning to derail.

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