Countdown to Northam Resignation


I wondered about this.

If the guy was totally racially incentive there's got to be more evidence than this yearbook page. What do his classmates have to say about it?
You wondered about what? That he would go with option B after the apology and say "oh I just remembered, that isn't me?"

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This attempt at denial could be an instant classic.

I wonder who mixed up the Coonman nickname. That was clearly someone else!
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I actually don’t believe he hasn’t heard it. Let’s wait and see.
First - You guys not believing or calling BS is a little tiresome, but whatever.
Second - Thurs. was a 12 hour day and Friday was a 13 hour day and once I got home I did not watch one minute of news.
Third - I looked and this is what I found.

"When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way," Northam said. "And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion."

Fourth - Seems to be exclusive to a mother's life being in critical eminent danger, there being sever deformities to the fetus, or the fetus being non viable. If an elderly person has a right to "do not resuscitate" or to the refusal of artificial life support measures based on quality of life considerations, I'm not sure that the mother/family/doctors/ of a fetus/newborn/infant shouldn't have those same rights. If a newborn with severe deformities can only survive through artificial support and has no prospects of future quality of life, what should happen, how much should be spent to extend the life and for how long, and who should make those decisions?
This is all the Virginia law and Northam were referencing. I think they are legitimate issues and concerns.

Lastly - This is the wrong thread.
You wondered about what? That he would go with option B after the apology and say "oh I just remembered, that isn't me?"



He didn’t remember not protesting when he got his yearbook and found a picture of a Klansman on his PERSONAL page. It just occurred to him that happened.

This is textbook Demo playbook here. Get your popcorn ready. 🍿 🍿

He didn’t remember not protesting when he got his yearbook and found a picture of a Klansman on his PERSONAL page. It just occurred to him that happened.

This is textbook Demo playbook here. Get your popcorn ready. 🍿 🍿
Yea he could've walked off in the sunset after his resignation. He's going the Titanic route at this point though.
The 80's must be a blur to everyone.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has told a source he now believes it is not him in a racist yearbook photo and, despite mounting pressure to resign, that he will not do so, according a top Virginia Democratic source who spoke to the governor on Saturday.
Northam told the source he was in touch with some of his former Eastern Virginia Medical School colleagues, who said they believed many of the pictures in the yearbook were mixed up.
Northam did not recall the picture being taken, he told the source, and said he was not involved in the production of the yearbook.

Well it either is or it isn't him. Honestly I think I would remember if I'd painted myself up in black or put on a Klan costume, but there is plenty of Sh|t that I can't remember doing that I wish I hadn't done, probably.

Considering the embarrassing photos on the previous page of the yearbook, there is a good chance that everyone at that party would take advantage of plausible deniability.
The 80's must be a blur to everyone.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has told a source he now believes it is not him in a racist yearbook photo and, despite mounting pressure to resign, that he will not do so, according a top Virginia Democratic source who spoke to the governor on Saturday.
Northam told the source he was in touch with some of his former Eastern Virginia Medical School colleagues, who said they believed many of the pictures in the yearbook were mixed up.
Northam did not recall the picture being taken, he told the source, and said he was not involved in the production of the yearbook.

No way. If you dressed up like that for a party, I don’t care how smashed you are or how long ago it was, you still know it was you that dressed up like that AND got a picture taken with a guy in a like themed costume that was your buddy at the time. You know damn well if it’s you or not. There is no “ MAY not be me.” But I can see his comrades running with this narrative. Gives them an out.

This guy agrees...but what goes around comes around!

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I wondered about this.

If the guy was totally racially incentive there's got to be more evidence than this yearbook page. What do his classmates have to say about it?

Not necessarily. Not photographic anyway. Maybe past conversations or something like that that someone in his situation could just say they never happened, just hearsay.
The 80's must be a blur to everyone.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has told a source he now believes it is not him in a racist yearbook photo and, despite mounting pressure to resign, that he will not do so, according a top Virginia Democratic source who spoke to the governor on Saturday.
Northam told the source he was in touch with some of his former Eastern Virginia Medical School colleagues, who said they believed many of the pictures in the yearbook were mixed up.
Northam did not recall the picture being taken, he told the source, and said he was not involved in the production of the yearbook.

The 80's must be a blur to everyone.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has told a source he now believes it is not him in a racist yearbook photo and, despite mounting pressure to resign, that he will not do so, according a top Virginia Democratic source who spoke to the governor on Saturday.
Northam told the source he was in touch with some of his former Eastern Virginia Medical School colleagues, who said they believed many of the pictures in the yearbook were mixed up.
Northam did not recall the picture being taken, he told the source, and said he was not involved in the production of the yearbook.
So, Coonman is still hanging in there?
Not necessarily. Not photographic anyway. Maybe past conversations or something like that that someone in his situation could just say they never happened, just hearsay.

Somebody has more photos, the ones not in the yearbook. Risky to say "it wasn't me" if it was. But what does he have to lose?
No way. If you dressed up like that for a party, I don’t care how smashed you are or how long ago it was, you still know it was you that dressed up like that AND got a picture taken with a guy in a like themed costume that was your buddy at the time. You know damn well if it’s you or not. There is no “ MAY not be me.” But I can see his comrades running with this narrative. Gives them an out.

I'm reserving judgment on whether a guy should be automatically disqualified from elected office based on a 35-year-old yearbook photo until we have the whole story.

It's weird. A lot of people here (with some justification) mock the SJW trend (or whatever you want to call it) of decrying everything as "racist."

Yet they now have no problem with judging this guy as a racist (today) because of a 35-year-old picture.
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I'm reserving judgment on whether a guy should be automatically disqualified from elected office based on a 35-year-old yearbook photo until we have the whole story.

It's weird. A lot of people here (with some justification) mock the SJW trend (or whatever you want to call it) of decrying everything as "racist."

Yet they now have no problem with judging this guy as a racist (today) because of a 35-year-old picture.
I don't think he should have to resign, but the Dems and the media have played the race card so many times on Repubs , that they look like total f***ing hypocrites if he doesn't.
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I actually agree with this. People grow and change. Wisdom comes with age. There should be a statute of limitations on the stupidity of youth.

Applied fairly and not based on party affiliation.
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I'm reserving judgment on whether a guy should be automatically disqualified from elected office based on a 35-year-old yearbook photo until we have the whole story.

It's weird. A lot of people here (with some justification) mock the SJW trend (or whatever you want to call it) of decrying everything as "racist."

Yet they now have no problem with judging this guy as a racist (today) because of a 35-year-old picture.

On the heels of Kavanaugh and the self-righteuos grand-standing the holier-than-thou Dems have been doing since Trump announced he was running for Pres....Hell NO I don't have a problem with it.
I don't think he should have to resign, but the Dems and the media have played the race card so many times on Repubs , that they look like total f***ing hypocrites if he doesn't.
I said that last night. But sense he's going with the lie of option B and doubling down, I want his azz out.

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