Countdown to Northam Resignation

I'm reserving judgment on whether a guy should be automatically disqualified from elected office based on a 35-year-old yearbook photo until we have the whole story.

It's weird. A lot of people here (with some justification) mock the SJW trend (or whatever you want to call it) of decrying everything as "racist."

Yet they now have no problem with judging this guy as a racist (today) because of a 35-year-old picture.

Don’t disagree with you. I don’t necessarily care whether he resigns or not. As I stated in another post, I don’t think he is or was a racist and most of us have done something stupid we thought was funny at the time that we would rather not talk about now. My point in all of this is the blatant double standards held by the left in these instances. Everybody expects grace for themselves but are unwilling to give it when the tables are turned.
I actually agree with this. People grow and change. Wisdom comes with age. There should be a statute of limitations on the stupidity of youth.

Applied fairly and not based on party affiliation.
It wouldn't have been quite as bad if Northam hadn't run ads against his Republican opponent, Ed Gillespie, branding him as a racist. But, it's straight out of the Democratic playbook.........accuse your opponent of what you are actually doing.....i.e. accuse Trump of collusion with Russians when that is how you get your oppo research.
I'm reserving judgment on whether a guy should be automatically disqualified from elected office based on a 35-year-old yearbook photo until we have the whole story.

It's weird. A lot of people here (with some justification) mock the SJW trend (or whatever you want to call it) of decrying everything as "racist."

Yet they now have no problem with judging this guy as a racist (today) because of a 35-year-old picture.

Who are you talking about?

Most people here have said it’s not that big of a deal or that they are having fun applying the left’s standards to one their own. I’m paraphrasing.

If all the Dems come around and justify this as past behavior in their minds, it will really be no surprise. As has been pointed out, look at Byrd. He was never judged for his cross burning days.
Who are you talking about?

Most people here have said it’s not that big of a deal or that they are having fun applying the left’s standards to one their own. I’m paraphrasing.

If all the Dems come around and justify this as past behavior in their minds, it will really be no surprise. As has been pointed out, look at Byrd. He was never judged for his cross burning days.
Byrd probably just had extra fire and had the urge to burn something. The crosses were probably nearby.
First - You guys not believing or calling BS is a little tiresome, but whatever.
Second - Thurs. was a 12 hour day and Friday was a 13 hour day and once I got home I did not watch one minute of news.
Third - I looked and this is what I found.

"When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way," Northam said. "And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion."

Fourth - Seems to be exclusive to a mother's life being in critical eminent danger, there being sever deformities to the fetus, or the fetus being non viable. If an elderly person has a right to "do not resuscitate" or to the refusal of artificial life support measures based on quality of life considerations, I'm not sure that the mother/family/doctors/ of a fetus/newborn/infant shouldn't have those same rights. If a newborn with severe deformities can only survive through artificial support and has no prospects of future quality of life, what should happen, how much should be spent to extend the life and for how long, and who should make those decisions?
This is all the Virginia law and Northam were referencing. I think they are legitimate issues and concerns.

Lastly - This is the wrong thread.

1- I still call BS. You managed to post almost 70 times in the politics forum during your 12 and 13 hour days. That thread was at the top for quite some time yesterday.

2- he’s talking about killing a child who been born, has deformities or could clearly be resuscitated, per his own statement. That’s infanticide.

3- it was being discussed in the context of a bill that allowed abortions UP TO THE DAY OF BIRTH. Northam supports the measure. It’s appalling.

4- you kept asking for links. You were directed to the other thread but propagated the conversation here. Deal with it.
1- I still call BS. You managed to post almost 70 times in the politics forum during your 12 and 13 hour days. That thread was at the top for quite some time yesterday.

2- he’s talking about killing a child who been born, has deformities or could clearly be resuscitated, per his own statement. That’s infanticide.

3- it was being discussed in the context of a bill that allowed abortions UP TO THE DAY OF BIRTH. Northam supports the measure. It’s appalling.

4- you kept asking for links. You were directed to the other thread but propagated the conversation here. Deal with it.
In the current context of the blackface/klan thing, most would assume it's a racial thing, but I'm not even close to 100% on that.
No. You're 100% correct...See this from a tennis commentator regarding Serena Williams:

A tennis commentator dropped by ESPN for a remark about Venus Williams during the Australian Open sued the sports network Tuesday for wrongful termination.

Former tennis pro Doug Adler maintains he was describing Williams’ aggressive style last month as “guerrilla” tactics and not comparing her to a “gorilla.”

He apologized for his poor word choice but was let go from ESPN mid-tournament.
No. You're 100% correct...See this from a tennis commentator regarding Serena Williams:

A tennis commentator dropped by ESPN for a remark about Venus Williams during the Australian Open sued the sports network Tuesday for wrongful termination.

Former tennis pro Doug Adler maintains he was describing Williams’ aggressive style last month as “guerrilla” tactics and not comparing her to a “gorilla.”

He apologized for his poor word choice but was let go from ESPN mid-tournament.

I get your point, although not exactly the same scenario. I do believe things are out of hand with assuming the worst when it comes to possible racial connotations.
Don’t disagree with you. I don’t necessarily care whether he resigns or not. As I stated in another post, I don’t think he is or was a racist and most of us have done something stupid we thought was funny at the time that we would rather not talk about now. My point in all of this is the blatant double standards held by the left in these instances. Everybody expects grace for themselves but are unwilling to give it when the tables are turned.
Who is showing a double standard? Most everything I've heard from the left has been calling for his resignation. If anything, I think the left has judged him more harshly because he is a democrat.

Full disclosure: I went to a Halloween party in the early '90's dressed as Don King, black face and all. Some golf buddies of mine had called me Don King on occasion because of my hair, which was curly, black but starting to gray, and could get a little unruly on a windy course. They also called me Colin Montgomerie. If you need a better visual., take Colin's hair and cross it with King's. Guess I want be running for president.
I wouldn't do it now but I thought it was fine then. I also now think it is fine that I thought it was fine then but not now.
Most people here have said it’s not that big of a deal or that they are having fun applying the left’s standards to one their own.

For some it's a bit more than that.

Anyway, this news cycle is entertaining, if nothing else.

1- I still call BS. You managed to post almost 70 times in the politics forum during your 12 and 13 hour days. That thread was at the top for quite some time yesterday.

2- he’s talking about killing a child who been born, has deformities or could clearly be resuscitated, per his own statement. That’s infanticide.

3- it was being discussed in the context of a bill that allowed abortions UP TO THE DAY OF BIRTH. Northam supports the measure. It’s appalling.

4- you kept asking for links. You were directed to the other thread but propagated the conversation here. Deal with it.
Call BS as much as you wish, it only serves to make you look foolish and petty in the eyes of the only person who can actually
As you were checking my post count I assume you also checked how many of those posts were in that particular thread. Care to share that info? Didn't think so.
Don’t disagree with you. I don’t necessarily care whether he resigns or not. As I stated in another post, I don’t think he is or was a racist and most of us have done something stupid we thought was funny at the time that we would rather not talk about now. My point in all of this is the blatant double standards held by the left in these instances. Everybody expects grace for themselves but are unwilling to give it when the tables are turned.

Largely not the case when a bunch of Democrats were calling for him to resign before all the facts were even on the table.
Who is showing a double standard? Most everything I've heard from the left has been calling for his resignation. If anything, I think the left has judged him more harshly because he is a democrat.

Full disclosure: I went to a Halloween party in the early '90's dressed as Don King, black face and all. Some golf buddies of mine had called me Don King on occasion because of my hair, which was curly, black but starting to gray, and could get a little unruly on a windy course. They also called me Colin Montgomerie. If you need a better visual., take Colin's hair and cross it with King's. Guess I want be running for president.
I wouldn't do it now but I thought it was fine then. I also now think it is fine that I thought it was fine then but not now.

Kavanaugh’s yearbook, though...that’s different!
Call BS as much as you wish, it only serves to make you look foolish and petty in the eyes of the only person who can actually
As you were checking my post count I assume you also checked how many of those posts were in that particular thread. Care to share that info? Didn't think so.

I will gladly share. 0 of your 67 posts were in that thread. Bet you didn’t even open it up.
Find me one member of Congress today (outside of Steve King) who would let himself be photographed the way Mitch was there.
e44e075df8c24e05dd70d3d9591d548d.jpg mean someone serving NOW..

Dont really know many members of congress. Got a list of Democrats I can pick from?
Largely not the case when a bunch of Democrats were calling for him to resign before all the facts were even on the table.

At least they’re consistent. As a rule, they don’t wait on facts. Pounce while the emotions are high.

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