Countdown to Northam Resignation

I will gladly share. 0 of your 67 posts were in that thread. Bet you didn’t even open it up.
I did not, thus my not knowing anything about the issue; which happened to be the point with which you claimed BS. Apology accepted.
Who is showing a double standard? Most everything I've heard from the left has been calling for his resignation. If anything, I think the left has judged him more harshly because he is a democrat.

Full disclosure: I went to a Halloween party in the early '90's dressed as Don King, black face and all. Some golf buddies of mine had called me Don King on occasion because of my hair, which was curly, black but starting to gray, and could get a little unruly on a windy course. They also called me Colin Montgomerie. If you need a better visual., take Colin's hair and cross it with King's. Guess I want be running for president.
I wouldn't do it now but I thought it was fine then. I also now think it is fine that I thought it was fine then but not now.
Have you openly apologized to the black community for this yet? You better hustle on down to Grove Park and beg for forgiveness!
I did not, thus my not knowing anything about the issue; which happened to be the point with which you claimed BS. Apology accepted.

But I didn’t apologize, Luther. I’m still calling BS. I think you had already heard about this.
Who are you talking about?

Most people here have said it’s not that big of a deal or that they are having fun applying the left’s standards to one their own. I’m paraphrasing.

If all the Dems come around and justify this as past behavior in their minds, it will really be no surprise. As has been pointed out, look at Byrd. He was never judged for his cross burning days.
The left is having a really hard time dealing with this, which is interesting considering the dude is a White male. He is literally by birth the most hated person in his party. Must be all that praise heaped on him by some of the Presidential hopefuls that is causing them to be timid..
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The left is having a really hard time dealing with this, which is interesting considering the dude is a White male. He is literally by birth the most hated person in his party. Must be all that praise heaped on him by some of the Presidential hopefuls that is causing them to be timid..

If I ever see him, I’m calling him Coonman.
But I didn’t apologize, Luther. I’m still calling BS. I think you had already heard about this.
Well then you're just wrong, and that's completely on you. This is a silly point over which to sacrifice so much of your credibility. Save some for something more relevant.
You’ll need to prove that you didn’t know. I don't.
We've clearly stated our positions. I know the truth, you know that you can't know the truth, and anyone unfortunate enough to have read through this crap can draw their own conclusions. You are basically just doubling down on calling me a liar over an insignificant issue because you are not mature enough to just apologize or at the least just let it go. I don't.
We've clearly stated our positions. I know the truth, you know that you can't know the truth, and anyone unfortunate enough to have read through this crap can draw their own conclusions. You are basically just doubling down on calling me a liar over an insignificant issue because you are not mature enough to just apologize or at the least just let it go.

So you cannot prove it?
Who is showing a double standard? Most everything I've heard from the left has been calling for his resignation. If anything, I think the left has judged him more harshly because he is a democrat.

Full disclosure: I went to a Halloween party in the early '90's dressed as Don King, black face and all. Some golf buddies of mine had called me Don King on occasion because of my hair, which was curly, black but starting to gray, and could get a little unruly on a windy course. They also called me Colin Montgomerie. If you need a better visual., take Colin's hair and cross it with King's. Guess I want be running for president.
I wouldn't do it now but I thought it was fine then. I also now think it is fine that I thought it was fine then but not now.
I think it takes it a little to far that someone can't dress up as Don King for something like Halloween. I would have no problem with Don King dressing up as Chuck Norris.
Who is showing a double standard? Most everything I've heard from the left has been calling for his resignation. If anything, I think the left has judged him more harshly because he is a democrat.

Full disclosure: I went to a Halloween party in the early '90's dressed as Don King, black face and all. Some golf buddies of mine had called me Don King on occasion because of my hair, which was curly, black but starting to gray, and could get a little unruly on a windy course. They also called me Colin Montgomerie. If you need a better visual., take Colin's hair and cross it with King's. Guess I want be running for president.
I wouldn't do it now but I thought it was fine then. I also now think it is fine that I thought it was fine then but not now.

Because he’s white.

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