Countdown to Northam Resignation

He came here to dance, even if you don't want to... I have a theory, but it would definitely not be Luth. Could be wrong though.
I don't care who it is, I ignored him. You want to come in here and debate, ho for it. But don't come in here calling people racist just for giggles.
He came here to dance, even if you don't want to... I have a theory, but it would definitely not be Luth. Could be wrong though.

I love dancing.

Im even fine with him calling me a racist. It’s peculiar he won’t put out any evidence or tell me why.

I believe this Vahl to be a currently frustrated poster who likes to normally appear civil and is using this alter to work out some of his anger issues.
God, they were right. You're so dumb and so easy!!!

What else do the voices tell you?
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there is a theory that Freak has about 40 alters he uses to get threads flamed up and creating hits.

When hits are too low he goes alter and says something that causes the thread to take off like a bullet.

This theory has been around for years.

Of course it’s my theory and I am just an alter of Freak so what do I know.
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You leveled the charge. You going to cough up the goods? Or are you just calling names?
Prove you're not a racist.
See how silly that "prove it" threshold can be? (and I wasn't even the one who leveled the charge} Hypocrite much?
Apology accepted
Who is showing a double standard? Most everything I've heard from the left has been calling for his resignation. If anything, I think the left has judged him more harshly because he is a democrat.

Full disclosure: I went to a Halloween party in the early '90's dressed as Don King, black face and all. Some golf buddies of mine had called me Don King on occasion because of my hair, which was curly, black but starting to gray, and could get a little unruly on a windy course. They also called me Colin Montgomerie. If you need a better visual., take Colin's hair and cross it with King's. Guess I want be running for president.
I wouldn't do it now but I thought it was fine then. I also now think it is fine that I thought it was fine then but not now.
So what's changed? A white guy going to a Halloween party as Don King is funny. It's not a racial jab at black folks IMO. Dressing in black face as little sambo is totally different
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Yes it does. You marxist have a history of hating blacks. Heck you kill millions of black babies
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