Its a short list,to the point of this music genre being put on the endangered species list. I was just listening to the country music stations driving through Kentucky and Tennessee realizing why i stopped listening to the new stuff.
I blame three people for the downfall of country music, wasn't intentional just ended up being a catalyst for the **** we listen to today.
Billy Ray Cyrus- say what you want about his lameness but it started the "club country" sickness.
Brooks and Dunn- Boot Scootin' Boogie... Took Line dancing to another level.. wasn't about heartache and pain but about clubbing with a cowboy hat and getting laid.Not saying i didn't take advantage of this,but still it steered a great music genre into a world of crap. Keith Urban and Chesney did their damage as well.
What disappoints me more than anything is how history looks at Clint Black now, he deserved a better fate, just because he went head to head and lost to Garth didn't mean he sucked. Granted he never really seemed to develop past those first few albums.. but they were damn solid..
Alot of my elders say that country music died with Keith Whitley.. don't agree with that but i can see the argument ...