COVID Relief Package

It seems to me that $1400 isn't going to pay his 3 mos of rent. But that's only $300B of the $1.9T bill anyway. Put that in a separate bill and it'll pass today. But the Dems want to use this crisis to get more goodies
He has three kids that will give him the rent. For I’ve said, I didn’t like the rest of the stuff in there. There isn’t any use for the other stuff, that isn’t covid related. I’ve paid one month of his rent myself.
He has three kids that will give him the rent. For I’ve said, I didn’t like the rest of the stuff in there. There isn’t any use for the other stuff, that isn’t covid related. I’ve paid one month of his rent myself.

There are plenty of jobs out there to be had. Tell your friend to get one of them.
He should open up and tell the governor or mayor, who ever is forcing him to be closed to F off.
He has ask the company why they are waiting till April to open up. Covid protocols. That’s what they are telling him. I don’t know if the governor or mayor can do anything or not?
There are plenty of jobs out there to be had. Tell your friend to get one of them.
Right now, he is working two part time jobs, but his real job will open up in April, and then he will be able to get caught up with everything...
He has ask the company why they are waiting till April to open up. Covid protocols. That’s what they are telling him. I don’t know if the governor or mayor can do anything or not?
Maybe but whatever fines that would come along would have to be less than losing $$ every day for a year
Maybe but whatever fines that would come along would have to be less than losing $$ every day for a year
Per the usual you don't know what you are talking about. In several states you can be fined tens of thousands of dollars per day once you become a repeat offender.
Per the usual you don't know what you are talking about. In several states you can be fined tens of thousands of dollars per day once you become a repeat offender.

And those fines would not hold up in court. It is an excuse, plain and simple.
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Per the usual you don't know what you are talking about. In several states you can be fined tens of thousands of dollars per day once you become a repeat offender.
As usual you are getting in my conversation. They don’t have the authority to enforce these unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates
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A former Republican operative who now leads one of the nation's most powerful business groups is praising President Joe Biden's efforts to defeat the coronavirus pandemic.
"It is fantastic to have a partner in the White House," Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, told CNN Business. "We felt like we were fighting this fight, frankly, all alone for the last year."
NAM, which represents more than 130,000 manufacturers, announced Friday it is planning to partner with the Biden administration to help fight the pandemic.
Way to jump on it quickly. Maybe the planning will end and they’ll actually start doing something soon. Hilarious.

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