COVID Relief Package

Hopefully it will die before ever becoming law.
In somewhat way, I wish it would die with just four things on it. Stimulus checks, child tax credit, money for small businesses, and unemployment till September or October. That is all it needs...
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Mitch, and the rest, should have been 100% against all and any stimulus checks. So should have Trump.

This is where I am gonna go off the conservative range. There is no way in hell a person making 140k a year in nashville needs a stimulus check but the guy working his ass off as a cook in the restaurant who lost his job due to no fault of his own needs help. Take the damn stimulus check from anyone making 85k or more with a job and give it to the actual people who are suffering cause their state or city shut them down.

I get they live in a liberal area. I get they probably voted for the liberal leader. But at the end of the day we are either the united states and united or we fall.

I have zero issue with taxes if they go to real stuff. Now this is where I will get crucified by most of my conservative friends on here but at some point I will die and I will stand before God and he will judge me so I am for stimulus that ONLY goes to those were did nothing wrong and were working hard.
In somewhat way, I wish it would die with just four things on it. Stimulus checks, child tax credit, money for small businesses, and unemployment till September or October. That is all it needs...

It needs to die completely and every state an city opens up without restrictions.
This is where I am gonna go off the conservative range. There is no way in hell a person making 140k a year in nashville needs a stimulus check but the guy working his ass off as a cook in the restaurant who lost his job due to no fault of his own needs help. Take the damn stimulus check from anyone making 85k or more with a job and give it to the actual people who are suffering cause their state or city shut them down.

I get they live in a liberal area. I get they probably voted for the liberal leader. But at the end of the day we are either the united states and united or we fall.

I have zero issue with taxes if they go to real stuff. Now this is where I will get crucified by most of my conservative friends on here but at some point I will die and I will stand before God and he will judge me so I am for stimulus that ONLY goes to those were did nothing wrong and were working hard.
So I will mark you down as pro socialist. People love what they love.
The ****ing horror..

Johnson is taking a two-pronged approach to his hardball tactics: First, he's forcing the Senate clerks to read the entire piece of legislation, a delaying tactic
Aren't they supposed to pass it THEN read it?
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there is the upper income limit for the full payment and the upper limit for partial payments.

if you’re married and joining income is <150k, you’ll get 1400 * 100%

Then between 150k and 160k, the payment gets smaller.

Anyone above 160k gets 0.

I believe the partial payments in the last payments phased out to 0 above 180k.

So anyone between 160 and 180 got stimulus dollars last time but will get 0 in this proposal.
I WILL make above $160. I haven't yet. So will I get a check?
So they held the vote without the 50th R there because of a funeral to pass it 50-49??

I know that if he was there it would’ve been 50-50 and Harris would break the tie, but it would’ve been nice to see her have to cast the deciding vote on moving it forward and the vote itself.

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