COVID Relief Package

The unemployment money is so rife with fraud. I saw where Ohio estimates 60-70% of unemployment claims they're receiving are scams. California has already paid out billions to scams and prisoners. Look at state unemployment claims numbers over the last six months, they continue to rise at crazy rates but no real corresponding change to unemployment rates. And a lot of this money is going overseas.
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So the WP is admitting that the GOP Senate and Trump ended poverty last year?
Trump 1800, 2.2 trillion, and fast tracked vaccine
Biden promised 2,000 lied and only gave us 1,400 sending kids back into poverty and only 1.9 trillion
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$91M to "outreach" student loan comes loan forgivness so chalk up another $1-$2T.
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Where are all those dems here who were so concerned about spending over the past 4 years?
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So the WP is admitting that the GOP Senate and Trump ended poverty last year?
Trump 1800, 2.2 trillion, and fast tracked vaccine
Biden promised 2,000 lied and only gave us 1,400 sending kids back into poverty and only 1.9 trillion

Biden lied - Poor people dreams of buying instead of stealing authentic Air Jordans died.
$91M to "outreach" student loan comes loan forgivness so chalk up another $1-$2T.
Bah. No worries! Once these people who were tricked into getting loans they could never pay back have them disappear, they will become financially fit and productive members of society who will never need a government bailout ever again because they will have learned a valuable lesson. Average credit scores will soar! Americans chained to debt that they obviously had no choice in taking on will be free and America will be great again!

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Bah. No worries! Once these people who were tricked into getting loans they could never pay back have them disappear, they will become financially fit and productive members of society who will never need a government bailout ever again because they will have learned a valuable lesson. Average credit scores will soar! Americans chained to debt that they obviously had no choice in taking on will be free and America will be great again!

We screwed
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Thanks Joe!

Trump 1,800 stimulus checks 2.2 trillion dollar bill 600 dollar unemployment benefit
Biden lied 2,000 became,400 1.9 stimulus 300 dollar unemployment benefit the rest goes to bail out badly run Blue cities
Seriously we are...the US is at the same point where the Roman empire was..lazy and demanding public...we have people "demanding" to be paid for having the bad luck of being around on Earth while there was a pandemic
I wasn’t around for the fall of the Roman Empire but these times do have a certain vibe like we’re circling the drain at an accelerating rate.
watching the local news tonight - Alabama k-12 schools getting close to $1 billion from the CARES Act (prior Covid stimulus)

this is money that was allocated prior to the soon to be passed relief package.

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