COVID Relief Package

Great job Joe!

Beware the COVID-19 Debt Hangover

President Joe Biden's proposed $1.9 trillion relief package would increase economic growth by 0.6 percent in 2021, according to analyses by the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM). After that, though, it would start to slow the economy, decreasing GDP by 0.2 percent in 2022 and by 0.3 percent as late as 2040, showing lingering negative effects after the initial spending.

"CBO estimates that the legislation will boost the level of real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by 4.7 percent in 2020 and 3.1 percent in 2021," according to a September 2020 report forecasting the impact of pandemic-related federal spending. "From fiscal year 2020 through 2023, for every dollar that it adds to the deficit, the legislation is projected to increase GDP by about 58 cents. In the longer term, the legislation will reduce the level of real GDP, CBO estimates."

Since CBO never gets it right; bet that they got the longer term part right and the short term way too rosy - that none of this stimulus will work out for the country, but NYC, illegal immigration, unicorns, and rainbows will have a short term boost.
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Since CBO never gets it right; bet that they got the longer term part right and the short term way too rosy - that none of this stimulus will work out for the country, but NYC, illegal immigration, unicorns, and rainbows will have a short term boost.
My guess is the opposite. Short term spot on. Long term way worse
My guess is the opposite. Short term spot on. Long term way worse

I was just looking at the point that they considered it a negative at all in a couple of years, so I agree with you on that part, but I still think they have the shorter term too rosy. CBO just tends to be overly optimistic about what congress is going to cost us.
50 years ago I used to argue with my father about the national debt. Fast forward from 1971 to 2021 and people in congress are still spending money like drunk sailors. Apparently it doesn't matter anymore so lets open the taps and spend like there is no tomorrow/
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50 years ago I used to argue with my father about the national debt. Fast forward from 1971 to 2021 and people in congress are still spending money like drunk sailors. Apparently it doesn't matter anymore so lets open the taps and spend like there is no tomorrow/
Stop insulting drunk sailors
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50 years ago I used to argue with my father about the national debt. Fast forward from 1971 to 2021 and people in congress are still spending money like drunk sailors. Apparently it doesn't matter anymore so lets open the taps and spend like there is no tomorrow/

Sell the debt to China, tell them we're cancelling our debt, and they can try to come get their investment back. Unfortunately we have too many dims and pansy republicans in power to make it work.
I think there’s a lot of people in this country with dad issues. They need someone to give them an allowance and tell them when it’s ok to go outside.
I started watching Cobra Kai tonight and Johnny Lawrence nailed it on the head when he told the kid he was training "Im going to teach you the style of karate that was taught to me. A method of fighting your pussy generation desperately needs.
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