COVID Relief Package

And yet Trump is 100% right.
How is he right? As that post just stated, Pfizer did not spend any government money toward the development of their vaccine. The only thing that can be said for Operation Warp Speed is that it added further incentive for them... but the development of that vaccine was already underway. Trump is dead wrong, but because of his egotistical nature, he is seeking credit for something his administration had nothing to do with.
How is he right? As that post just stated, Pfizer did not spend any government money toward the development of their vaccine. The only thing that can be said for Operation Warp Speed is that it added further incentive for them... but the development of that vaccine was already underway. Trump is dead wrong, but because of his egotistical nature, he is seeking credit for something his administration had nothing to do with.
Your understanding of not only government policy but basic science is appalling. It must tear you apart inside to know Trump is the reason for the vaccine, not Biden. When you get that vaccine and dont die from covid, thank Trump. In fact, take a knee and beg for forgiveness for Biden for fu##ing up the vaccine rollout and being responsible for over 150,000 covid deaths in less than 60 days.
Statement from the Office of Former President Donald Trump:

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn't President, you wouldn't be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!"

-- Former President Donald Trump

This statement was released a few hours after President Joe Biden announced his administration would order another 100 million doses of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine to bolster the nation's efforts to get shots into arms.

This was basically a tweet with a letterhead on it, which will have to suffice since Trump was de-platformed by social media. The depth of Trump's egotism, and his desperate need for individual credit is pathetic. Never mind that he admitted to downplaying the threat of the Coronavirus a year ago. Trump wants us to believe that a vaccine would have never been developed without Operation Warp Speed... even though Pfizer did not accept government money to develop, test or expand manufacturing capacity under Operation Warp Speed. The only thing Operation Warp Speed did, was incentivize the development of the vaccine - which was already under way.

Trump will always make for an interesting study in narcissism.

Whether Pfizer accepted money or not to develop is immaterial, who do you think prompted the FDA to get it's butt in gear for testing and emergency acceptance so Pfizer could profit from the development? Speaking of development. Did you know Moderna developed their vaccine in a couple of days during January of 2020 with specifics about Covid-19 apparently leaked from China? Dims running victory laps had nothing to do with getting a vaccination program underway. Did you happen to know or remember as soon as Trump was removed from the equation that Amazon immediately offered to transport vaccine?
Whether Pfizer accepted money or not to develop is immaterial, who do you think prompted the FDA to get it's butt in gear for testing and emergency acceptance so Pfizer could profit from the development? Speaking of development. Did you know Moderna developed their vaccine in a couple of days during January of 2020 with specifics about Covid-19 apparently leaked from China? Dims running victory laps had nothing to do with getting a vaccination program underway. Did you happen to know or remember as soon as Trump was removed from the equation that Amazon immediately offered to transport vaccine?
It is stretch to say this... The fact is, Trump was publicly downplaying the threat of the virus well into April.
Your understanding of not only government policy but basic science is appalling. It must tear you apart inside to know Trump is the reason for the vaccine, not Biden. When you get that vaccine and dont die from covid, thank Trump. In fact, take a knee and beg for forgiveness for Biden for fu##ing up the vaccine rollout and being responsible for over 150,000 covid deaths in less than 60 days.
Trump had nothing to do with the development of the vaccine. It is a fact that Pfizer's development was already underway at the time Operation Warp Speed was implemented... and they didn't accept any government money in their development.
Trump had nothing to do with the development of the vaccine. It is a fact that Pfizer's development was already underway at the time Operation Warp Speed was implemented... and they didn't accept any government money in their development.
Lol. You think Warp Speed was all that was going on? Oh my god.

Also, fyi, there are more vaccines out there than the Pfizer one. You seem oddly fixated on that, or didn't you know?
It is stretch to say this... The fact is, Trump was publicly downplaying the threat of the virus well into April.

It's a much bigger stretch not to recognize what's right in front of your face. Check the normal time necessary for FDA drug approval, and consider Trump and not lyin' Biden was in office at the time.
Lol. You think Warp Speed was all that was going on? Oh my god.

Also, fyi, there are more vaccines out there than the Pfizer one. You seem oddly fixated on that, or didn't you know?
That was the first vaccine given FDA emergency authorization for use. For the most part, Trump was still trying to sell hydroxychloroquine as a treatment in the fall. To give him credit for the development of any of the vaccines is ridiculous. The fact that he is publicly begging for such credit is downright pathetic... but that epitomizes Trump in a nutshell.
Am I reading this bill right? Anyone making 400k or less will receive 250 per month per kid?

I read that wrong, right?
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That was the first vaccine given FDA emergency authorization for use. For the most part, Trump was still trying to sell hydroxychloroquine as a treatment in the fall. To give him credit for the development of any of the vaccines is ridiculous. The fact that he is publicly begging for such credit is downright pathetic... but that epitomizes Trump in a nutshell.
Yikes. You are really doing some serious mental gymnastics to avoid giving credit to Trump for literally paving the way for beating this pandemic. You're like a left wing Hannity with a worse education.
Am I reading this bill right? Anyone making 400k or less will receive 250 per month per kid?

I read that wrong, right?

Gotta keep breeding new dims, you know ... and it's not cheap. $250/mo will barely keep them stylish.
Yikes. You are really doing some serious mental gymnastics to avoid giving credit to Trump for literally paving the way for beating this pandemic. You're like a left wing Hannity with a worse education.
Because Trump didn't pave the way for anything. Trump was pushing hydroxychloroquine as a cure, as late as October and insisting that the Coronavirus would "magically disappear" in the warm weather months last April.

My education includes a bachelor's degree from the University of Tennessee. I'm sure I'm not alone on here in that regard. LOL.
Because Trump didn't pave the way for anything. Trump was pushing hydroxychloroquine as a cure, as late as October and insisting that the Coronavirus would "magically disappear" in the warm weather months last April.

My education includes a bachelor's degree from the University of Tennessee. I'm sure I'm not alone on here in that regard. LOL.

Any policy you dislike so far with Biden?
Wanna complain about the size of this plan, take it up with this guy

Nope. Bidens fault. His show. For 4 years your side blamed the former Muslim in charge for nothing and blamed Trump for everything. So you fished it out, now it’s time to take your medicine. Your boy is a national embarrassment and is spending like a drunk chick with a centurion card. All while he can barely string coherent sentences together.

Man Joe is killing it literally.
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